Compositional partitioning during the spinodal decomposition in Cu–Ni–Sn alloy


<p>Spinodal decomposition in Cu–9.4at%Ni–3.1at%Sn alloy was elucidated with the new insight from the experimental EXAFS analysis supported by <i>ab initio</i> total energy calculations suggesting the strong influence of the first near-neighbour atoms. Enthalpy of mixing was calculated for all crystallographically unique first near-neighbour configurations and finally an average positive enthalpy of mixing of 1604 J/mol was obtained. Combination of <i>ab initio</i> results, XRD and EXAFS analysis indicate that one of the daughter phase becomes rich in Ni and Sn than the other phase; in contrary to the earlier proposition that Cu/Ni ratio remains constant in both daughter phases. It is also shown that the present thermodynamic description requires further refinement to extend the miscibility gap towards lower Ni content in Cu–Ni–Sn system.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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