Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies
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    Brod je zatvoreni sustav u kojem se u svakom trenutku obavlja nekakva vrsta mehaničkog, električnog i elektroničkog rada. Takav sustav podložan je kvarovima, a time i nesrećama koje za posljedicu mogu imati gubitak vremena, opreme, tereta te na posljetku i života. Požar je jedna od najopasnijih vrsta nesreće na brodu jer izgaranje gorivog materijala generira velike temperature te, ovisno o gorivu, toksične pare i plinove koji su izrazito štetni i opasni za posadu i brod. Prisutnost velike količine maziva, ulja i brodskog goriva te mehaničkih, električnih i elektroničkih uređaja u brodskoj strojarnici čine ju izrazito podložnim mjestom za nastanak požara. Pravovremena detekcija i signalizacija opasnosti, a time i aktivacija alarma i protupožarnih uređaja ključna je u sprječavanju tragedije.Ship is a closed system where in every moment there is a need of some kind of mechanical, electrical and electronical work. Such system is susceptible to malfunctions, as well as accidents that could result in loss of time, equipment, cargo and ultimately, life. The fire is one of the most dangerous types of accidents on board because the combustion of flammable material generates high temperatures and toxic vapors and gases depending on the fuel which are distinctly harmful and dangerous for crew and ship. The presence of large amounts of lubricants, oils and marine fuels as well as mechanical, electrical and electronic devices in the ship’s engine room, make it very distinct subject to fire. Timely detection and signalization of danger, thus activating alarms and fire extinguishers is key to preventing tragedy


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    Prometna politika predstavlja sustav koji se sastoji od svojih podsustava, čijoj skupini pripada i podsustav lučke politike. Zajedničkim djelovanjem ovih politika teži se ka ostvarivanju ciljeva i jačanju gospodarske djelatnosti. Razvojni čimbenici stvaranja prometne i lučke politike Republike Hrvatske, odnosno luke Rijeka odnose se na njezin geografski i prometni položaj, vezu sa zaleđem, važnost paneuropskog koridora te ulogu suradnje luke Rijeka s ostalim sjevernojadranskim lukama. Luka Rijeka predstavlja strateški najvažniju luku Republike Hrvatske čiji je prometni i lučki cilj jačanje konkurentnosti uz investiranje u svoje slabosti koje uključuju željezničku i cestovnu infrastrukturu, modernizaciju lučke mehanizacije te realizaciji planiranih investicija čiji je cilj jačanje konkurentnosti i položaja luke Rijeka na tržištu.Traffic policy represents a system that consists of its subsystems, whose group also belongs subsystem of port policy. The joint action of these policies strives to achieve the goals and strengthen of the economic activity. Development factors of traffic and port policy of the Republic of Croatia, namely the port of Rijeka, relate to its geographic and traffic position, connection to the hinterland, the importance of the Pan-European Corridor and the role of cooperation between port of Rijeka and other northern Adriatic ports. Port of Rijeka is the most strategic port of the Republic of Croatia, whose goal is to increase competitiveness while investing in its weaknesses, including railway and road infrastructure, port facility modernization and realization of planned investments aiming at strengthening the competitiveness and position of the port of Rijeka in the market


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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak


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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak


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    Brod u međunarodnoj plovidbi mjesto je gdje ljudi (posada) različitih kultura i nacionalnosti žive na istom mjestu na određeno vremensko razdoblje. Šezdeset posto svjetske flote ima multinacionalnu posadu. Na brodu se može vidjeti kako mala populacija ljudi s različitim jezikom, kulturom, vjerom, nacionalnošću, tradicijom radi na malom ograničenom području. Pomorcu se okolina mijenja, on susreće ostale kulture i pokušava se nositi s njima, a rezultat tih okolnosti može se odraziti na njegovu kulturu. Dimenzije kulture kategorije su unutar kojih svaka kultura može biti svrstana. Kada se govori o pomorskoj sigurnosti, termin ljudski element ili ljudski faktor igra presudnu ulogu. Broj nesreća i nezgoda na moru uzrokovan ljudskom pogreškom, uključujući komunikacijske propuste i međukulturalne probleme, daleko je veći od nesreća uzrokovanih tehničkim kvarom. Postoji nekoliko važnih problema vezanih uz ljudski faktor s mješovitom posadom kao što su: nesporazumi, nedostatak socijalne interakcije, zablude, udaljenost od moći i krivo stereotipiziranje.A ship in international trade is an enviroument where people (the crew) live in the same place for a certain period of time. Sixty percent of the world’s merchant fleet is now staffed by multinational crews. A small population of people who have different languages, traditions, and religions are living and working together in a restricted space on board a vessel. The seafarers' environment changes, they meet other cultures and try to deal with them, and as a result of these circumstances, they may start to reflect on they own culture. Cultural dimensions are categories in which any culture can be placed. When discussing maritime safety, the term human element plays a crucial role. The number of accidents and incidents at sea caused by human factor, including communication failure and cross-cultural problems, is far greater than the number of accidents caused by technical failure. There are several important causes of accidents which are relevant to the human factor issue with mixed-crews, such as: miscommunication, lack of social interaction, misconceptions, power distance and wrong stereotyping


