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    138 research outputs found

    Development of flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media on geometry materials for class V elementary school

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    Complaints expressed by teachers currently are that the material is dense and the time given is limited. The teacher's limited time in explaining the material certainly requires students to be able to study independently at home to understand and deepen the material being studied. Teachers cannot control students' understanding of learning material provided through media at home. The aim of this research is to produce effective flipped class learning assisted by interactive media in fifth-grade elementary school class material. This research answers the weakness of flipped classroom learning, namely that teachers cannot control student learning of the material provided through learning media. This type of research involves research and development using 4D models. In this article, what is discussed is the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media is 86.50% in the very effective category. Meanwhile, effectiveness was tested using pre-test and post-test results of 0.73 with a high N-Gain test with effective criteria. From the results of this research, it can be recommended that teachers use flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media because it has been proven to be effective. Future researchers are advised to conduct research on flipped classes with the help of interactive media and other materials

    STEAM approach to enhance the creativity of students with special needs in inclusive primary schools

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    This research is motivated by the lack of 21st-century skills, especially among students with special needs in the slow learner category. The study aims to enhance students' creativity in learning science by implementing the STEAM approach in class VD of Elementary School 24 Ujung Gurun. This research follows the classroom action research method, conducted in two cycles, with each cycle comprising two meetings. The process involves four essential stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research employed teacher observation sheets and student creativity observation sheets as instruments. The data analysis technique used is comparative descriptive statistical analysis, comparing learning creativity between cycle I and cycle II. The specific creativity indicator observed is elaboration, with sub-indicators focusing on developing or enriching other people's ideas. The results indicate that the application of the STEAM approach led to an increase in the creativity of students with special needs. The observation and data analysis results demonstrate a rise in students' creativity from an average of 64% in cycle I to 81% in cycle II. In conclusion, the study revealed an improvement in the creativity of students with special needs through the implementation of the STEAM approach at Primary School 24 Ujung Gurun. Despite challenges such as assessing work based on student's abilities and some students lacking honesty in their efforts, it is recommended to continue using the STEAM approach as an alternative method to enhance the creativity of slow learners in learning, given its positive impact on students' creative abilities

    The development of flip book maker-based e-module in computer applications course for elementary education student teachers

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    The inconsistent implementation of e-modules within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at Syiah Kuala University (USK), particularly in the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) program, highlights a crucial gap in adapting to technological advancements. In response to this, the authors identified the need for digital teaching materials aligned with information technology (IT) for effective instruction. This study focuses on the development and evaluation of flip book-based e-modules for the Computer Application course (APLIKOM) within the PGSD program. Utilizing a research and development (R&D) approach, the study employed the ADDIE development model. Initial testing involved a small-scale group of 10 students, while a larger cohort of 30 students participated in subsequent evaluations. Validation from material and media experts produced an impressive average score of 86.5%. Student responses, assessed through both small and large-scale tests, exhibited a commendable average of 89.5%. Evaluation tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the flip book-based e-module, yielding an overall average score of 88. Notably, 100% of students in both test groups met the minimum criteria for mastery learning. The findings suggest that the developed flip book-based e-module for the APLIKOM course is valid, practical, and effective in delivering teaching materials to students. This research contributes valuable insights into the integration of digital tools in teacher education programs, addressing the pressing need for IT-based instructional materials in contemporary educational setting

    Preserving professional identity: teachers’ voices and internal struggle on the discourse of the kurikulum merdeka

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    This qualitative study explores the experiences and perspectives of teachers in implementing the Kurikulum Merdeka, an independent curriculum movement in Indonesia. The study aims to understand how teachers navigate the challenges associated with the implementation process while preserving their professional identity. This research will employ a hermeneutic phenomenological approach which involves transcription, thematic analysis, and interpretation and meaning-making. The approach will provide a robust framework for exploring teachers’ lived experiences in relation to the implementation of the curriculum. The methodology involved in-depth interviews with the teachers who have been actively involved in the implementation of the Kurikulum Merdeka in their schools. The findings show the dynamic and dialogic responses of teachers to educational reforms like Kurikulum Merdeka. It applies Bakhtin's theory of dialogism to uncover themes and sub-themes in teachers' narratives. These themes include the adaptation of teaching roles and conflicts stemming from traditional training versus new approaches. Social interactions and support from colleagues, as well as changes in the student-teacher dynamic, are vital aspects. Challenges like letting go of control and finding a balance in guiding students are discussed, along with strategies for navigating these challenges. The discussion emphasizes the evolution of professional identity as a result of ongoing dialogues in response to educational changes

    Evaluating factors affecting the readiness of children entering elementary school: the perspective of elementary school teachers

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    Children who are ready to participate in learning at elementary school can be seen from various components, namely basic abilities, social, emotional, communication, age, and independence. This study aims to determine the problems that exist in children when entering elementary school.  This study used a quantitative method with a descriptive quantitative design. The subjects in this study are 104 elementary school teachers (84 public; 20 private). The measuring instrument in this study uses an open questionnaire containing questions about the problems encountered by elementary school teachers regarding the readiness of children to enter elementary school. The results showed that the problems encountered by primary school teachers who teach first-grade students in terms of school readiness could be divided into three categories: (1) basic abilities of children refer to a child's abilities that can support independence in learning (cognitive); (2) social abilities are defined by a child's ability to form friendships with classmates, collaborate, and play with peers; and (3) parental support associated with the presence of parents in accompanying the child's learning process and meeting the child's psychological needs and facilities. Thus, children who are ready for school are assessed from their cognitive abilities and other important aspects

