
BSTRAK Permasalahan pencemaran dan upaya pemanfaatan sisa produksi tepung tapioka di Kecamatan Margoyoso Kabupaten Pati salah satu yang belum terselesaikan adalah limbah cair 12.000 m3. RW II Desa Sidomukti seperti desa lainnya membuang limbahnya langsung ke sungai terdekat tanpa melalui pengolahan yang memadahi. Besarnya bahan padatan tersuspensi yang terkandung di dalam volume limbah cair tapioka merupakan beban terberat dalam pengolahan, dan hal ini menjadi tantangan metoden pengolahan fisik. Pemisahan padatan tersuspensi dengan membran ultrafiltrasi sangatlah penting diteliti dengan mengkaji aspek teknis yang difokuskan pada pengukuran konsentrasi dan volume permeat. Cara penelitian yaitu larutan umpan dialirkan pompa melewati modul membran. Tekanan diatur dengan menggunakan katup pengatur tekanan, dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan setelah operasi mencapai waktu yang telah ditentukan. Retentat hasil pengolahan dicatat volumenya dan dianalisa kandungan TSS nya di laboratorium. Hasil uji menunjukkan kemampuan pemisahan padatan tersuspensi sebesar 57% dengan selektifitas COD 70,49 %, padatan total yang terkandung menjadi potensi bahan baku, yaitu 16,4 gr/liter musim kemarau dan 5,69 gr/liter musim penghujan, padatan terlarut yang terkandung di dalam permeat dapat menurunkan pencemaran dan meringankan beban pengolahan air limbah berikutnya. Kajian penerapan dengan analisis SWOT menghasilkan 9 item strategi yaitu penguatan kelembagaan, kemitraan dengan pemerintah, berupaya memanfaatkan limbah cair tapioka dengan teknologi membrane ultrafiltrasi dan pengujian kandungan sianida produk retentat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa membran ultrafiltrasi mampu memisahkan padatan tersuspensi dan upaya penerapannya dapat berfungsi dan bermanfaat. Kata kunci : Limbah tapioka, Pemisahan padatan tersuspensi, upaya penerapannya ABSTRACT The problem of waste water and ways using remain production of cassava starch at Margoyoso Pati Regency. The other main problems are about the sufficient of the liquid waste management 12.000 M3. RW II Sidomukti Villaged as the other village to waste liquid direct in the river neary without through manufacture that properly. The large of material to suspended solids that implied in the volume of liquid waste cassava starch is burden the most weigt of manufacture and this matter become challege method phisis of manufacture. The separation of suspended solids with membran ultrafiltration is very important to be observed with learning technigue that is focused on cocentration of measure and permeat of volume. The research method was that is the solution to bait channelled the pump passed the membrane module. The pressure is set by using pressure regulator valve, and the taking of the sample was carried out after the operation achieved time that was determined. Retentat results treatment was recorded by his volume and was analysed by his TSS content in the laboratory. with learning application it’s with SWOT analysis. Results of the test showed the separation capacity of suspended solid of 57% with selektifitas COD 70.49 %. Total solid matter that was contained to the potential for the raw material, that is 16.4 gr/litre the dry season and 5.69 gr/litre the rainy season, most protracted solid matter that was contained inside permeat could unload pollution and alleviated the burden of the processing of the following waste water. The study of the application with the SWOT analysis produced 9 item the strategy that is the institutional strengthening, the partnership with the government, made an effort to make use of the liquid waste of tapioca with technology membrane ultrafiltrasi and the testing of the content of product cyanide retentat. Could be concluded that the membrane ultrafiltrasi could separate suspended solid and his application efforts could function and be useful. Key word : cassafa liquid waste, separation suspended solids, the way of applicate it’s

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Last time updated on 12/07/2013

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