Perirenal fat stranding is not a powerful diagnostic tool for acute pyelonephritis [Corrigendum]


Fukami H, Takeuchi Y, Kagaya S, et al. Int J Gen Med. 2017;10:137–144.Page 137, Abstract, Results, the text “The frequency of PFS was 72% in the pyelonephritis group vs 39% in the control group” should read “The frequency of PFS was 72% in the pyelonephritis group vs 29% in the control group”.Page 140, Table 1, Control (PRB) column, last row, the data “93 (39%)” should read “93 (29%)”.Page 141, Discussion, line 5, the text “PFS was found in 39% of patients” should read “PFS was found in 72% of patients”. Read the original articl

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