Open University of Tanzania

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    3312 research outputs found

    Effects of Leadership Style on Public Secondary Schools Teachers Performance In Tanzania: A Case Study of Kinondoni Municipality Dar es Salaam.

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    The study sought to explore the effects of leadership style on teacher’s performance at Kinondoni Municipal in Dar es Salaam. The study was guided by three objectives, namely; (i) to determine the effect of Autocratic leadership style on public secondary schools Teachers’ performance (ii) to determine the effect of Democratic leadership style on public secondary schools Teachers’ performance and (iii) to determine the effect of Laisse-Faire leadership style on public secondary schools Teachers’ performance. A quantitative research approach with descriptive survey design was used. A sample of 536 was drawn from 804 teachers as respondent. Simple random sampling was used to get respondents. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were used to analyse data. The study found that Autocratic leadership style was significantly negatively correlated with teachers’ performance; secondly it was found that Democratic leadership style was positively correlated to teacher’s performance and lastly the study found that Laissez faire leadership style was also positively and significantly related to teacher’s performance. Therefore the study recommends that the local government authorities where Kinondoni municipal council belong should make sure that all head teachers and head mistresses are trained on leadership skills whereby they will be effective in motivating, creating positive visions and involving other teachers in planning and executing school issues also among the three leadership styles studied on their effect on teachers performance, following the findings it is highly recommended that head teachers and head mistresses apart from using all leadership style. When teacher perceive the kind of leadership the headmaster or headmistress is applying have both positive and negative effect on the teacher’s performance. Keywords: Autocratic Leadership Style and Democratic Leadership Styl

    An Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Non-Performing Loans in Commercial Banks in Tanzania.

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    This study analyzes the factors affecting non-performing loans in commercial banks in Tanzania. The experience of Tanzania shows gross non-performing loans have increased from 5.12 percent in 2013 to 9.8 percent in 2019. This indicates a huge risk in the financial sector and the national economy at large, such that solvency and liquidity of the banks affect negatively the liquidity position of the financial sector. This steers a need to explore the possible determinants of non-performing loans. This study used a quantitative approach and the quantitative analysis was done through multiple regression to examine the internal and external bank factors affecting nonperforming loans in commercial banks in Tanzania, whereas the sample comprised of ten commercial banks due to their seniority and satisfactory experience in lending activities. The findings show that log of tax paid has statistically positive significant effect on non-performing loans whereas log of total assets and number of employees have statistically negative significant impact on non-performing loans. Loan to deposit ratio and interest rate were found to have negative impact on non performing loans but their effect is not statistically significant. The study suggests that the government through fiscal policy need to smooth taxes to ensure reliable income for clients to make payment of their debts whereas the banks need to strengthen their supervision and management practices by establishing adequate collaterals and procedures in solving unclear loans. Furthermore, the banks should be strategic in providing collateral obligations such that they are at low risk of the company’s loss. Keywords: Non-performing loans and commercial bank

    Influence of Instructional Supervision by Heads of Schools on Teachers’ Work Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Lindi Region, Tanzania.

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    This study investigated the influence of instructional supervision by heads of schools on teachers’ work performance in public secondary schools in Lindi region, Tanzania. The study aimed to; examine teachers and heads of schools’ understanding on heads of schools instructional supervisory roles, examine the extent to which heads of schools discharge their instructional supervisory roles, examine instructional supervisory options practiced in public secondary schools, assess the extent to which heads of schools instructional supervisory roles influence teachers’ work performance and examine the challenges heads of schools encounter in carrying out their instructional supervisory roles in Lindi region. The study engaged mixed methods approach with the sample size of 171 participants. The study used questionnaires, interviews, documentary review as tools for data collection. Data analyzed qualitatively through thematic and quantitatively with descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that teachers and heads of schools understood most of the head of school instructional supervision roles; though they did not execute well their instructional supervisory roles such as checking teachers’ lesson plan, scheme of work and lesson notes. Generally, study findings revealed that 68.5% of teachers’ job performance is attributed to the combination of the independent factors that related to heads of schools’ instructional supervision roles such as checking teachers professional records, teachers’ professional development, provision of instructional resources, and classroom observation. It is suggested that heads of schools to put in place effective mechanism of monitoring teachers’ and MoEST provide capacity building seminars and workshops to heads of schools. Keywords: Instructional Supervision, Supervisory Roles, Heads of Schools,Schools

    Effects of Agricultural Extension Services and Hybrid Seeds on Maize Smallholder Farmers in the Mtwara Region: The Case of Maize Farmers In Mtwara Region.

