The Indonesian Journal of Dental Research
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    29 research outputs found

    Systemic IL-1β and TNF-α Productions of E. coli Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Periodontitis Model on Rats

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    Periodontal disease, a common inflammatory oral disease involved periodontal tissues, has been linked with the evidence of some systemic disorders. Recently, periodontal disease has been suspected as a trigger of systemic disorders. Penetration of bacterial products, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may reach into deeper periodontal tissues. Therefore there may affect systemic blood and cytokines production. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and Tumour Nuclear Factor-α (TNF-α) are known as pro-inflammatory cytokines. The production of systemic IL-1β and TNF-α of E. coli lipopolysaccharide-induced periodontitis model on rats was investigated in this research. Fifteen male Wistar rats, aged 6-8 weeks used for this study were divided into 3 groups. For group 1 and 2, silk ligature 3/0 were inserted in interdental area between upper right molar 1 and 2. First and second group received solution containing 10μg/ml and 1mg/ml E. coli lipopolysaccharide, respectively, mixedwith 2% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) diluted in 100μl of phosphate buffer saline (PBS). The solution was topically applied on gingival tissues around the gingival sulcus, a single topical application of solution onceper 2 days for 14 days. Untreated subjects were used as negative control. On day 15, the blood was collected from vena orbitalis, and rats were sacrificed. The blood serum of each group was divided into 2 groups andcultured for 4 hours with or without 20μl of 100ng/ml of E. coli LPS. ELISA techniques were used to measure the cytokine productions of the supernatant. The data was analysed using Repeated Measure ANOVA. This study showed that there was a significant increase of IL-1β production on low dose of LPS compared to control and high dose of LPS groups (p<0.05). Whereas TNF-α not significantly showed increasing trend. The increasing trend of pro-inflammatory cytokine productions, such as IL-1β and TNF-α, on LPS-induced periodontitis model in this experiment supports the previous studies about the contribution of periodontal disease in the pathogenesis of systemic diseases

    The Preliminary Study on Klungsu (Tamarind Seed) as An Alternative Material for Dental Calculus Remover

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    This study was aimed at knowing the availability of Klungsu (Tamarind seed) as remover and cleaner for dental calculus. The study followed Completely Randomized Design with three treatments and tested with Ftest and Duncan Multiple Range Test. The availability was studied by soaking the calculus and enamel at two concentrations (0 and 25%) of Klungsu and one group without soaking (dry group). The results showed that soaking in Klungsu solution significantly decreased (p0.05) were found for enamel. The conclusion could be drawn from this study was klungsu could be used as an alternative cleaning material for removing dental calculus and safe for dental enamel

    Expression of MRP8/MRP14 mRNA in Monocytes of Periodontitis: Comparison between Diabetic and Non Diabetic Patients

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    The severity of periodontitis on patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients was strongly thought caused by decreasing of leukocytes function such as monoctyes and neutrophils. In our previous research it was found that calprotectin (MRP8/MRP14) level in leukocytes of periodontitis patients with type 2 DM was higher than periodontitis in non DM. The aim of this study was to determine calprotectin (MRP8/MRP14)mRNA expression in human monocytes of periodontitis patients with type 2 DM and without DM. Monocytes were isolated from the peripheral blood of periodontitis patients with uncontrolled type 2 DM, controlled type 2 DM, and non DM. The expression of total RNA calprotectin (MRP8 and MRP14) were detected by RTPCR using GAPDH as the innate control. It was observed that the value of MRP8/MRP14 mRNA expression DM patients were higher than non DM, and the highly significant increase expression (p<0.05) was on the uncontrolled type 2 DM. The basal level of MRP8/MRP14 expression increased in monocyte of periodontitis and type 2 DM patients compared with non diabetes subjects. It was suggested that high basal level MRP8/MRP14 has role in the regulation of severity periodontitis with diabetes mellitus

    Address from Dean of The Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    As mentioned in its Strategic Plans (2008-2012), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has its vision to be a World Class Research University which is excellent, independent, dignified, inspired by Pancasila, the five-point ideology, and dedicated to the needs and welfare of the nation and the world. The vision is done by UGM mission: To promote excellent teaching-learning opportunities and community service through research, with its special mission on research; To promote excellence in educational activities, research, and community service with the interest of the Indonesian society and to participate in Indonesian socioculturalbuilding.As a university unit, Faculty of Dentistry should play significant roles towards the vision. For this, research indeed is one of important factors towards the vision. To get better of research’s result application and social service, it is hoped that researcher possesses entrepreneurial ability while still maintaning his/her research quality. It can be said that, generally, research development in the Faculty of Dentistry is growing satisfactorily. But, still, it is not yet followed by strong publication. One of bestknown research publications is academic journal, nationally or internationally. This kind of publication is an effective form of communication among researchers and also a very considerable part in scientific and technological development.Considering the above driving forces and the uniqueness of the country in relation to researches in dental sciences, Faculty of Dentistry proudly publish “The Indonesian Journal of Dental Research” which is in turn to be a window for the international forum to learn on the progresses and achievements in dental research in Indonesia. In the future, it is also hoped that “The Indonesian Journal of Dental Research” be an information portal in terms of dental science and technology in Indonesia, and in the Asian region in general.Hopefully, this journal will be able to provide scientific media for sharing progresses and achievements in research on oral and dental sciences in Indonesia to the international forum. Moreover, this journal is expected to be an embrio for scientific portal in dental and oral sciences in Indonesia and Asia region.Iwa Sutardjo RSProfessor in Pediatrics DentistryDean of The Faculty of DentistryUniversitas Gadjah Mad

