Geology of the Eastern Prebetic Zone at the Jumilla region (SE Iberia)


<p>This article presents a geological map and cross-sections at 1:50,000 scale covering an area of 609 km<sup>2</sup> of the Eastern Prebetic Zone (SE Iberia). The structure of the studied area is characterized by an NW-directed fold-and-thrust belt and inactive salt diapirs that are parallel to the ENE- to NE-regional trend of the eastern Betic Cordillera. This regional trend is locally disrupted by the NW-trending Matamoros Basin, which is flanked by the active Jumilla and La Rosa diapirs. The geological map, the cross-sections and the outcrop observations support the hypothesis that the major Mesozoic rifting phase affecting the Eastern Prebetic Zone occurred during the Upper Jurassic to Santonian times coeval to the development of extensional basins in the Western Tethyan area. The proximal part of this passive margin was subsequently incorporated into the external part of the Betic thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt. The Upper Cretaceous to Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the study area encompassed the following stages: a Campanian to Aquitanian NW-directed contraction; a Burdigalian to upper Miocene extensional reactivation of the main subsalt faults; and a Serravallian NW-directed contractional reactivation. In this scenario, the combined effect of the previous contractional reactivation of pre-existing salt structures together with the Miocene subsalt extension triggered passive salt extrusion of the La Rosa and Jumilla diapirs.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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