Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim

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    11707 research outputs found

    Anti-Semitisme Di Nusantara: Analisis Ayat-Ayat Yahudi Perspektif Mufassir Indonesia (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    This article examines more deeply about the interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an about Judaism from the perspective of Nusantara interpreters. Seeing the growing movement of Jews in Indonesia and the emergence of a survey from the Wahid Foundation that Indonesian Muslims do not like Judaism, it is necessary to have an in-depth study of the interpretation of Indonesian figures on the Jewish verses in the Qur'an. This study examines intellectual figures in Indonesia who have 30 chapters of complete commentary. The interpretation of Indonesian commentators against Jews needs to be explored to find out whether there is an element of anti-Semitism in their interpretation. To reveal the interpretation of the Nusantara mufasir, the descriptive-analytical method is the guideline in this article. If it is concluded from the interpretation of the Nusantara commentators, it can be understood that they still have a strong impression of anti-Semitism, even though they are not evenly distributed to all adherents of the Jewish religion. Regarding the characteristics expressed by the Nusantara interpreters in describing the Jews, namely: they often fight against each other, are jealous, and often lie, and aspire for Muslims to embrace Judaism


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    This research is descriptive qualitative in nature with a phenomenological approach in analyzing the leadership of village Kiai in efforts to mainstream religious moderation for the abangan in Songon, Pondok Joyo, Semboro Jember, East Java. The results of this research show that the leadership authority of village Kiai in the global era has not been shifted, continues to exist, and is the main reference in providing example, da'wah, education and consultation in building the foundation for mainstreaming religious moderation. In implementing his leadership, he uses a situational approach based on religious ethics, through various activities that are routine and conditional, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, taking into account the context and culture of the Songon community. In leading various religious and nonreligious activities, he always instills values, develops attitudes and thoughts that are moderate, tolerant and peaceful as well as love for the Indonesian homeland by referring to the concepts that have been taught or embraced by the NU organization through educational, religious and cultural activitie

    Legal Capacity and Legal Authority of Adult Age in Indonesia: Medical, Psychological and Islamic Law Perspectives

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    The determination of the age of majority in civil law and Islamic law is an important and controversial issue. Adulthood is closely related to decisionmaking and responsibility for what they do, both in the eyes of law and socioculture. Legal capacity and legal authority are important considerations in regulating whether a person is considered to have the capacity to take legal decisions. This study aims to analyze or measure the concept of age of majority in civil regulations from medical, psychological and Islamic legal perspectives. This research uses empirical legal studies with civil law and Islamic law approaches. Researchers collected data in two ways: in-depth interviews and literature studies. The results showed that the government has set rules summarized in the law in accordance with the area of the legal case at hand. In the context of criminal law, it can refer to the Criminal Code (Criminal Code) while Islamic law can refer to the KHI (Compilation of Islamic Law). Although there is no alignment of age determination in it, so when legal problems arise, because there are indeed differences, including from a medical and psychological point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize the age of maturity for a person to have certain rights and obligations within the state or in the face of law. The results of this study are expected to provide deeper insights into the view of adulthood from the perspective of law, fiqh, and psychology in the context of civil regulations. The implications of this research can be useful in developing legal policies that are more adaptive and inclusive to cultural differences and views in determining a person's legal capacity and legal authority in the realm of civil law

    Investigating pre-service teachers’ perceptions on readability tools: a case study in Indonesia

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    The readability tools allow us to measure the readability of a text. The previous studies have elaborated the use of readability tools to analyze reading materials, but it is relatively sparse regarding the teaching of readability tools especially involving the second language teaching education (SLTE) program as a context. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the acceptance of pre-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher upon readability text tools. It covers their acceptance towards the tools, the extent to how the pre-service teachers accept the Web-FX and Readability Analyzer as readability tools and seeks for participants’ concerns using the tools. The study was conducted at one English Language Education Study Program at in East Java, Indonesia, involving 33 third-year undergraduate students taking pre-teaching program. Having incorporated a qualitative data analysis approach on the students’ text analysis reports and interviews, the study revealed that the participants have positive acceptance of the tools for several reasons. Some final concerns from pre-service teachers after readability tools teachings are presented, including suggestions for future research related to readability tools

    Does product knowledge, Islamic branding and religion influence interest in accessing Islamic microfinance institutions?

