103763 research outputs found
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Comparative Performance of Modern Jumbo Maize Variety And Local Varieties in Fodder Production Under Different Nitrogen Levels
A trial was carried out at Cereal Crop Research Institute Pirsabak, Pakistan by employing a Randomized Complete Block design that was repeated thrice to investigate the performance of different varieties of maize (Jalal, Kaptan and Jumbo) under four nitrogen levels (N1= 0, N2= 100, N3= 150, and N4= 200 kg ha−1). Variation was observed among maize varieties that affected silking and milking days with variety Jumbo recording the longest duration (62 and 80, respectively). Variety Jumbo also had higher leaf number (11.5), SPAD value (47), leaf area index (LAI) (3.4), Plant height (221 cm) and stem diameter (3.22 cm). Similarly, green forage (67,777 kg ha−1) and dry matter yield (23,424 kg ha−1) were the highest for variety Jumbo. In contrast, protein content was observed higher for variety Kaptan while Jumbo and variety Jalal recorded higher fiber content. In terms of Nitrogen levels, silking (62) and milking days (83) were taken more by all the varieties when N4 was supplemented. Maximum and statistically at par leaf count, SPAD value and LAI were recorded with N3 and N4. Plant height and stem diameter was also higher with N3 (196 cm and 3.40 cm) and N4 (202 cm and 3.42 cm). N3 and N4 were linked to higher yields of green forage and dry matter, with N4 showing the improvement in protein and fiber content. Pearson’s correlation plot discovered positive correlation among all studied traits. The newly developed variety Jumbo, with the commencement of N3, is proposed for cultivation to obtain maximum fodder yield while maintaining economic feasibility
Raw Milk Collection Diversity and Determinants of Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality in Algerian Small Farms
Milk sector in Algeria presents lasting supply instability and its development policy has not achieved the expected results. The interest in developing local dairy production therefore has been a priority for public authorities. Our work aims to analyze raw milk collection diversity at the GIPLAIT dairy in Tizi (Mascara) and assess their physicochemical and microbiological quality. The typology of raw milk collection was determined from upstream, the farm to the dairy processing factory. The quality of the milk was determined by carrying out both physicochemical analyzes (pH, Dornic acidity, butter content, protein content, density and total dry extract) and microbiological analyzes (total aerobic mesophilic flora, total coliforms, and fecal coliforms). Results revealed that significant effect of heat stress was recorded in the semi-arid zone of Mascara. The milk produced on farms was based on a significant use of concentrate which resulted in a high-cost price per cow present. The physicochemical results obtained for the pH parameters, Dornic acidity, butter and protein content, density and total dry extract were respectively (6.73 ± 0.02; 17.23 ± 0.17; 31.29 ± 0.64; 28.3 ± 0.82; 1029 and 114.6 ± 1.07 g/l). From microbiological variables, the results are superior to the Algerian standards with an average load of 4.65 x106, 8.23 x104 and 2.18 x 104 CFU/ml for total aerobic mesophilic flora, total coliforms and fecal coliforms respectively
The Relationship Between Being Uninsured and Having Poor Health Outcomes and Experiences in Eastern Kentucky
Objective: To examine health insurance and health outcome disparities in Eastern Kentucky since Kentucky’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Methods: Using data from County Health Rankings and Roadmap, rates of uninsurance will be compared before and a decade after implementation of the ACA in Kentucky (2013 and 2023). In addition, prevalence of certain health outcomes in Eastern Kentucky will be compared from 2013 and 2023 and correlation established between uninsured rates and particular health outcomes for 2023. Results: Since 2013, the percentage of those uninsured in Eastern Kentucky has seen a significant decline. While there is no correlation between the percent uninsured and health outcomes such as obesity, smoking, diabetes prevalence, poor or fair health, and poor mental health days in 2023, each of these outcomes saw significant changes from 2013 to 2023. Rates of smoking, diabetes, and poor or fair health all saw dramatic reductions while rates of obesity and poor mental health days significantly increased in Eastern Kentucky during this time
Desalination as a Source of Freshwater
Jacob Pensky\u27s article deals with technology we use to make saltwater drinkable. Drought-stricken coastal communities need desalination plants, especially as Earth\u27s climate warms, but they are expensive and energy-intensive. This article describes ways to reduce the environmental and monetary costs
