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    29341 research outputs found

    The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and receptive vocabulary size for Chinese JSL learners

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    It is impossible for teachers to expand learners’ vocabularies sufficiently through classes. Hence, language learners have to add to their vocabularies themselves. Proficient learners use a variety of vocabulary learning strategies. Several studies have been conducted on the strategies employed by Chinese Japanese learners (Nakanishi 2008 ; Wang 2007 ; Yu 2010). This study investigates the vocabulary learning strategies used by Chinese Japanese-as-a-Second-Language (JSL) learners and the relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and receptive vocabulary size. Gu and Johnson’s Vocabulary Learning Questionnaire (VLQ; Gu and Johnson 1996) and a vocabulary test that was similar in format to the Nation’s Vocabulary Levels Test(VLT; Nation 1990) were used to collect data. Descriptive analyses of vocabulary learning strategies indicated that participants frequently used context and activation strategies such as contextual guessing and meaning-oriented note taking. Conversely, the use of images, vocabulary lists, and word structure to memorize vocabulary was not frequently practiced, which demonstrated that participants did not value memorizing words. In addition, correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted to measure the relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and receptive vocabulary size. A correlation was detected between self-initiation strategies, contextual guessing, and receptive vocabulary size.(r = . 74, p < . 01; r = . 56, p < . 05). Multiple regression analyses revealed that only self-initiation strategies significantly explained the variation in receptive vocabulary size, which was 52 % (R^2 = . 52 , p < . 01). This study shows that learners who take initiative to learn vocabulary can improve their vocabulary size

    Foundations of Stochastic Simulation (in Japanese) : Dedicated to the memory of Joe Traub

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    はじめに 第Ⅰ部 ランダマイゼーション 1. 二つの具体例 2. 一様乱数の生成 第Ⅱ部 ランダマイゼーション 3. ディスクレパンシー理論の背景 4. 幾何ディスクレパンシー 第Ⅲ部 IBCと高次元積分 5. 金融計算と高次元積分 6. 理論構築の試み 7. ひとつの未解決問題 参考文献 索

    Kusama Yayoi in the Context of Eastern and Western Thought

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    1.The Arche of Dots 2.Face to Face with a Pumpkin 3.Infinity Nets 4.Gorilla Lady 5.Mindfulness 6.Self-Obliteration=Enlightenment(?)This essay engages an often-proposed inquiry into ties between the creative world of Kusama Yayoi and certain philosophical or religious systems. Although the artist frequently explains her actions as self-birthed and devoid of any context, we can nevertheless discern a distinctive closeness between Kusama’s creativity and those philosophical and religious references. I explore the presence of such references in Kusama’s works, first considering Kusama’s artistic universe from the perspective of Western philosophy. Here, I tease out connections between ideas expressed by a Japanese artist coming to New York in the late 1950s, Anaximander’s ancient Greek philosophy, and Nietzschean philosophy. Next, I shift focus to Kusama’s more Eastern-related views, specifically on infinity and enlightenment, and explore potential Zen Buddhist influences in her unpublished play script “The Gorilla Lady” and her paintings. Finally, I discuss Kusama’s works in the context of Japanese psychiatrist-collector Takahashi Ryūtarō’s “Mindfulness!” exhibition series

    [158] 経済論究表紙奥付等

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    The Effectiveness on Global warming Polices of Emissions Trading

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    1.はじめに 2.京都議定書達成状況 3.排出権取引制度 4.結

    The Research Trends of the Private High School

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    Ⅰ.課題設定 Ⅱ.私立高等学校の特質 Ⅲ.私学助成を対象とする研究動向 Ⅳ.私立高等学校研究の到達

    [027]ICER Newsletter

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    九大の先生の研究を動画で紹介!:先生の森「森の映画館」がオープンしました[谷澤亜里助教] / 著作権Q&Aハンドブック第3版日本語・英語版を公開しました[河野由起子(テクニカルスタッフ)] / Apple Developer Enterprise Programをご存知ですか?[岡田義広(教材開発センター長)] / 2D/3D教材システムの紹介:vol.4[岡田義広教授(教材開発センター長)] / VR/ARの電子教材を開発してみませんか?[岡田義広教授(教材開発センター長)] / 電子教材著作権講習会:部局・部門FDとしてご依頼ください[河野由起子(テクニカルスタッフ)

    Metabolism of 2,2ʼ,3,4,4ʼ,5,6ʼ-Heptachlorobiphenyl (CB182) by Rat, Guinea Pig and Human Liver Microsomes

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    The in vitro metabolism of 2,2ʼ,3,4,4ʼ,5,6ʼ-heptachlorobiphenyl (CB182) by rat, guinea pig and human liver microsomes was compared and the effects of cytochrome P450 (CYP) inducers, phenobarbital (PB) and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC), on CB182 metabolism were examined. Only one metabolite was produced by rat, guinea pig and human liver microsomes and the order of the activity was rat (PB-treated)>> guinea pig (PB-treated)> guinea pig (untreated, MC-treated)> human > rat (untreated). Pretreatment of PB resulted in the remarkable increase of the metabolite in rats (1,370 pmol/hr/mg protein) and a slight increase in guinea pigs (27 pmol/hr/mg protein). In contrast, MC treatment to rats and guinea pigs decreased M-1. By comparison of GC-MS data of the methylated M-1 with a synthesized authentic sample, M-1 was determined to be 3ʼ-hydroxy (OH)-CB182. These results suggest that 3ʼ-OH-CB182 is a major metabolite formed by PB-inducible CYP2B enzymes in both animals and rat CYP2B enzymes possess much higher activity to hydroxylate CB182 than guinea pig and human CYP2B enzymes

    FASB’s Conceptual Framework : Notes to Financial Statements

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    Ⅰ はじめに / Ⅱ 概念フレームワークにおける財務諸表に対する注記についての検討 / Ⅲ むす

    All-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion

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    To know the properties of a particle or a wave, one should measure how its energy changes with its momentum. The relation between them is called the dispersion relation, which encodes essential information of the kinetics. In a magnet, the wave motion of atomic spins serves as an elementary excitation, called a spin wave, and behaves like a fictitious particle. Although the dispersion relation of spin waves governs many of the magnetic properties, observation of their entire dispersion is one of the challenges today. Spin waves whose dispersion is dominated by magnetostatic interaction are called pure-magnetostatic waves, which are still missing despite of their practical importance. Here, we report observation of the band dispersion relation of pure-magnetostatic waves by developing a table-top all-optical spectroscopy named spin-wave tomography. The result unmasks characteristics of pure-magnetostatic waves. We also demonstrate time-resolved measurements, which reveal coherent energy transfer between spin waves and lattice vibrations


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