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    A specific gut microbiota signature is associated with an enhanced GLP-1 and GLP-2 secretion and improved metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes after metabolic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

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    Objective: To determine changes in incretins, systemic inflammation, intestinal permeability and microbiome modifications 12 months after metabolic RYGB (mRYGB) in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and their relationship with metabolic improvement. Materials and methods: Prospective single-center non-randomized controlled study, including patients with class II-III obesity and T2D undergoing mRYGB. At baseline and one year after surgery we performed body composition measurements, biochemical analysis, a meal tolerance test (MTT) and lipid test (LT) with determination of the area under the curve (AUC) for insulin, C-peptide, GLP-1, GLP-2, and fasting determinations of succinate, zonulin, IL-6 and study of gut microbiota. Results: Thirteen patients aged 52.6 ± 6.5 years, BMI 39.3 ± 1.4 kg/m2, HbA1c 7.62 ± 1.5% were evaluated. After mRYGB, zonulin decreased and an increase in AUC after MTT was observed for GLP-1 (pre 9371 ± 5973 vs post 15788 ± 8021 pM, P<0.05), GLP-2 (pre 732 ± 182 vs post 1190 ± 447 ng/ml, P<0.001) and C- peptide, as well as after LT. Species belonging to Streptococaceae, Akkermansiacea, Rickenellaceae, Sutterellaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Oscillospiraceae, Veillonellaceae, Enterobacterales_uc, and Fusobacteriaceae families increased after intervention and correlated positively with AUC of GLP-1 and GLP-2, and negatively with glucose, HbA1c, triglycerides and adiposity markers. Clostridium perfringens and Roseburia sp. 40_7 behaved similarly. In contrast, some species belonging to Lachnospiraceae, Erysipelotricaceae, and Rumnicocaceae families decreased and showed opposite correlations. Higher initial C-peptide was the only predictor for T2D remission, which was achieved in 69% of patients. Conclusions: Patients with obesity and T2D submitted to mRYGB show an enhanced incretin response, a reduced gut permeability and a metabolic improvement, associated with a specific microbiota signature

    Intervención psicosocial en Chile. Racionalidad neoliberal, subjetividades profesionales y posibilidades de resistencia