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    Productivity growth from scientific advances provided by biotechnology and other plant breeding initiatives holds great promise for meeting the world's growing food demand. This justifies investments in agricultural research and development, which have resulted in the development of hybrid seeds and a focus on agriculture training in Africa. This study focuses on how hybrid seeds and agriculture training solve food security issues while increasing farmer yield and income. The study examined the potential heterogeneity in yield, income, and food security benefits from using hybrid seeds and agriculture training in a sample of 335 maize-producing households in Mtwara region in Tanzania. Findings showed that, overall, the adoption of maize hybrid seeds and agriculture training such as line planting, weeding, top dressing, and fallyarm worms monitoring and control increased maize grain yield by about 1.17 ton/ha and maize income by about $73/ha. The use of hybrid seeds and improved agricultural techniques also reduced the likelihood of reporting mild, moderate, and severe food insecurity by 32.1, 18.5, and 4.2 percent respectively. The results also show that, while treated farmers have smaller average land sizes than control farmers due to the cost of farming inputs, the absolute quantities produced are quite low due to smaller land holdings. This implies that the treated farmers only allocated an average of 0.32 ha of land to the use of hybrid seeds and agricultural technique adaptation, which may not be enough to produce enough maize to feed a household of about 5 people for the entire year. The study recommends more budget allocation on agriculture national budget which will help to hire VAEO all over the country so that farmers can be trained on the best agriculture techniques. Keywords

    Challenges in using Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment by Postgraduates and Academic Staff Accessing Educational Materials: The Case of Open University of Tanzania.

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    The study focused on challenges in using Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) by postgraduate students and the teaching staff for accessing education materials and it was applied at the Open University of Tanzania (OUT). Specifically, the study intended to examine the accessibility of MOODLE platform; to describe the extent which MOODLE platform was used; to examine challenges in using MOODLE and to overcome the identified challenges in using MOODLE by postgraduates and the academic staff for accessing educational materials. The study involved postgraduate students and OUT academic staff. The study employed a cross sectional approach, the sample was obtained through purposive, convenience and snowball sampling techniques. The data were collected through questionnaire, observation and interview and analysed through thematic analysis and the focus was on emerging themes and sub themes. The findings revealed both postgraduate students and the academic staff face closely related challenges in using MOODLE like; lack of Internet, low bandwidth and poor economic on cost of purchasing Internet bundle. The findings also established means to address the prevailing challenges such as the Open University of Tanzania to improve its Internet connectivity provide adequate training in general on the use of MOODLE and improve infrastructure to ensure reliable access to MOODLE. Lastly, the study recommended that the Open University of Tanzania should come up with special software that would be accessed free by the students and the academic staff, else the university should purchase or subsidies bundle for its staff and target students in each semester for them to access the MOODLE. Keywords: Learning Management System, MOODLE, Educational Resources, Academic

    An Assessment of Information Resources Preservation in Selected Public University Libraries in Tanzania.

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    The management of libraries and information resources includes the preservation and conservation of library information resources. They are even more important and necessary in countries with limited resources, where libraries must strike a balance between their needs and those of the growing number of students who want to use them. The purpose of this study was to assess the Information Resources Preservation in Selected Public University Libraries in Tanzania. A questionnaire was distributed to 170 library staff members from seven public universities under study. Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) was used to analyze the quantitative data from the questionnaires, while content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. Findings of this study reveals the ways for preserving information resources, the causes of information resources deterioration, the challenges faced by library staff in preserving library information resources, and the suggested preservation approaches in selected Tanzanian public university libraries for the sustainable provision of information services. Due to persistent preservation challenges in public university libraries, the study concludes that ineffective preservation practices have a significant negative impact on library information services. To improve the preservation, conservation, accessibility, and usability of information resources, the establishment of a preservation consortium was suggested. Keywords: Information Resources, Information Resources Preservation, Public Libraries, Preservation

    Kuchunguza Taswira katika Nyimbo za Taarab za Kimahaba za Khadija Kopa.

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    Tasnifu hii inahusu Kuchunguza Taswira katika Nyimbo za Taarab za Kimahaba za Khadija Kopa. Utafiti ulilenga kuzibainisha taswira zinazotumiwa na Khadija Kopa katika nyimbo za mahaba za Khadija Kopa, kubainisha miktadha ya matumizi ya taswira katika nyimbo za taarab za mahaba za Khadija Kopa. Na kuchunguza athari za taswira hizo kwa jamii. Mbinu iliyotumika kupata data ni usomaji makini. Mtafiti alizisikiliza huku akizinukuu nyimbo za taarab 21 za Khadija Kopa katika mtandao wa “You Tube” na kuchagua nyimbo 5 ambazo ndizo alizoziwasilisha na kuzifanyia uchambuzi kwa njia ya maelezo na majadwali. Nyimbo hizo ni Niliwaze, Nimemridhi, Mwanamke Mambo, I Love You na Full Stop. Nadharia iliyoongoza utafiti huu ni nadharia ya Simiotiki. Matokeo ya utafiti huu yanaonesha kuwa nyimbo za mahaba za Khadija Kopa zinatumia taswira za za kizuolojia, taswira za botania, taswira za kiastromia, taswira za kijiolojia, taswira ya kiteolojia na taswira za vitu vya kawaida. Pia, matokeo ya utafiti huu yameonesha kuwa miktadha inayosababisha ubunifu wa taswira katika nyimbo za Khadija Kopa ni miktadha ya mapenzi, miktadha ya utamaduni, miktadha ya utandawazi, miktadha ya imani na miktadha ya kifasihi. Kwa upande wa athari za taswira hizo kwa jamii, utafiti umebaini kuwa kuna athari chanya na hasi. Athari chanya ni pamoja na kukuza lugha, kuendeleza utamaduni, kukuza fasihi, kutambulisha na kuifunza jamii. Kwa upande wa athari hasi ni kuhamasisha ngono holela, kuendeleza mawazo ya kumfanya mwanamke kuwa chombo cha starehe dhidi ya mwanamme, kutumia lugha ya matusi na kuchochea migogoro. Mwisho utafiti umependekeza kuwa ipo nafasi ya kufanya tafiti nyengine katika nyimbo za taarab zikiwa na malengo tofauti na utafiti huu kama vile kuchunguza majigambo ya watrib wa nyimbo za taarab hasa za wanawake akiwemo Khadija Kopa. Maneno Makuu: Taarab, Majigambo, Nyimb