    Address from Chairman of The Indonesian Association of The Faculty of Dentistry (AFDOKGI)

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    We agree that all faculty of dentistry in Indonesia needs to contribute to dental health development. By this, hopefully we can contribute to promote oral health, prolong tooth life, and improve quality of life in our country as well as in our Asia region. To reach this goal faster, we need to exchange information and enhance scientific collaboration. The Indonesian Journal of Dental Research (The Indonesian J Dent Res) will be an effective form of communication among dentists and researchers and also a very considerable part in scientific and technological development towards the goal.Meanwhile, Indonesia is a very unique country. Although the prevalence of oral and dental diseases is considered high, but Indonesia is rich with culture, natural resources, and local or indigenous perspective which can be an advantage in term of technological perspective in dentistry. The richness of the country is needed to be investigated and explored in order to improve oral and dental health. The communication and collaboration among dentists and researchers are needed to accelerate the process towards the improvement of oral and dental health.I do hope that this journal will be an effective communication channel for better oral and dental health in Indonesia. Congratulation for the publication of the first issue of the journal. We hope to learn more from the continuous scientific communication through The Indonesian Journal of Dental Research.M. Dharma UtamaProfessor in ProsthodonticsDean of The Faculty of Dentistry Hasanuddin UniversityChairman of The Indonesian Association ofThe Faculty of Dentistry (AFDOKGI

    Augmentation of Demineralized Bone Matrix Post-Tooth Extraction Increases The Density of Gingival Collagen Fiber of Rabbit Mandible

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    Most cases report that the abnormality of bone defect is engendered by tooth extraction. The powder of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is required to fill alveolus bone for reconstructing material or preventingtissues defect after tooth extraction. The aim of this study was to determine the density of gingival collagen fiber on wound healing after the augmentation of DBM following the extraction of incisivus tooth. In this study, 36 male rabbits aged 2.5-3 months weighing 900-1,100 grams were randomly divided into two groups: control and treated rabbits. The incisivus teeth of mandibles of treated rabbits were extracted and augmented with the allograft DBM powder. The gingival was sutured with non-absorbable sutures. The same procedures were employed to the control group, except that these rabbits were augmented with DBM powder. Subsequently, the rabbits were sacrificed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 14 after surgery, and each observation was represented by three rabbits in the sample. The gingival (ca. 0.5-1cm) was cut and fixed immediately in 10% paraformaldehide. The staining was done using van Geison. In the treated rabbits, the density of gingival collagen fiber significantly increases in all observation days except on first day, indicating that the allograft powder of DBM successfully accelerates the wound healing process

    An in vitro genotoxicity study of silver amalgam on Ames test

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    Silver amalgam/Silverfil Argentum® is a ‘Malaysian made amalgam’ has already been approved to be free from cytotoxicity, however its genotoxic effect has not been explored yet as biocompatible material. The objective of this study was to identify the genotoxic characteristic of silver amalgam by using Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay (Ames test). This was a descriptive experimental study involving one strain of mutated Salmonella. The test material was evaluated in one mutated strain of Salmonella typhimurium TA1538 with and without an external metabolic activation system (S9 Mix). The bacteria were incubated for 48 hours at 37±0.5ºC before the colony growth or revertant colonies were counted. Data obtained were analyzed by using non-statistical method. The investigation of the genotoxic reaction on the test material revealed thatthe number of revertant colonies in both strains with and without S9 Mix were less than twice of the negative control even in the presence of high silver amalgam concentrations (5.0μg/ml). This study demonstratedthat the test material did not exhibit any mutagenic activity under the chosen conditions. Thus, silver amalgam could be considered to have no genotoxicity effect

    Effects of Lidocaine Concentration on Streptococcus Mutans Bacteria

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    Lidocaine is one of the local anesthetics agents that are frequently used in dentistry. Streptococcus mutan is a gram-positive, facultatively an aerobic bacterium commonly found in human oral cavity. The study aims to find out the effects of Lidocaine concentration against Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The study used experimental design with liquid and solid dilution method to find out bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal effects of Lidocaine concentration. The test bacteria used in the study are the ones, which have been compared with Mcfarland standard solution with 10μCFU/ML concentration. The Lidocaine concentrations were 2%, 1%,0.5%, 0.25%, 0.125%, 0.0625%, 0.03125%, 0.015625%, and 0.007812%. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney methods were used for the statistical test. The result of the study suggests that Lidocaine concentration has effects against Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the concentrations of 2%, 1% and 0.5%, to inhibit bacterial growth (p0.05)

    The Effect of Anchovy Stolephorus baganensis on Salivary Mutans Streptococci

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    A clinical trial was carried out to investigate the effect of Anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis on mutans streptococci inhibiting the growth of the salivary mutans streptococci for a period of one week consumption.Before enrolled in the study, respondents filled out and signed the informed consent. Twenty respondents participated as the subjects on the clinical trial, conducting two times of treatment as follows: twenty astreatment groups before and after consuming anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis and the twenty subjects as control groups before and after consuming non-anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis. Saliva samples werecollected before and after consuming anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis and with a non-anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis. A serial dilution was made, followed by inoculating on TYS20B medium). Data which were obtained from colony forming units of salivary mutans streptococci grew on the TYS20B medium before and after consuming anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis were analyzed in a descriptive and “t” test.Results showed that there was no significance in the average amount of Streptococcus mutans colonies between before and after consuming non-anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis. However, a significant difference wasfound respectively as results before and after consuming anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis. We concluded that Anchovy of Stolephorus baganensis has antimicrobial activity against local strains of Streptococcus mutans isolated from human harboring species. Therefore in a long term of consuming Anchovy fish of Stolephorus baganensis, caries can be prevented


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