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    212 research outputs found

    Cover BST Volume 11 No 1 (2023)

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    Synthesis Zeolite Y From Lapindo Mud With Variations Filling Autoclave And Ratio Molar Si/Al

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    Lapindo mud contains Silicate (SiO2), and Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) that can be utilized to synthesize zeolite Y. Zeolite Y was synthesized from Lapindo mud via the smelting and hydrothermal method, respectively. The thermal activation of Lapindo mud was achieved by leaching smelting at 550oC for 2 hours with NaOH to achieve thed desire adding SiO2, NaOH and aging for 48 hours. The effects of various parameters on the synthesis were investigated. The samples were characterized with X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Gas Sorption Analyzer (GSA). Zeolite Y with high crystallinity was synthesized under optimized conditions, such as filling autoclave 90% and a SiO2/ Al2O3 molar ratio of 15

    Co(II)-TiO2/Ti Thin Film as Antibacterial Photocatalysts Escherichia Coli Under Visible Light Ilumination

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    A thin layer of TiO2 doped with Cobalt (II) immobilized on the surface of a titanium foil (Co(II)-TiO2/Ti) has been synthesized from a titanium foil (Ti) as a TiO2 precursor as well as a thin layer matrix and CoCl2.6H2O as a source of Co(II) on variations of 0.5%, 1% and 2%. Synthesis was carried out by anodizing method using ethylene glycol electrolyte solution with the addition of NH4F and followed by calcination treatment at 450ºC for 3 hours. The obtained Co(II)-TiO2 /Ti thin films were characterized using Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Diffuse Reflectance UV-Vis (DRSUV-Vis) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. Doping Co(II) variations of 0.5%, 1.0% dan 2.0% in the TiO2 structure causes a shift in the vibrational absorption peak of Ti-O (460.99 cm-1) towards a smaller wave number of 459.06 cm-1 respectively ; 453.27 cm-1 and 451.34 cm-1. This is supported by the results of the DRUV-Vis analysis using the tauc plot method, which shows a decrease in the band gap energy of TiO2 (3.24 eV) to 2.57 eV, 2.47 eV and 2.28 eV. Based on XRD analysis, it is known that the Co(II)-TiO2/Ti photocatalyst has anatase phase with a crystal size of 15-17 nm. The photocatalytic activity of Co(II)-TiO2/Ti under visible light illumination was evaluated for inhibition of Escherichia coli bacterial growth. Co(II)-TiO2/Ti photocatalyst at 2.0% Co(II) concentration had the best inhibition (43.2%) compared to 0.5% and 1.0% Co(II) concentrations, respectively 18% inhibition and 27%

    Morphological Characteristic of Adult Armigeres subalbatus from Sumbersari Jember

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    Armigeres subalbatus is a type of mosquito that is widely distributed in the world, including Jember Regency, Indonesia. The larval natural habitat is mainly found in trees that can hold water, adult mosquitoes can be found indoors or outdoors. In the field of health, Ar. subalbatus acts as a vector for filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and zika. This study aims to identify the morphological characteristics of the Ar. subalbatus from Sumbersari Village, Jember Regency. Although in Indonesia there is no significant evidence of the role of Ar. subalbatus in the health sector, it is important to detect the morphological features of Ar. subalbatus to be able to detect mosquitoes properly. Knowing the exact type of mosquito can provide consideration for appropriate mosquito control methods. The method used is through the installation of ovitrap in November 2022. The ovitrap media is in the form of tap water, the ovitrap is left for 8 days. Ar. mosquitoes were found in the larval stage of the ovitrap. The larvae were brought to the Jember University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Zoology Laboratory for hatching and data collection on the morphological characteristics of mosquitoes. The results of this study include the morphological characteristics used for the identification of Ar. subalbatus which includes the shape of the proboscis, flagelomeres on the palps, color of the scutum, border of the scutum, size of the antepronotum, bands on the pleura, prespiracular and postspiracular areas, edges of the mesepimeron, abdomen (tergum, sterna), apex of the femur, venation of the wings, alula and upper calypter of the wings

    The Utilization from Glucomannan of Porang Flour (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) as a Raw Material for Making an Edible Film

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    Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) is a type of tuber that contains various nutrients, especially glucomannan. Besides as being a source of food, the high content of glucomannan can also be used as an alternative for making edible films, because it contains mannan polymers which have the ability to form fine and crystallized fibers. The purpose of this research is to determine the potential of glucomannan in porang tuber flour as a basis for making edible films. Glucomannan used with various variations (3, 6 and 9 grams). The first stages used were testing porang tuber flour and then made edible film base by carrying out various chemical analyzes based on the Japanesse Industrial Standard method. The results showed that the acquisition of water, ash and protein sequentially was 11.782%, 1.821%, 6.275% which conform to the SNI 7939;2013 standards. The 3 gram variation and 0.087 mm thickness of Glucomann showed the best water resistance value of 20.34%. The biodegradability test showed that the 6 grams variation of glucomannan had the best degradation ability, that is 100% for 12 days

    Comparison of Online and Offline Learning During The COVID-19 Pandemic using Naïve Bayes Method and C4.5