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    [spa] En esta tesis indagamos en la (des)articulación entre las subjetividades profesionales, implicadas en la intervención psicosocial en Chile, y la racionalidad neoliberal. Examinamos cómo estas subjetividades se ven afectadas por la lógica neoliberal y cómo los profesionales responden a estos efectos. Además, exploramos las implicancias ideológicas de las respuestas de dichos profesionales, considerando que sus subjetividades pueden reflejar la concepción neoliberal de las políticas sociales. Este análisis es relevante para la psicología social crítica, ya que permite problematizar si la acción profesional puede reproducir el modelo hegemónico. Comprender estas subjetividades es esencial para desarrollar intervenciones psicosociales que desafíen el marco neoliberal. A partir de lo anterior, esta tesis tiene dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, analizar y comprender las subjetividades profesionales en la implementación de las políticas sociales neoliberales en Chile. En segundo lugar, identificar y problematizar las implicancias ideológicas y técnicas de la relación entre la racionalidad neoliberal y las subjetividades profesionales. Para abordar estos objetivos, se adopta un enfoque socioconstruccionista crítico y se utiliza un método comprensivo-interpretativo. Esto nos permite reconocer la importancia de los discursos culturalmente disponibles, las prácticas sociales imbricadas con ellos y la relevancia de las condiciones materiales y las relaciones de poder en la constitución de la subjetividad. En este sentido, aunque se trata de una tesis que compendia tres artículos, todos los estudios asumen un diseño metodológico cualitativo que permite explorar las diferentes formas en que los profesionales interpretan e informan sus experiencias. El primer estudio consiste en una revisión sistemática de estudios cualitativos enfocada en el análisis de las perspectivas de los profesionales sobre la intervención psicosocial en Chile. El objetivo es identificar aspectos subjetivos transversales de los interventores y examinar cómo se relacionan con el carácter neoliberal de las políticas sociales. En los resultados se destaca una racionalidad interventora que conjuga elementos estructurales que imposibilitan la adecuada y efectiva implementación de intervenciones psicosociales, y las maneras en la que los profesionales implementan prácticas que refuerzan o resisten esta lógica dominante. En el segundo estudio, por medio de un análisis de discurso orientado por la psicología discursiva y la psicología retórica, mostramos que las subjetividades profesionales toman forma en seis posiciones de sujeto que muestran distintas versiones de los interventores entre las cuales ellos transitan. También damos cuenta del carácter ideológicamente ambiguo de estas posiciones, por lo que su articulación con la racionalidad neoliberal se expresa en el refuerzo de lógicas individualizantes, mientras que su desarticulación pasa por colectivizar la acción profesional. El tercer artículo se centra en las prácticas narrativas que apareció en las entrevistas como un enfoque de intervención novedoso y transformador. Mediante un análisis temático interpretativo, se examina cómo la introducción de las prácticas narrativas impacta positivamente tanto a los profesionales como a los usuarios en el contexto de la intervención en infancia y adolescencia. Sin embargo, a pesar de que a nivel práctico este enfoque abre abanicos de acción significativamente diferentes, en términos ideológicos los profesionales mantienen lógicas individualizantes tanto respecto de la intervención como del trabajo con otros profesionales. Esto hace necesario que la inserción de prácticas transformadoras no sea un esfuerzo individual de ciertos profesionales, sino parte de dinámicas de trabajo más amplias y políticamente comprometidas. En conjunto, los tres estudios proporcionan una comprensión de cómo se configuran las subjetividades profesionales, así como la (des)articulación entre estas subjetividades y la racionalidad neoliberal. Además, se enfatiza la relevancia de la colectivización como estrategia para resistir los efectos de la racionalidad neoliberal. Los resultados de la tesis tienen implicancias importantes para la transformación de las políticas sociales y la protección de los profesionales frente a dichos efectos. En términos disciplinares, aporta una lectura situada de las implicancias ideológicas de la intervención y una perspectiva compleja sobre la agencia y las resistencias profesionales posibles en el marco neoliberal. En definitiva, la tesis nos permite plantear que las posibilidades de resistencia y transformación ante la racionalidad neoliberal aparecen sujetas a un trabajo de desubjetivación y de colectivización del quehacer profesional, horizonte que pensamos puede ser asumido por la psicología social crítica.[eng] In this thesis we investigate the (dis)articulation between the professional subjectivities - involved in psychosocial intervention in Chile - and neoliberal rationality. We examine how these subjectivities are affected by neoliberal logic and how professionals respond to these effects. Furthermore, we explore the ideological implications of these practitioners' responses, considering that their subjectivities may reflect the neoliberal conception of social policies. This analysis is relevant for critical social psychology, as it allows us to problematise whether professional action can reproduce the hegemonic model. An understanding of these subjectivities is essential to develop psychosocial interventions that challenge the neoliberal model. On this basis, this thesis has two main objectives. First, to analyse and understand professional subjectivities in the implementation of neoliberal social policies in Chile. Secondly, to identify and problematise the ideological and technical implications of the relationship between neoliberal rationality and professional subjectivities. To address these objectives, we adopt a critical socio-constructionist approach and use a comprehensive-interpretative method. This allows us to recognise the importance of culturally available discourses, the social practices embedded in these discourses, and the relevance of material conditions and power relations in the constitution of subjectivity. In this sense, although this is a thesis that compiles three articles, all the studies assume a qualitative methodological design that allows us to explore the different ways in which professionals interpret and report their experiences. The first study is a systematic review of qualitative studies focusing on the analysis of practitioners' perspectives on psychosocial intervention in Chile. The aim is to identify cross-cutting subjective aspects of the interveners and to examine how these relate to the neoliberal ethos of social policies. The results highlight an interventional rationality that combines structural elements that impede the adequate and effective implementation of psychosocial interventions, and the ways in which professionals implement practices that reinforce or resist this dominant logic. In the second study, by means of a discourse analysis informed by discursive psychology and rhetorical psychology, we show that professional subjectivities take shape in six subject positions that show different versions of the practitioners through which they shift. We also reveal the ideologically ambiguous character of these positions, whereby their articulation with neoliberal rationality is expressed in the reinforcement of individualising logics, while their disarticulation is expressed as a collectivisation of professional action. The third article focuses on the narrative practices that appeared in the interviews as a novel and transformative intervention approach. Through an interpretative thematic analysis, it examines how the introduction of narrative practices has a positive impact on both professionals and users in the context of intervention in childhood and adolescence. However, despite the fact that at a practical level this approach opens up significantly different action paths, in ideological terms professionals maintain individualising logics both in terms of intervention and in working with other professionals. This makes it necessary that the insertion of transformative practices is not an individual effort of certain professionals, but part of broader and more politically engaged working dynamics. As a whole, the three studies provide an understanding of how professional subjectivities are configured, as well as the (dis)articulation between these subjectivities and neoliberal rationality. Furthermore, the relevance of collectivisation as a strategy to resist the effects of neoliberal rationality is emphasised. The results of the thesis have important implications for the transformation of social policies and the protection of professionals from these effects. In disciplinary terms, it provides a situated understanding of the ideological implications of intervention as well as a complex perspective on agency and possible professional resistance in the neoliberal framework. In short, the thesis allows us to propose that the possibilities of resistance and transformation in the face of neoliberal rationality appear to be subject to a work of de-subjectivisation and collectivisation of professional work, a horizon that we believe can be embraced by critical social psychology