Mid-Century Women’s Writing: Disrupting the Public/Private Divide
The traditional narrative of the mid-century (1930s-60s) is that of a wave of expansion and constriction, with the swelling of economic and political freedoms for women in the 1930s, the cresting of women in the public sphere during the Second World War, and the resulting break as employment and political opportunities for women dwindled in the 1950s when men returned home from the front. But as the burgeoning field of interwar and mid-century women\u27s writing has demonstrated, this narrative is in desperate need of re-examination. Mid-century women\u27s writing: Disrupting the public/private divide aims to revivify studies of female writers, journalists, broadcasters, and public intellectuals living or working in Britain, or under British rule, during the mid-century while also complicating extant narratives about the divisions between domesticity and politics.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/books/1254/thumbnail.jp
Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern And Esbl Prevalence In Nosocomial Escherichia Coli From Urinary Tract Infection In Kpk, Peshawar
The study aimed to evaluate antibiotic susceptibility patterns and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase prevalence in Escherichia coli isolated from urinary tract infections. Total fifty (50) samples of E. coli were obtained from urinary tract infection specimens in Hayatabad Medical Complex and private clinics in Peshawar, Pakistan. The present study obtained 50 E. coli isolates from 100 UTI specimens. The plates were incubated at 35 to 37°C for 24 to 48 hours. Different biochemical tests were carried out to identify the isolates. Antibiotic susceptibility testing and ESBL screening were done per the CLSI (2023) guidelines. The disc diffusion method was used to determine the antibiotic sensitivity pattern. In the present study, the highest ratio was 64 % (n=32), isolates showed resistance to 10 or more antibiotics, indicating them to be multi-drug resistant (MDR) isolates. Among the isolated E. coli strains, 64 % (n=32) were found to be ESBL producers, while the remaining 20 % (10) were found to be non-producers. Out of these 32 ESBL producer isolates, 09 (28.12 %) were positive on the confirmatory test, while the remaining 23(46 %) isolates were negative on the confirmatory test. Our result showed that (78 %) were sensitive to polymyxin B, while (70 %) were susceptible to Gentamicin and cefoperazone/sulbactam. Total (64 %) of the E. coli strains were ESBL producers. It was found that 32 % of ESBL-positive isolates were resistant to various types of antibiotics
Water Quality and Macroinvertebrates Assessment of Eniong Creek, Akwa Ibom State, Niger Delta, Nigeria
The water quality and macroinvertebrates from the downstream section of Eniong Creek were studied for six months, between August 2022 and January 2023 in three sampling stations/ points; to evaluate the ecological integrity and its suitability for habitation of aquatic organisms. Water samples were collected using sterilized plastic bottles and 250 mL reagent bottles for biochemical oxygen demand, and analyzed in accordance with the standard examination methods. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), transparency (TP), total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), and pH were measured in situ while water samples were collected for determination of phosphate (PO4-), nitrate (NO3-), sulphate (SO4-), total suspended solids (TSS), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) in the laboratory. Macroinvertebrates samples were collected using the modified kick sampling technique, and identified using standard keys. The results showed that mean values for pH, DO, BOD5 in stations I, II, and PO4-, TSS in all the stations were deviated from the permissible limits. Three phyla, comprising of six classes of macroinvertebrates were recorded. Phylum Mollusca constituted the highest percentage composition (221 individuals, 87.0 %), while Annelida was the lowest (16 individuals, 6.3 %). Maximum species (115, 45.3 %) was obtained in point III while minimum (62, 24.4 %) was in point II. The study reveals that the economic activities couples with climate changes and seasonal factor influenced the concentrations of certain water parameters and macroinvertebrates assemblages. Thus, the creek should be protected by regulating the level of economic activities within the watershed, in order to improve water quality, maintaining the ecological integrity, and socio-economic services they provide
