Validation of 3D neutronic-thermalhydraulic coupled codes RELAP5/PARCSv2.7 and TRACEv5.0P3/PARCSv3.0 against a PWR control rod drop transient


<p>In nuclear safety field, neutronic and thermalhydraulic codes performance is an important issue. New capabilities implementation, as well as models and tools improvements are a significant part of the community effort in looking for better nuclear power plants (NPP) designs. A procedure to analyze the PWR response to local deviations on neutronic or thermalhydraulic parameters is being developed. This procedure includes the simulation of <i>Incore</i> and <i>Excore</i> neutron flux detectors signals. A control rod drop real plant transient is used to validate the used codes and their new capabilities. Cross-section data are obtained by means of the SIMTAB methodology. Detailed thermalhydraulic models were developed: RELAP5 and TRACE models simulate three different azimuthal zones. Besides, TRACE model is performed with a fully three-dimensional core, thus, the cross-flow can be obtained. A Cartesian vessel represents the fuel assemblies and a cylindrical vessel the bypass and downcomer. Simulated detectors signals are obtained and compared with the real data collected during a control rod drop trial at a PWR NPP and also with data obtained with SIMULATE-3K code.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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