Detailed fluvial-geomorphologic mapping of wadeable streams: a proposal of universal map symbology


<p>Detailed maps are important components of fluvial-geomorphological research, connecting several tools, namely field mapping of presented channel and floodplain forms and the assessment of fluvial processes and hydromorphological conditions of current river management. In this paper, we propose a universal map legend for the complex mapping of small stream channels in a detailed scale, which means including both the channel and adjacent floodplain segments. With the help of the symbology we are able to demonstrate both fluvial forms (i.e. individual features, grain size of bed sediments and fluvial deposits) and fluvial processes (i.e. contemporary trends in channels, character of lateral sediment inputs and flow characteristics) in a single map. In total, nearly 150 symbols were proposed and created as a combination of TrueType font and ArcGIS Style files. However, the principle can be used in various software. The work is accompanied by three map examples from the Nízký Jeseník Mts (the Stará Voda Stream) and the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (the Lubina and Bystrý Streams).</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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