Inflammation and pro-resolution inflammation after hepatobiliary surgery


Background: The magnitude of the perioperative inflammatory response plays a role in surgical outcomes. However, few studies have explored the mechanisms of the resolution of inflammation in the context of surgery. Here, we described the temporal kinetics of interleukin-6, cortisol, lipoxin A4, and resolvin D in patients who underwent oncologic liver resections. Methods: All patients gave written informed consent. Demographic and perioperative surgical data were collected, along with blood samples, before surgery and on the mornings of postoperative days 1, 3, and 5. Interleukin-6, cortisol, lipoxin-A4, and resolvin D were measured in plasma. A P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Forty-one patients were included in the study. Liver resection for colorectal metastatic disease was the most commonly performed surgery. The plasma concentrations of interleukin-6 were highest on day 1 after surgery and remained higher than the baseline up to postoperative day 1. Postoperative complications occurred in 14 (24%) patients. Cortisol concentrations spiked on postoperative day 1. The concentrations of lipoxin A4 and resolvin D were lowest on day 1 after surgery. Conclusions: The inflammatory response associated with hepatobiliary surgery is associated with low circulating concentrations of lipoxin A4 and resolvin D that mirror, in an opposite manner, the kinetics of interleukin 6 and cortisol. Trial registration NCT0143847

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Harvard University - DASH


This paper was published in Harvard University - DASH.

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