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    33 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kerja Keras dan Sikap Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA (Relationship between Hard Work and Attitudes of Students in Science Learning)

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    This study aims to determine the relationship of hard work to the attitudes of students in science subjects at SMPN 4 Muaro Jambi. The research design used is associative quantitative with correlation design. The sampling technique used was total sampling with a total sample of 126 students. The analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics display the mean, mode, minimum and maximum values. While the inferential statistics used are product-moment correlation tests. Based on the results of this study, it was found that there is a relationship of hard work towards students' attitudes in science subjects that can be seen from the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.010 <0.05 which states there is a relationship between attitude to student hard work. Then the correlation coefficient of 0.668 which states that the level of correlation is strong

    Student Creativity through Project-based Learning Experiences

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    This study aims to analyze students’ creativity through project-based learning experiences in a electrochemistry topic. Subject of this study was 40 students from Chemistry Education Study Program who took basic chemistry course. Students experienced several activities, namely: forming groups of three, asking and refining questions, debating ideas, making predictions, designing plans and/or experiments, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, communicating their ideas and findings to others, asking new questions, and creating artifacts like a model, a videotape, or a media. Then, the lecturer monitored the students and the progress of the project, assessed the outcome and evaluated the experience resulting students-in group’ creativity profile. Research instruments are project assessment rubrics and observation sheets. Findings show that students’ creativity in groups ranges from  less to very good or from 48.15 to 92.59. Although there are still shortcomings with this study, we encourage other lecturers to implement this type of learning model in other courses or subjects in order to improve students’ problem solving skills

    Implementasi Etnosains dalam Pembelajaran IPA di SD Muhammadiyah Alam Surya Mentari Surakarta (Implementation of Ethnoscience in Science Learning at Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Alam Surya Mentari Surakarta)

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    The swift flow of globalization has led to increasingly eroded Indonesian local culturalvalues. This has caused a shift in neglected cultural values and local wisdom. Therefore,an approach is needed, namely ethnoscience in the learning process. This studypurposed to determine whether The Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Alam SuryaMentari has applied ethnoscience in science learning and describe the implementationof ethnoscience based on science learning in The Elementary School of MuhammadiyahAlam Surya Mentari.The method used was descriptive qualitative research design. Theresults of the study showed that the planning of science learning based on ethnoscienceapproach in This School was still unplanned, but the school had unconsciously implementedethnoscience approach. The implementation of science based on ethnosciencelearning was by integrating between the material with the environment, culture, and socialin the environment. Evaluation of the implementation of ethnoscience based on sciencelearning included cognitive, affective, and psychomotor evaluation in accordance withevaluation standards in the 2013 curriculum

    Integrasi Nilai-nilai Al Islam dalam Mata Kuliah Fluida Melalui Model Pembelajaran Pemaknaan (Integration of Islamic Values in the Fluid Subjects Through Meaning Learning Models)

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    The research aims to describe the implementation of fluid lectures in classrooms and laboratories on the integration of Al-Islam values through the Pemaknaan Learning Models, analyzing student learning outcomes, and describing Students' response in fluid lecturing through the Pemaknaan Learning Models. The study was conducted in 4 academic year students 2018/2019 a number of 18 students. The results showed that: 1) fluid lecturing in classes as well as in laboratories is carried out well, linking the concept of fluid to the values of Al-Islam; 2) Student learning results of the minimum B category; and 3) 88% of students respond positively to the fluid lecture by integrating Al-Islam's values through a learning model of use

    Praksis Pendidikan Perspektif Integrasi Sains dan Islam (Praxis Education Perspective of Science and Islam Integration)

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    Commonly, practice of islamic education implementation is dichotomic. Muhammadiyah as a pioneer of modern islamic education in Indonesia in its implementation has tried to pair up science and Islam, both institutionally and scienctifically. Scientifically proven that school system in past was only taught science, whereas islamic boarding taught only Islam. Muhammadiyah through its education system offers the integration of science and Islam through religious education which is now popularly called al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan education. At PTMA there are also Islamic Studies which are carried out by FAI in almost every Muhammadiyah university. While institutionally generally Muhammadiyah universities provide mushalla or mosques to complement their school infrastructure, even in the organizational structure there are officials who are directly in charge of al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan. It all is still not integrated as a whole that benefits both science and institutions. Science has not been integrated in the subject of the study of al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan, and vice versa