    Improving fourth-grade students’ reading numerical notation using melodica through a directed learning method in elementary school

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    This research is motivated by the less-than-optimal use of learning media and learning methods used by teachers in the learning process of music, especially the material of numerical notation in grade IV students of SD Muhammadiyah Noyokerten. This study aims to explain the steps in an effort to improve the ability to read numerical notation using a melodica through direct learning methods and determine the improvement in the ability to read numerical notation through direct learning methods using a melodica. The method used in this research is classroom action research. The subjects in this study were fourth-grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Noyokerten, totaling 18 students. The results showed an increase in students' ability to read numerical notation as evidenced by an increase in test scores by 51.9% and the results of observations of students' ability to read numerical notation using melodica musical instruments through direct learning methods in cycle I of 78.69% in the good category and cycle II of 95.5% in the very good category which increased by 16.81%. The contribution of this research is that the application of the direct learning method is able to improve students' ability to read numerical notation, and students can easily recognize numerical notation through demonstration and guidance from the teacher directly

    The difficulties of elementary teacher education students’ speaking performance: a comprehensive analysis

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    Speaking English plays a fundamental role in personal development of students. However, many students struggle when speaking, which limits their capacity to communicate effectively and self-assuredly in a foreign language. The goal of this study is to investigate the elements influencing these difficulties in students' speaking abilities. To effectively design measures to improve kids' speaking abilities, educators and policymakers must have a thorough understanding of these challenges. This research also offers techniques to improve students' speaking abilities. This research used the qualitative research methodology. The data was gathered through observation, documentation, and interviews.  The findings demonstrate that the factors that influence the students’ difficulties are anxiety, low self-confidence, limited vocabulary, poor pronunciation, and grammar challenges. The strategies to enhancing the students’ speaking performance are building a supportive learning environment, improving vocabulary, using technology, and giving feedback to the students’ speaking performance. Thus, students and lecturers can contribute to create the strategies to enhance students’ speaking performance

    Puppet Hizbul Wathan as a media to introduce and strengthen leadership character in elementary school students

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    Cultural degradation in children can manifest through the behavior of contemporary youngsters. Delinquent behavior is also prevalent in the school environment, including elementary schools. The purpose of this research is to describe the results of the design and expert assessment of the puppet Hizbul Wathan. The research type employed is qualitative research. The research design utilized is also qualitative research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The observation and interview techniques use question guidelines that will be observed and asked to sources. Data validity obtained by researchers involves triangulation, which includes both triangulation of techniques and triangulation of sources. The results reveal that the puppet Hizbul Wathan learning media is suitable for use in elementary schools for enhancing leadership character. This is supported by several stages of expert testing, including assessments from artists and teachers, individual trials involving students, and group trials encompassing both students and teachers, all of which received an average rating of 'very good.' Learning outcomes achieved with Hizbul Wathan shadow puppet learning media are superior. Consequently, the Hizbul Wathan shadow puppet learning media is more effective in improving learning outcomes and enhancing student leadership character

    The development of digital literacy smart e-book (CERI) as a resource for learning digital literacy skills in elementary schools

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    This Research and Development (R&D) study focuses on creating Smart Digital Literacy E-books to serve as a valuable learning resource for enhancing digital literacy skills among elementary school students. Employing the ADDIE model, encompassing the Analysis, Design, and Development stages, the research seeks to address the critical need for effective digital literacy education in elementary schools. The subjects of this investigation comprised grade VI students at SDN 02 Palur. To gather comprehensive data, a combination of interviews, observations, and questionnaires was employed. Interviews with resource persons provided insights into students' current digital literacy skills, while observations were conducted to understand their digital literacy activities at school. Additionally, a questionnaire, administered by a validation expert, assessed the effectiveness of the CERI E-book. The validation tests yielded encouraging results, with language validation scoring 87.5%, subject validation at 83.33%, and media validation at an impressive 95.83%. Feedback from the feasibility test, conducted among students, affirmed the CERI E-book's suitability for educational use. Students highlighted its interactivity, ease of understanding, and comprehensive content, reinforcing its efficacy as a learning resource. In conclusion, the outcomes of this research and development endeavor underscore the high suitability of the CERI E-book for fostering digital literacy skills in elementary school students. The interactive features and comprehensive content make it a valuable contribution to the field of digital literacy educatio

    Improving student's learning activity in PKn learning using picture and picture model in class IV SDN 01 Pancung Soal Pesisir Selatan

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    This research is motivated by the low level of Civics learning activities in grade IV SDN 01 Pancung Problem Pesisir Selatan. Activities are more teacher-centered so that in the learning process students only listen, do not understand Civics concepts and are less able to express ideas, and are still passive. This research is a classroom action research with qualitative and quantitative approaches consisting of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. This research was conducted in the second semester of the 2015/2016 Academic Year. The research subjects were fourth grade students of SDN 01 Pancung Question. The results showed that the learning process using the Picture and picture model could increase student learning activities in Civics learning in class IV SDN 01 Pancung Question.  This can be seen as follows: student learning activities in the first cycle of Visual Activities obtained a percentage of 78% with a Good category (B), while in cycle 2 increased 88% with a Very Good category (SB), in cycle 1 Oral Activities obtained 76% while in cycle 2 it increased 98% with a very good category (SB), in cycle 1 Mental Activities gained 76% while in cycle 2 it increased by a percentage of 81% with a good category (B). Thus the use of the Picture and picture learning model in Civics learning in class IV can increase student learning activities


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