Silver-enhanced lateral flow immunoassay for highly-sensitive detection of potato leafroll virus


<p>Rapid non-laboratory screening of plants for pathogenic viruses crucially influences crop yields in modern agricultural technologies. The aim of this study was to develop a highly-sensitive lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) for rapid detection of potato leafroll virus (PLRV), an infectious agent of one of the most widespread potato diseases. The proposed LFIA combines the formation of sandwich immune complexes with gold nanoparticles (GNP) as labels and silver enhancement. The enhancement stage was realized using mixture of silver lactate and hydroquinone and subsequent addition of chloride-containing buffer to stop silver reduction. LFIA with silver enhancement was 15 times more sensitive (detection limit 0.2 ng/mL; 15 min) compared with conventional LFIA (detection limit 3 ng/mL; 10 min). The enhanced LFIA detected PLRV in leaves’ extracts of infected potato in dilutions higher than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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