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    This study aims to determine how preference variables mediate the relationship between product knowledge, Islamic branding, and religiosity on farmers' interest in accessing Islamic Microfinance Institution (Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) financial services. The study population consisted of 100 farmers in Kedungadem District. The data analysis method used is Smart-PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of the study according to direct testing show that farmers' interest in using BMT services is significantly influenced by factors such as product knowledge, Islamic branding, and preferences. Indirect testing shows that preference can mediate the relationship between product knowledge and farmers' interest in using BMT, while preference cannot mediate the relationship between Islamic branding, religiosity, and farmers' interest in using BMT

    Benturan Islam di pedalaman Jawa dalam memori Babad Slit dan Babade Nagara Patjitan

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    Kajian ini mengulas pertemuan antara penyebar islam dari Demak dengan masyarakat lokal di pedalaman Jawa. Khususnya Ponorogo dan Pacitan abad 15 hingga awal abad 16, melalui memori babad alit dan babade nagara Patjitan. Dakwah Islam digambarkan menimbulkan benturan. Selama ini tidak banyak informasi sejarah di abad awal dan krusial di persebaran Islam di wilayah pedalaman. Karena menyorot keberhasilan batoro katong, kurang mengelaborasi awal sebaran islam, termasuk hambatan dan peran tokoh lain dari Pacitan. Persebaran islam di Brang Wetan memaparkan peran kiai ageng muhammad besari dengan pesantren Gebang Tinatarnya sesudah masa batoro katong. Upaya menerjemahkan babad tersebut merupakan kabar baik untuk mengisi kekosongan informasi. Metode menggunakan pendekatan sejarah dengan memilih topik, pengumpulan sumber, verifikasi, interpretasi dan penulisan melalui sumber atas dua babad. Penelitian menemukan benturan penyebar islam dengan masyarakat lokal sebab ketegangan agama, juga motif ekonomi dan politik merupakan pengaruh konflik internal antar keluarga sejak akhir kerajaan Majapahit, yaitu setelah perang paregreg. Pertemuan islam dengan masyarakat lokal lalu menghasilkan karakter islam khas pedalaman, berupa adaptasi corak islam dengan tradisi setempat

    إِنْجازُ الطَّريقة الْاستقرائيةِ فِيْ تدريْسِ الْإملَاءِ لِطُلَّابِ السّنةِ الرَّابعةِ ِبمَعْهدِ الِإيْمانِ الْإسْلَاميِّ لِلْبنينَ نجامْباكَانْ فونوروكو السَّنة الدِّراسيَّة 2008 – 2009 .

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    كان تعليم قواعد الإملاء للسنة الرابعة ِبمعهدِ الِإيْمانِ الْإسلَامي لِلبنينَ بالطريقة التطبيقية وتطبيقها فى الإملاء فى حصة وبطريقة وخطوات أخري. ومن ثم كانت طريقة أخري المستعملة لتدريس الإملاء وقواعدها فى هذه السنوات هي الطريقة الاستقرائية التي تُدَرَّسُ الإملاءُ وقواعدُها فى خطوات واحدة. فلهذه المسألة أخذ الباحث الموضوع عن إِنْجازِ الطَّريقة الْاستقرائيةِ فِيْ تدريْسِ الْإملَاءِ بأسئلة البحث: كيفَ إنجازُو تنميةُ وعواملُ الدافعة و العائقةُ في إنجاز الطريقة ِالاستقرائيةِ في ترقية فهم الطلاب للسنةِ الرابعةِ بمعهد الإيمان الإسلامي ِّللبنين نجامباكان فونوروكوفي تدريس الإملاءِ ؟ ولكون هذا البحث بحثاً ميْدانياًّ علي شكل البحث النوعي فَأخَذَ الباحث طريقة جمع البيانات بطريقة الملاحظة، المقابلة، والوثائق المكتوبة. وكانت النتائج هي : أنَّ إنجازَ هذه الطريقة في تدريس الإملاء وقواعدها للسنة الرابعة هي بكتابة المقالة في السبورة مع شكلها ثم قراءتها وأخذ الأمثلة منها ومناقشتها مع التلاميذ لنيل القاعدة فيتم المعلم تدريسه بإملاء المقالة نفسها أو بمقالة أخري تشابحها ثم يجمع كراستهم للتفتيش. وتنمية هذه الطريقة بتنفيذ هذه الطريقة في المواد التي ذات قواعد وأمثلة مثل مادة الصرف و مادة النحو. وعواملها الدافعة والعائقة تبدو من نفس التلاميذ و نفس المقالة ونفس المعلم ونفس الطريقة