    Assessing the Potential of HPV16 E6 Seroprevalence as a Biomarker for Anal Dysplasia and Cancer Screening—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Elevated rates of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and anal cancer (AC) in populations like men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV underscore the need for effective screening. While high-resolution anoscopy-guided biopsy is the gold standard, limited provider availability poses a challenge. This has spurred interest in identifying biomarkers for improved AC prevention. Antibodies against HPV16 oncoprotein E6, known as markers for cervical and oropharyngeal cancers, are the focus of the current study. The systematic review and meta-analysis included six studies meeting inclusion criteria, assessing HPV16 E6 seroprevalence in individuals with anal HSIL or AC. A two-step meta-analysis estimated pooled odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for HPV16 E6 seroprevalence and HSIL or AC. Pooled prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic odds ratios were also calculated. This meta-analysis revealed a 3.6-fold increased risk of HSIL for HPV16 E6 seropositive individuals, escalating to a 26.1-fold risk increase for AC. Pooled specificity and sensitivity indicated a high specificity (0.99; 95%CI: 0.99, 0.99) but lower sensitivity (0.19; 95%CI: 0.10, 0.34) for HPV16 E6 serostatus as an AC biomarker. In conclusion, while HPV16 E6 seroprevalence demonstrates specificity as a potential biomarker for HPV-related AC, its utility as a standalone screening tool may be limited. Instead, it could serve effectively as a confirmation test, particularly in high-risk populations, alongside other diagnostic methods. Further research is imperative to explore HPV16 E6 seroconversion dynamics and alternative screening algorithms