    Effects of Financial Rewards Schemes on Public Employee Performance: A Case of Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA).

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    The study sought to examine the effect of financial Rewards on employee performance at Tanzania civil aviation, the study was guided by four objectives; to determine the effect of profit sharing on employees’ performance, to determine the effect of bonuses on employee performance, to determine the effect of commission on employees’ performance and lastly to determine the effect of stock ownership on employee performance. The study was descriptive quantitative, where a cross-sectional survey was used on TCAA as a case study. 51 respondents were randomly selected from a population of 106. Descriptive statistics; means, standard deviation, maximum and minimum was used to analyse data. Pearson coefficient correlation was also used to test relationship between independent variables profit sharing, bonuses, commission and stock ownership on dependent variable employee’s performance. The study revealed that profit sharing, bonuses and stock ownership were found to have a strong positive and significant effect on employee performance while commission was found to have weak positive and significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, the study recommends that a work to be done in the HR policy makers of the government. Those in a responsible position to amend and implement the incentive policies have to see best benchmarking practices. Management should come up with short term employee attraction and retention mechanisms using commission, profit sharing and shares. The management needs to develop rightful incentive schemes that include a mix of both financial and non-financial incentives. Keywords: Financial Rewards Scheme, Public Employee Performanc

    The Impact of Owners Interference in the Media Content Production in 2015 General Election. A Case Study of Habari Leo Newspaper.

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    This study was set to assess the Impact of Owners Interference in the Media Content Production in 2015 General Election a case study of Habari Leo newspaper. Media ownership has remained an interesting issue in understanding the news production process. Various media studies have proven that media ownership do affect how media practitioners cover stories. The said influence takes various forms including direct censorship and coercion of editorial staff. Therefore, this study critically examines the Impact of Owners’ Interferences in the Media Content Production in the 2015 General Elections in Tanzania with three specific objectives namely, to assess the frequency of media owners’ interference in the content production, to investigate types of content that media owners interfered into its production and to identify the challenges journalists face when media owners interfere in the content production. Media ownership theory was applied to show how government owned media was used as an apparatus for promoting government propaganda. The study adopts a research design which focuses on both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study employed three techniques of data collection namely, questionnaires, interviews as well as content analysis. The researcher examines the entire population in order to totally eliminate sampling error.The results presented by using pie charts, descriptions and frequency tables. The findings indicated that media owners either directly or indirectly controlled content production. The research recommended that media owners should make sure their practitioners are well motivated to enable perform better

    Relationship between Managerial Factors and Primary School Teachers’ Turnover Intention in Itigi, Tanzania.

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    This study explored the Relationship Between Managerial Factors and Primary School Teachers’ Turnover Intention in Itigi, Tanzania. The study employed a case study design and mixed approaches to collect as well as analyse data. These approaches included questionnaires as quantitative method and focus group discussion as the qualitative method. Here, the qualitative information was expressed using words whereas the quantitative information was expressed through numbers, Tables and Figures. The study sample was 200 primary schools’ teachers. The study employed systematic sampling procedures. The data obtained in this study were entered in excel and SPSS used to calculate the mean scores of the data, the frequency of the particular answer, the correlation or causation between variables and statistical significance of the results. The findings of the study shows that there is an inverse significant relationship between benefit and rewarding system (a Pearson Correlation coefficient, r = -0.223), working environment (a Pearson Correlation coefficient, r = -0.223) and turnover intention and exists a moderate strength of relationship between Training and development and teachers’ turnover intention. The researcher made a recommendation that, influencing low quitting intensions; delays in the promotions of teachers must be avoided. Salaries and remuneration for teachers must be given attention and an enhanced package of their welfare and conditions of service. It is recommended that the state through the Ministry of President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government must at all-time take proactive steps towards resolving issues affecting teachers. It was further recommended that the, nation has to address issues of compensation by paying all outstanding arrears and allowances, improve working condition and review the training and rewarding systems for teachers. Keywords: Teachers’ Turnover, Managerial Factors and Public Primary School


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