Influence of compositional complexity on interdiffusion in Ni-containing concentrated solid-solution alloys


<p>To investigate the compositional effects on thermal-diffusion kinetics in concentrated solid-solution alloys, interdiffusion in seven diffusion couples with alloys from binary to quinary is systematically studied. The alloys with higher compositional complexity exhibit in general lower diffusion coefficients against homologous temperature, however, an exception is found that diffusion in NiCoFeCrPd is faster than in NiCoFeCr and NiCoCr. While the derived diffusion parameters suggest that diffusion in medium and high entropy alloys is overall more retarded than in pure metals and binary alloys, they strongly depend on specific constituents. The comparative features are captured by computational thermodynamics approaches using a self-consistent database.</p> <p>This work experimentally demonstrates that thermal-diffusion kinetics in concentrated solid-solution alloys depends not only on the number but also strongly on the species of the alloying elements.</p

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Last time updated on 14/03/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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