    Synthesis of the antimicrobial peptide murepavadin using novel coupling agents

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    The problem of antimicrobial resistance is becoming a daunting challenge for the human society and health care systems around the world. Hence, there is a constant need to develop new antibiotics to fight resistant bacteria, among other important social and economic measures. In this regard, murepavadin is a cyclic antibacterial peptide in development. The synthesis of murepavadin was undertaken in order to optimize the preparative protocol and scale-up. In our hands, classical approaches using carbodiimide/hydroxybenzotriazole rendered low yields. In addition, benzotriazole-based reagents have been reported to exhibit explosive properties. The use of the new TBEC carbodiimide and reagents based on OxymaPure® and Oxy-B is discussed together with proper use of chromatographic conditions for the adequate characterization of the peptide crudes. Higher yields and purities are obtained with the new reagents compared to traditional protocols. Finally, the antimicrobial activity of the different synthetic batches was tested in three Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains, including highly resistant varieties which consisted of two carbapenem-resistant strains and an extended spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL) producer. All murepavadin batches yielded the same MIC values, independently of the synthetic approach used, which demonstrates that the chiral integrity of the molecule was preserved throughout the whole synthetic procedure.</p

    The royal administration in the Crown of Aragon

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    [spa] El artículo analiza los altos cargos de la administración real en los distintos reinos que integraban la Corona de Aragón a principios de la Edad Moderna: el virrey o lugarteniente general, que substituía al monarca ausente; los gobernadores generales, representantes teóricos del primogénito real, también ausente; los titulares de las distintas secciones de la hacienda (Real Patrimonio, Maestro Racional, Tesorero general y sus lugartenientes), el Consejo Supremo de la Corona de Aragón, y las Audiencias, consideradas el Consejo real en cada reino. En cada caso se profundiza en el entorno social y familiar de los titulares de los cargos.[eng] The article analizes the top posts in the royal administration in the different kingdoms that comprised the Crown of Aragón at the begining of Modern Age: the viceroy or the general lieutenant, who acted as the monarch when he was not present; the governorgeneral represented (theoretically) the royal heir in his absence, and the titulars of the different sections in the royal finances, the “maestro racional”, the general treasurer and his lieutenants, the Supreme Council of the Crown of Aragon and the Audiencias, considered the Royal council in each kingdom. In each different case we study in depth the family and social atmosphere of the titulars of the mentioned posts

    Multiple drying aspects shape dissolved organic matter composition in intermittent streams

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    Water availability is a fundamental driver of biogeochemical processing in highly dynamic ecosystems such as intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), which are recognized as the most common fluvial ecosystem globally. Because of their global extent, IRES have a remarkable contribution to organic matter processing, which is expected to intensify as climate change and water extraction expand IRES extension. Nevertheless, the effect of the complexity of the drying process on river biogeochemistry remains unclear. This study investigated how drying aspects affect the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and composition in 35 streams along a wide flow-intermittence gradient in the NE Iberian Peninsula. To do that, four drying aspects: annual drying duration, annual frequency, duration of the last drying event, and time since the last drying event were characterized. Results showed that DOC concentration and the contribution of humic-like compounds were positively associated with intensifying drying conditions. In addition, protein-like compounds decreased over the drying gradient. More specifically, changes in DOC concentration were driven mainly by annual drying duration, whereas annual drying frequency and the duration of the last drying event jointly explained dissolved organic matter composition. These results suggest that the quantity and composition of dissolved organic matter in streams respond differently to the temporal aspects of the drying process. Our study can help to better anticipate changes in organic matter in the context of climate change

    El matrimonio, entre concierto y secreto: lecturas áureas de la familia moderna

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    [spa] Estudio acerca de las relaciones familiares desde una nueva perspectiva en la línea de la historia de la vida cotidiana, la práctica del secreto. Esta, resulta clave para entender el desarrollo de la clandestinidad matrimonial, tan extendida hasta los tiempos modernos. El planteamiento que se ofrece ahora es metodológico, entendiendo la perspectiva de lo secreto como espacio de juego donde los individuos, los géneros y los grupos interactúan y construyen más allá de lo normativo. Pero también es documental, y nos centraremos en la ficción, pues este tema ha sido abordado, de otra manera, y deviene imprescindible para la historiografía modernista recoger sus claves y permeabilizarnos con sus imaginarios, método que nos puede acercar a un más fructífero diálogo con nuestras fuentes clásicas.[eng] It's a key to study family relationships into a new perspective on everydaylife history, the secrecy practices. This is a topic about the high persistance of marriage clandestinity, extended during medieval age and early modern times. Our perspective is that the secrecy, is a game space, a game where individuals, gender and families are interacting and building without normative pressures. About documentary perspective, we'll work fiction; it’s imperative to permeabilize us with their representations, and then to open us on dialogue with the classical sources. Keywords: Everyday life; Secrecy; Secrecy marriage; Early modern family

