Zróżnicowanie polskiej leksyki sportowej (między specjalistyczną terminologią a słownictwem potocznym i środowiskowym)


The article provides information on the contemporary Polish sports terminology. It provides evidence for its dynamic quantitative development conditioned by various factors, mainly the extra-linguistic ones. Additionally, it points out fundamental qualitative changes, first of all ever progressing stylistic differentiation which finds reflection, among others, in the monographic and lexicographic descriptions of sports vocabulary.The article provides information on the contemporary Polish sports terminology. It provides evidence for its dynamic quantitative development conditioned by various factors, mainly the extra-linguistic ones. Additionally, it points out fundamental qualitative changes, first of all ever progressing stylistic differentiation which finds reflection, among others, in the monographic and lexicographic descriptions of sports vocabulary

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This paper was published in Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze .

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