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    Learning is a process of interaction between educators and students who meet the elements of learning carried out in an educational environment, so that learning can develop student’s abilities, interests and talents optimally. In today's era learning is done online and inversely with offline. The purpose of this study is to analyze the comparison of percentages and classification results as well as the results of learning evaluations using the Naïve Bayes method and C4.5. This test is carried out with 4 variables and a comparison of the two methods. The results showed that the accuracy of Naïve Bayes was 74.07% and C4.5. of 77.77% so that the comparison results show that the level of accuracy of the C4.5 method is better than Naïve Bayes. The resulting importance variables are time and effectiveness as well as the results of the classification of learning decisions, namely the offline category as many as 16 data on the Naïve Bayes method and 19 data on the Decision Tree algorithm C4.5 method from 27 input testing data

    Performance Assessment of Agrotourism Oriented Irrigation Systems in Subak Sembung, Denpasar City

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    Subak Sembung has a wide coverage area of 103 ha of rice fields with a total length of 5.1 km of tertiary irrigation canals. The Subak Sembung area has experienced land conversion of 14 ha which has had an impact on the performance of the subak system. The strategy that can be implemented to maintain the sustainability of the subak system is to develop agrotourism. Based on the survey results at the study area, there are several problems that have the potential to disrupt the performance of the irrigation system, including damage to irrigation structures and leakage of irrigation canals, and a lack of support for subak development towards agrotourism. The aim of this study was to assess the condition and performance of an agrotourism-oriented irrigation system in Subak Sembung. This research was conducted using field survey and interview methods. Field surveys were carried out with the aim of determining the conditions of agrotourism-oriented irrigation systems. Interviews were conducted to assess the performance of an agrotourism oriented irrigation system using the subak assessment form based on the Tri Hita Karana developed by the Udayana University Subak Unit and the agro-tourism form. Based on the research that has been done, it can be stated that the condition of the agrotourism oriented irrigation system in Subak Sembung is good. This is shown based on the functioning of irrigation network assets and non-irrigation networks. The performance of agrotourism oriented irrigation systems in Subak Sembung is in the range of 3.66 - 5.00 in the good category

    Species Diversity of Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Caelifera) at the Rehabilitation Zone of the Bonangan Block, Wonoasri Resort, Meru Betiri National Park

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    Grasshoppers (Caelifera) are herbivorous insects that act as first consumers in the food chain. Grasshoppers can detect the presence or absence of plants as a source of food and a place to live, as well as being an indicator of environmental recovery. This study aims to determine the diversity of grasshopper species in the rehabilitation zone of Bonangan Block, Resort Wonoasri Meru Betiri National Park. The sampling method used a structured roaming technique. The results obtained nine types of grasshoppers covering seven genera with a total of 228 individuals. The diversity index value obtained is 1.86. The conclusion of this study was that the composition of grasshoppers included nine types of grasshoppers found, namely Oxya sp., Catantops sp., Trilophidia sp. (1), Trilophidia sp. (2), Schistocerca sp., Acrida sp., Phlaeoba sp., Atractomorpha sp. (1) and Atractomorpha sp. (2). The value of the diversity index of grasshoppers is in the medium category with the diversity index value of 1.86

    Vulnerability Analysis of Rectorate Building of UIN Mataram against Earthquakes Based on Microtremor Data

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    Lombok Earthquake in 2018 caused several damages to buildings, including buildings at UIN Mataram. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out mitigation efforts to reduce losses caused by the earthquake. This study aims to analyze the level of vulnerability of the Rectorate Building of UIN Mataram based on microtremor data. Microtremor signal recording was performed using a 3-component Digital Portable Seismograph, type TDL 303S with a Feedback Short Period Seismometer sensor type DS-4A, GPS, and Laptop. The recording time for each measurement point was 40 minutes with a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The natural frequency of the Rectorate Building of UIN Mataram is 4.15 Hz for the N-S component, and 4.05 Hz for the E-W component. The natural frequency of the Rectorate Building is following the SNI (2002) standard. The resonance index value of the Rectorate Building with the surrounding land is in a low category so that the Rectorate Building is classified as safe against earthquakes. The highest building Vulnerability Index is on the 3rd floor of the Rectorate building, especially in the south wing. For disaster mitigation, the 3rd floor can be converted as a room with minimal staff to reduce the possibility of casualties in the event of an earthquake in the future

    Effect of Variations in the Composition of Cow's Rumen and Straw on the Quality of Organic Fertilizer

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    Organic fertilizer raw materials that can be obtained naturally and are rich in fertilizer nutrients can be found in animal slaughtering activities. Slaughtering activities generally produce animal waste and manure, which can be used as raw material for organic fertilizer. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the composition of raw materials on the quality of organic fertilizers. The organic fertilizer parameters studied were C/N, P, K, pH, and temperature. This study used four reactors with each reactor volume of 120 L and the exact weight of raw materials in each reactor of 20 kg. Variations in the composition of the raw material of the rumen of Madura cattle and straw in this study were RK (100% cow rumen), R1: (65% cow rumen: 35% straw), R2: (50% cow rumen: 50% straw), R3: (35% cow rumen: 65% straw). The composting process is carried out for 50 days. Analysis of the quality parameters of organic fertilizer using SNI 2803: 2010. The results showed that differences in the content of the raw materials impacted the quality of the generated organic fertilizer. R3 (35% rumen cattle: 65% straw) with C/N ratio = 13.25, P = 6.12%, K = 7.55%, pH = 6.82, and Temperature = 33.7oC are variations in the raw material composition for Madura cattle rumen and straw that fulfill the quality criteria of the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 70 of 2011


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