Etymologiczne zabawy Juliana Tuwima


The article concentrates on the etymological and quasi-etymological considerations of Julian Tuwim, his fascination with Slavism and the future of language and word-formative experiments. Of course, there is no mention here about a program manifesto forming a logically ordered lecture in an academic sense. The linguistic knowledge of the poet “can be recognized” in his opinions appearing in Pegazie dęba or in funny poetical puns and metalinguistic utterances. It must be emphasized that in the writer’s opinion, language is not only a substance used for creation of the literary vision of the world. The artist makes efforts to comprehend the secrets of a language system and even draws conclusions of theoretical nature, turning language into a kind of a “protagonist” of his own poetic texts, journalistic texts or texts on the theory of literature

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Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza

Last time updated on 13/04/2018

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