Investigating the shape memory properties of 4D printed polylactic acid (PLA) and the concept of 4D printing onto nylon fabrics for the creation of smart textiles


<p>3D printing is an ever growing industry that provides many benefits to the advanced manufacturing and design industry. However, parts tend to be static, rigid, and lack multi-purpose use. Recently, a new technology has emerged that uses 3D printing to print parts with the ability to change shape over time when exposed to different external stimuli. This new technology has been called 4D printing. Creation of a new material that is capable of changing shape when exposed to different stimuli and possess the ability to be 3D printed can be a difficult and a long process. Due to this strenuous process, the potential of a common fused deposition modelling material, poly(lactic) acid (PLA), for use in 4D printing is investigated and the concept of combining PLA with nylon fabric for the creation of smart textiles is explored. PLA possesses thermal shape memory behaviour and maintains these abilities when combined with nylon fabric that can be thermomechanically trained into temporary shapes and return to their permanent shapes when heated.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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