    Islam and the Tradition of Gender: Exploring the Intersection of Religion and Culture in Indonesia

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    Studies of gender disparity have often viewed religion and culture as only partially shaping the social practices that exasperate this disparity. This article examines the Qur'anic verses and hadiths as factors that contribute to the creation of gender disparity in Indonesian society. Men and women become inequal when beliefs and values that prioritize men are continuously reproduced by religious leaders. This study finds that religion and culture do not function independently; they overlap in creating an ideological power that structures social practices in a manner that subordinates women. Religion and language, similarly, are both ideological forces that not only influence the interactions between men and women, but also create inequality and contestation. Data for this study were collected through limited observations, using an Islamic perspective for comparative analysis. It recommends that subsequent research investigate the contribution of non-Islamic teachings on the dynamic relationship between religion and culture, thereby providing a deeper understanding of gender inequality in Indonesia

    Activating the mnemonic learning model to enhance student motivation in MTs Miftahul Ulum Besuki

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    This research focuses on the activation of the Mnemonic Learning model, with the aim of understanding the process of activating the Mnemonic Learning model at MTs Miftahul Ulum. Based on these issues, the researcher is interested in further exploring them in the form of a scholarly thesis. The research objectives include: How does Mnemonic Learning enhance student motivation at MTs Miftahul Ulum Besuki Situbondo and What is the process of activating Mnemonic Learning at MTs Miftahul Ulum Besuki Situbondo. To address these issues, the author employed a qualitative research method, specifically phenomenological research. Data was collected through observations, interviews, and documentation involving various relevant parties related to the research subject. Data analysis involved data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The findings revealed the creation of more active and motivated learning through the use of the Mnemonic Learning model, leading to better understanding of the Arabic language by seventh-grade students at MTs Miftahul Ulum Besuki Situbondo. The author's hope is that the activation of the Mnemonic Learning Model will be able to make students have a high interest in learning Arabic so that they have standardized Arabic language skills

    أنواع الصوتية والصرفية للهجة المصرية في أغنية مش هتغير عشان حد لتمار حسني

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    This study aimed to 1) analyze the phonological variation of the Egyptian dialect in the song "Msh Hatghayr Ashaan Had," and (2) analyze the semantic variation of the Egyptian dialect in the song "Msh Hatghayr Ashaan Had." The primary data source comes from Tamer Hosny's song Msh Hatghayr Ashaan Had. While secondary data sources come from books and journals relevant to the study. Researchers use listen and record techniques to collect data. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data exposure, and conclusions. Based on the results and discussion, two types of phonological changes have been found in the Egyptian dialect, they are vocal substitution and consonant substitution. They are the following seven words: تاغ ,غبت, راصك, أوي, وأفت, اليوم, وِكفاية. . This change has its origin, namely: تاج, جبت راسك,قوي, وقفت,اليوم, وَكفاية . As for the morphological difference in the Egyptian dialects, there is 1 form of morphology, which is “نحت ”. As for his words, they are: وم اليوم،ف، ده، علشانك، ال ي ل and زي


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