Access to safe blood in low-income and middle-income countries: lessons from India


Timely, affordable access to screened blood is essential to the provision of safe surgical care, and depends on three key aspects: adequate volume of blood supply, safe protocols for blood donation and transfusion, and appropriate regulation to ensure safe, equitable, and sustainable distribution. Many low- and middle-income countries experience a deficit in these categories, particularly in rural areas. We draw on the experience of rural surgical practitioners in India and summarize the existing literature to evaluate India’s blood banking system and discuss its major barriers to the safe and equitable provision of blood. Many low- and middle-income countries struggle with accruing a sufficient voluntary, unpaid blood donation base to meet the need. Efforts to increase blood supply through mandatory family replacement donations can lead to dangerous delays in care provision. Additionally, prohibition of unbanked, directed blood transfusion restricts the options of health practitioners, particularly in rural areas. Blood safety is also a significant concern, and efforts must be taken to decrease the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections and inform and treat donors who test positive. Lastly, blood banking systems need a centralized governing body to ensure fair prices for blood, promote comprehensive transfusion reporting, and increase system-wide transparency and accountability

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Harvard University - DASH


This paper was published in Harvard University - DASH.

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