    La producció literària de Maria LLuïsa Algarra i Coma (1916-1957), la primera jutgessa a l'estat espanyol

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Dret. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2023-2024. Tutor: Max Turull RubinatMaria Lluïsa Algarra i Coma (1916-1957) va ser una figura notable a la història espanyola i mexicana, destacant-se tant en l'àmbit judicial com en el cultural. Com a primera dona jutgessa a Espanya, va desafiar les normes de gènere del seu temps. La seva incursió a la dramatúrgia va començar amb l'exitosa obra Judith el 1936, escrita en català, fet que va marcar l'inici d'una carrera prometedora a les arts escèniques. La Guerra Civil espanyola va trastocar la seva vida i la seva carrera. Durant el conflicte, va participar activament en moviments feministes i de resistència, evidenciant el seu compromís polítícc i social. Després de la presa de Barcelona pels franquistes el 1939, es va veure obligada a l'exili. La seva arribada a Mèxic el 1939 marca un nou capítol a la seva vida. Contrari a algunes narratives mitificades sobre el seu exili, hi ha documents que revelen que va arribar al país l'abril d'aquell any. A Mèxic, Algarra va florir com a dramaturga, destacant-se en un escenari cultural vibrant i en constant evolució. Tot i la seva curta vida i les incerteses que envolten el seu exili, Maria Lluïsa Algarra va deixar una marca indeleble a la història d'Espanya i Mèxic. La seva valentia per desafiar les expectatives de gènere a la judicatura, el seu talent com a dramaturga i la seva resistència durant temps turbulents la converteixen en una icona de la lluita per la justícia i l'expressió artística

    What happens when the tasks dry up? Exploring the impact of medical technology on workforce planning

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    Increasing evidence suggests that new technologies tend to substitute for low skilled labour and complement highly skilled labour. This paper considers the manner in which new technology impacts on two distinct groups of highly skilled health care labour, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. We consider the diffusion impact of PCI as it replaces CABG in the treatment of cardiovascular disease in the English NHS, and explicitly estimate the degree to which the cardiac surgical workforce reacts to this newer technology. Using administrative data we trace the complementarity between CABG and PCI during the mature phase of technology adoption, mapped against an increasing employment of cardiologists as they replace cardiothoracic surgeons. Our findings show evidence of growing employment of cardiologists, as PCI is increasingly expanded to older and sicker patients. While in cardiothoracic surgery, surgeons compensate falling CABG rates in a manner consistent with undertaking replacement activity and redeployment. While for cardiologists this reflects the general findings in the literature, that new technology enhances rather than substitutes for skilled labour, for the surgeons the new technology leads to redeployment rather than a downsizing of their labour

    DECLAB: a software for liquid scintillation spectra deconvolution

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    The deconvolution of liquid scintillation (LS) spectra is meaningful in several scenarios like supporting incomplete radiochemical separations, for screening purposes and determining different isotopes of the same element, which is explored in this paper for the case of 89Sr/90Sr. In this paper DECLAB, an online application for liquid scintillation spectra analysis is presented. The software considers the classical calibration modes like constant efficiency and quenching curve and furthermore, the deconvolution of multicomponent spectra by means of Partial Least Square Regression. DECLAB is designed to analyse Perkin Elmer Wallac Quantulus 1220 spectra. However, in further upgrades, the applicability of this tool will be extended to other LS spectrometers


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