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    U ovom završnom radu obrađuje se tema sprječavanja požara na brodu učinkovitom organizacijom rada među svim članovima posade. Prvi dio teme se odnosi na općenito organizaciju rada na brodovima i o njenoj važnosti kako bi se ljudski resursi na brodovima mogli u potpunosti iskoristiti. U ovom dijelu će se dodatno osvrnuti na menadžment resursa na mostu u cilju pridonošenja važnosti svakoga člana posade i na protupožarnu zaštitu te ćemo navesti osnovna načela gašenja požara sustavima vode i pjene. Drugi dio se odnosi na požar na Ro-Ro putničkom brodu Oscar Wilde u kojemu će se prikazati tijek događaja tijekom incidenta i postupci posade tijekom istog. Zadnji dio završnog rada se bavi analizom incidenta na brodu Oscar Wilde kojom će se ukazati na važnost menadžmenta resursa na mostu, obuke i spremnosti posade, te ispravnosti opreme protupožarne zaštite. Navode se sigurnosni problemi koji pridonose takvim incidentima te radnje i promjene koje su poduzete nakon ove nesreće

    Nautical Tourism in Croatia and in Portugal in the Late 2010’s: Issues and Perspectives

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    Croatia is one of the well - known Mediterranean destinations for nautical tourism which full development potential is waiting to be used. Cultural attractions, indented coastline, numerous islands, climatic and other advantages are not enough. Croatia needs new infra- and supra-structures, which are reflected through investments in new marinas, anchorages and other facilities. Portugal is an Atlantic country, but with a Mediterranean culture due to its proximity and (potentially) benefiting from its extensive shoreline, two archipelagos, and being located in a geographical position where thousands of yachts pass by each year. The article aims to analyse the accommodation capacities of nautical tourism ports in Croatia and in Portugal. The authors have given an overview of the current situation with an emphasis on the differences and possibilities. The purpose of this article is to analyse the legal objective of nautical tourism and the growing need for accommodation capacities in ports of nautical tourism in both countries. The authors have carried out the research and have analysed data from different years and regions. Although more in Croatia, nautical tourism is a significant part of the national economy in both countries with a strong incentive on the local community. The special goal of this paper is to research into and analyse the economic and ecological impact of nautical tourism through ports of nautical tourism and with a special emphasis on marinas. The result obtained and the critical overview has been presented as one of the important contributions of this paper


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    U ovom radu obrađena je osnovna podjela sustava za automatsko prepoznavanje govora koji su TTS (Text-to-speech) i STT (Speech-to-text) te njegova povijest. Objašnjene su glavne značajke govora koje se mora uzeti u obzir prilikom projektiranja takvih sustava. Nadalje, objašnjeni su algoritmi i alati za prepoznavanje govora kao što su dinamičko savijanje vremena, umjetne neuronske mreže, skriveni Markovljevi modeli te dubinske neuronske mreže. Također objašnjena je arhitektura sustava za sintetiziranje govora te su opisane sve analize koje sustav odrađuje prilikom sintetiziranja. U posljednjem dijelu rada opisana je implementacija aplikacije za prepoznavanje govora (Voicecommand) unutar Raspbian operativnog sustava.This thesis consists of describing core segmentation of automatic speech recognition systems, which is TTS (Text-to-speech) and STT (Speech-to-text), and it's history. Most important word features which have to be taken into account during projecting those systems are explained. Furthermore, algorithms and tools used in speech recognition are also described, some of them being dynamic time-warping, artificial neural networks, hidden Markov models and deep neural networks. Architecture of systems for speech synthesizing is also described with all analysis needed for speech synthesizing. Last part of thesis consists of describing the implementation of one of many speech recognition applications (Voicecommand) inside of Raspbian operating system

    A Comparative Analysis of Accommodation Capacities of Nautical Tourism Ports in Croatia and in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

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    Croatia is one of the major Mediterranean destinations for nautical tourism owing to its countless attractions, indented coastline, numerous islands, climatic and other advantages. An important factor for achieving a full development potential is the availability of infra- and supra-structure, which is reflected through investments in new marinas, anchorages and other facilities. The article analyses accommodation capacities of ports for nautical tourism in Croatia. The authors give an overview of the current situation with an emphasis on the County of Primorje-Gorski Kotar. The purpose of this article is to analyse the growing need for accommodation capacities in nautical tourism ports and to point to the importance of building new marinas and berths, especially for boats long between 12 and 15 meters


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