Surface properties, micellar molecular interaction, and physical properties for binary systems of sodium oleate with three anionic surfactants


<p>The mixed micellization of the anionic surfactant sodium oleate (NaOL) and three anionic surfactants (NaDC, AOT, SDS) of different structures in 0.01 mol/L NaCl solution was investigated by surface tension measurement at different temperatures. All the investigated mixtures exhibited nonideal behaviors as the experimental critical micelle concentration (<i>CMC</i>) values were less than the values calculated by using the Clint’s equation. Negative β<sup>m</sup> values calculated by using Rubingh’s equation and |ln(<i>CMC</i><sub>1</sub>/<i>CMC</i><sub>2</sub>)| < |β<sup>m</sup>| proved synergism in the three systems of higher α<sub>NaOL</sub> or lower <i>α</i><sub>NaOL</sub>. An interesting phenomenon of double inflection points was observed for pure NaOL and mixtures of high <i>α</i><sub>NaOL</sub>. The negative Δ<i>G</i><sup>0</sup><sub>m</sub> values for the mixed systems imply that the micelle formations are spontaneous process. The NaOL/NaDC system was also studied in buffer solution (pH 8, 12) at 30°C which also exhibited nonideal behavior. Synergism existed at pH 12 but not at pH 8 for the NaOL/NaDC system. It is noteworthy that there were no double inflection points for NaOL/NaDC system in buffer solution (pH 8, 12). Krafft point and calcium stability data show that these three anionic surfactants can improve the water solubility and hard-water resistance of soap.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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