Pengaruh Waktu Pengeringan Dan Jenis Limbah Organik Terhadap Kualitas Tisu


Organic wastes that accumulate and does not treated will have an impact for the environment. This can be prevented by treating the organic waste into a valuable product. Tissue paper is one of the example products that can be produced from organic waste. Banana peel and bagasse are the example of organic wastes that can be reused as a raw material for making tissue paper. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of drying time and the type of organic waste to the quality of tissue paper. This research using chemical pulping method. Pulp which formed, then washed, bleached, and formed into sheets of tissue paper. To determine the quality of tissue paper then do the grammage test, water absorption test, and shape of the sheet test, involving : the appearance test, the crumble test, and the color test. The most qualified the standards of SNI 0103: 2008 toilet paper tissue from this research can showed by the appearances test, the crumble test, the color test, the grammage test, and the water absorption test is a tissue paper from bagasse with drying time 175 minutes. While the lowest results is paper tissue from banana peel with drying time 35 minutes

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Last time updated on 10/02/2018

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