Bioresource Management Via Least Cost Feed Formulation for Red Tilapia (Oreochromis Sp.): Application of Linear Programming Technique
The method of linear programming (LP) was utilized to determine the relationship between the composition of nutrients of each ingredients, specifications for raw materials, cost and requirements for nutrients of the red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.), in order to define: (1) least cost ration formulation, (2) least cost diet, (3) minimum price of producing a particular diet after meeting a number of requirements. The resulting LP models were solved using the simplex algorithm. Therefore, our results show that, formulated feed had high protein content (31.92 %), Lipid (2.53), Moisture (9.10 %) and Ash (9.00 %). The utilization of diet containing valorized bioresources: (1) 25.00 % of fishmeal from sardine canning industry by-products (Sardina pilchardus) and (2) 01.00 % duckweed (Lemna gibba) meal is economical since it lowers feed costs by 25%, as a result of the most important zootechnical factors will be continuously improved for red tilapia . Furthermore, feed conversion ratio (FCR) for the formulated feed was 1.96 ± 0.25 and the survival rate at the end of experiment cycle was 100 ± 0.00 % . The combination of valorization of bioresources with linear programming technique is therefore a valuable tool that could be used for sustainable aquaculture
The Nutritional and Biotechnological Potential of Amaranth: a Versatile Plant for Health and Sustainability
The amaranth plant, originating from Central and South America, was a staple food for ancient civilizations like the Aztecs and Inca. Today, it is cultivated across tropical and subtropical regions, including Africa, Asia, and North America. Belonging to the Amaranthaceae family and comprising approximately 60 species, amaranth is valued for its adaptability to various soil and climatic conditions. This versatile crop is a nutrient-dense food source with a diverse chemical composition and numerous bioactive compounds, particularly in its seeds. Naturally gluten-free, amaranth is ideal for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. It provides a complete profile of essential amino acids, making it a high-quality protein source for vegetarian and vegan diets. Its fiber content promotes digestive health by supporting regular bowel movements and a balanced gut microbiome. Amaranth also contains phytosterols and antioxidants that reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. Its phenolic acids and flavonoids exhibit strong antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidative stress and reducing chronic disease risks. The low glycemic index aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels, benefiting individuals with diabetes. Rich in calcium and magnesium, amaranth supports bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis. This article delves into the health benefits of amaranth, emphasizing its potential to enhance well-being through its nutrient-rich composition
Evaluation of Cotton Advanced Lines/Varieties for Genetic Diversity and Correlation Studies of Cotton Leaf Curl Virus Disease with Yield Contributing Traits in Cotton
Plant genetic diversity aids in the creation of new varieties that are more resistant to pests and unfavorable climatic conditions. In order to discover varied parents and assess their cross-performance, the current study was carried out. The findings showed a substantial positive connection (0.81) between green bolls, plant height (0.57), and open bolls, as well as a significant positive correlation (0.52) between open bolls. On the other hand, a highly significant negative connection was discovered between the number of open bolls (-0.59), number of green bolls (-0.72), plant height (-0.78), and major stem nodes (-0.70) for the cotton leaf curl viral disease. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that PC-I and PC-II accounted for 66.6% of the total variance. Plant height and green bolls were found to be positively correlated by PCA biplot analysis, but main stem nodes and open bolls showed a negative link, particularly with cotton leaf curl virus diseases. Based on cluster analysis, genotypes were divided into four clusters. Of these, Cluster-IV stood out because to its strong resistance to the cotton leaf curl virus disease and high yield, making it a good candidate for further breeding efforts. Other clusters include Mac-07, MNH-875, CRP-257, Super Okra, MNH-Super Gold, and GT/Bt Okra. The research emphasizes how crucial it is to use a variety of statistical methods to evaluate genetic diversity and support improved breeding practices. The knowledge that is derived will be useful in creating hybrids for upcoming breeding programs