    Alat Peraga Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Peserta didik Pada Materi Mekanika Fluida (Teaching Aids as Efforts to Increase Students' Concepts Understanding on Fluid Mechanics)

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    This research is aimed to increase students' understanding of the concepts of fluid mechanics by applying teaching aids. The research method uses pre-experiment. The research design uses the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data collection techniques using the test of understanding the concept of fluid mechanics as many as 10 essay questions. N-gain test is used to determine the increase in understanding of the concepts of learning outcomes before and after being taught using teaching aids. The results showed that learning by using instructional media in the form of fluid mechanics teaching aids influences students' understanding of concepts by 0.71 with high criteria. This proves that there is an increase in students' understanding of the concepts of fluid mechanics

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Terhadap Kemampuan Mengelolah Lingkungan Hidup dengan Pendekatan Berbasis Masalah pada Matakuliah PKLH (Effect of Creative Thinking Skills on Ability to Manage the Environment with Problem-Based Approach in PKLH Course)

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    The purpose of the research activity is to know whether there is an influence of the abilityto think creatively on the ability to manage the environment with a problem-basedapproach to the PKLH course. The method in this study is a quasi-experimental method,the sample in research activities is physics education students, namely R4A class totaling29 people. While the data collection techniques used in this study are questionnairesgiven to determine students 'creative thinking abilities and scoring instruments from studentscientific reports to determine students' abilities in managing the environment. Thesimple linear regression test was used to examine the research hypothesis. The resultsshowed that there was an indirect effect between the ability to think creatively on theability to manage the environment with independent assignments in the PKLH courseshown from the hypothesis test that is fcount <ftabel that is equal to 0.139 <3.37

    Sikap Siswa Terhadap IPA berdasarkan Investigasi dan Korelasi: Kesenangan Belajar dan Minat Meluangkan Waktu pada IPA (The Student's Attitude toward Science based on Investigation and Correlation: Learning Fun & Enthusiasm for Spending Time)

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    This study purposed to investigate attitudes towards science in junior high school students,based on 2 attitude indicators: (1) enjoyment in science lesson & (2) leisure interestin science. In addition, measurements were also made regarding the relationship betweenthe two indicators of attitude. This research is survey research. The results of the datacame from an attitude questionnaire consisting of indicators (1) enjoyment in science lessonand (2) leisure interest in science. The sample consisted of 2815 junior high schoolstudents in Jambi Province, Indonesia. The results showed that for indicators: (1) enjoymentin science is good category with a percentage of 48.1%, (2) leisure interest in scienceis fairly good category with a value: 47.2% and This indicator leads to a positivetrend supported by a positive attitude with a greater good value: 38.4%, while for theanalysis of the correlation between the two indicators shows a positive correlation with asig: 0,000 (<0.05) and has a strong degree of correlation indicated by the value "PearsonCorrelation": 0.716. Therefore, it is concluded overall attitudes towards science at Juniorhigh school students in Jambi, Indonesia have a positive attitude and are categorizedwell

    Identifikasi Sikap: Ketertarikan Meluangkan Waktu Belajar Fisika, Normalitas Ilmuwan, Adopsi Sikap Ilmiah (Attitude Identification: Interest in Spending Time Studying Physics, Scientist Normality, Adoption of Scientific Attitudes)

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    This study aims to look at students' interest in spending time learning physics, how is the normality of scientists in students' perspectives, and the adoption of students' scientific attitudes in class. The methodology used is quantitative research with a descriptive survey research design. The results showed students were still hesitant to spend time learning physics, students were still hesitant to behave like scientists, and students were able to apply scientific attitudes in class

    Connecting Science with Story Tale: How Sainsmatika Story Tale Book Decrease Science Anxiety of 4th Graders Student

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    This study investigating the effectiveness of using Sainsmatika story tale book towards student science anxiety. The study were an experimental research with pretest-posttest control-group design, involving 122 fourth-grade students in one of the district in Indonesia. Characteristically, this research employs quantitative data which were collected from the questionnaire results regarding science anxiety. The data were analyzed using statistical methods to calculate the values and determine the frequency as well as the mean of pretest and posttest scores in control and experimental classes. To determine the effectiveness of using fairytale books to reduce students’ science anxiety, the one-way analysis of ANOVA was used with a significant difference at the level of Sig < 0.05.  The results of this study reveal that the use of sainsmatika-based fairytale books is effective to reduce science anxiety of the fourth-grade students with significancy 0.00 (<0.05)


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