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The research based on the researcher’s interest to the discussion about theatre concept and theatre directing model at theatre group to find theatre concept description , theatre concept as product, and theatre directing model in a work-process of theatre text taken by the researcher as research focus. Data in this research was qualitative data in descriptive form about conceptualization phenomena of theatre group, explanation or theoretical narrative statement, document presented activity in working theatre text as product and theatre directing model as unity in theatre concept and theatre directing model. The research in general aimed to describe theatre concept and theatre directing model at Sampar Indonesia theatre group and especially to describe theatre concept, theatre concept as product and theatre directing model. Method used in this research was Grounded research with qualitative analytical narrative and developed the discussion according to the tight selection phase and theatre directing model at Theatre Sampar Indonesia group. The research found that various theatre concept and theatre directing model in Sampar Indonesia theatre group, especially theatre concept in organization of theatre group, revealing group identity with theory understanding discussion as theatre concept base to the conceptual function in Sampar Indonesia theatre group. Besides, various focused importance like theatre concept as product owed basic elements as concept strengthen in activities involvement at theatre text work-process, systematic process form, room and shape understanding, approaches in production process, methods used in production process and the manual of theatre practices, so that in management process of the creation product (theatre show), in this, “Oedipus come home” text work by Sampar Indonesia theatre group. Theatre directing model is one way out took Sampar Indonesia theatre group in value, identity, and character in making theatre text process. It signed by director’s model, theatre group model, work performance model, and directing technique and method and approaches used in theatre direction
Key Word: Correlation, Viewing Cartoon, Child of Behavior\ud
Television represent alliance of media hear (motion picture and audio) (motion / live) which can have the character of politically, can be, informative, entertainment amusement, education, or even alliances from third element. Television stations of competitions draw attention audience with assumed events fulfill society appetite, escape the event affect positively and also negative to its beholder. Display television for child cannot be dissociated with animated cartoon, because this is film type very popular [in] their environment, even by dozens adult taking a fancy to this film. If us pay attention, animated cartoon still predominated by import film product. So also Japan animated cartoon, like Dragon Ball, Doraemon, Detective Conan, Sinchan, and others very popular and even predominate to display our television station. Animated cartoon of Dragon this Ball represents animated cartoon of sequel old, even hitherto. Unhappily at the opposite of friendliness, hidden the existence of threat. They also can find idol which they not discover real world, see not fear, cowardice of especial figure, even good side unrighteous figure. Film of Dragon Ball to child (it) is true one of film preoccupying. Become this research internal issue formula there any correlation and how big correlation looks on to display animated cartoon of dragon ball with behavior of child?\ud
Look on something that conducted individual to see an object which related to self, individual to so that centre entire/all its attention to the object and conduct existing activity its bearing with the object voluntarily. Film is peripatetic picture, made picture of ribbon of celluloid transparent in number which many, which if moved to pass strong light will see like motion picture (Siregar, 1985; 9). While so-called child film according to Veven SP Wardhana is film becoming child dream proxy like Walt Disney etcetera. Behavior of child is natural everything by child covering dream or ideas able to influence its behavior motion. As according to title, in this research use theory of S-R according to model of S-O-R. Theoretical this effect the generated special reaction to stimulus so that one can expect and estimate according to [among/between] reaction and message of communicant, attention, congeniality, and acceptance of all important element in changing someone attitude. Operational definition in research consist of to look on animated cartoon ( X), and behavior of child ( Y).\ud
In this research, researcher use approach of quantitative research, which quantitative research emphasize in number data analysis In this research researcher also use method of explanation associative, because with this method researcher will know correlation between that variable. Intention of method of explanation this to know relation between two variable or more (Sugiyono, 1999; 11). Population in this research class student 1 SMP PGRI 1 Bululawang which have fulfilled researcher criterion and found [by] counted 165 children. Pursuant to stipulating of amount of sample by using formula of Taro Yamane, sample in this research amount to 55 people. Technique analyzes data in this research use correlation of product moment (Pearson Product Moment Correlation).\ud
Pursuant to data analysis which has been conducted, researcher can conclude as follows 1. There is relation between look on to display animated cartoon of Dragon Ball with behavior of child 2. Level of relation contribution look on to display animated cartoon of Dragon Ball (X) with Behavior of child ( Y) at student of SMP PGRI 1 Bululawang, Malang equal to 43 %. And the rest equal to 57 % influenced by other factors which not be discussed in this research 3. From result of data analysis found r = 0,656 with P=0,000. This Matter show the existence of positive [relation/link] very significant between variable of X (look on animated cartoon of Dragon Ball) and variable of Y (Child Behavioral
to self image to reflect their social status. Lifestyle is used by someone in behaving and the consequenses will establish certain behavior pattern, especially how he wants to be percieved by others. In Yogyakarta, many students are being addicted by hotspot. Everyday they look for free \ud
hotspot, started from campusses, coffee shop, until café. They use it for chatting, and visiting friendship sites as facebook. This become a business opportunity for the owner to fasilitate his/her business place with hotspot to be something interesting for the customer. \ud
This research is done to hotspot-user-students in Yogyakarta on march 5 until march 10, 2009 with descriptive quantitative method. The number of subject are 60 students. For data collecting technique, this research uses questionnaire method with the combination between open and close questions. For data analysis, this research uses descriptive statistic analysis with using percentage. \ud
The result of this research shows that lifestyle profile of hotspot user students are seen in three aspects, that is: (1) The activity, indicates 30% of them using their leisure time for learning, 28,3% for their hobby of music, 81,3% hanging out to release saturation, 56,66% considering \ud
quality and price for shopping, 56,66% get involved in social activity to help others, 65% spending holydays along with friends and family, 60% interested to become club member, 30% participating in social activity, 56% engaging in sport activity to stay fit. (2) The interest, indicates 65% students have interest in gathering with family, 73% have attention to sanitation, home tidiness, 53% students enjoy work appropriate to the field, 85% enjoy to gather with other people, 75% like vacation place that is far from the city crowd, 45% want to be the first who uses the brand new trend, 70% prefer to traditional food, 70% using internet to know the update trend, 85% believe that they able to do something. (3) The opinion, indicates 86,66% students believe that they can make friend with anyone, 28,33% say that this hotspot is good, 30% have opinion \ud
that the economic begins to develop, 26,66% have opinion that culture is great-grandmother inheritance that has to be concerned and preserved, 36,66% have opinion that business in Indonesia begins to develop, 78,33% unsatisfied with educational degree that they take today, 25% have opinion that the product of our country does not come off from foreign country, 28,33% believe that their future is better from now on, 40% have opinion that political world is compiled with corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN). Kemajuan teknologi informasi tampaknya telah mengambil peran besar dalam pembentukan gaya hidup masyarakat. Gaya hidup adalah perilaku seseorang yang ditunjukkan dalam aktivitas, minat, dan opini khususnya yang berkaitan dengan citra diri untuk merefleksikan status sosialnya. Gaya hidup dipakai seseorang dalam bertingkah laku dan konsekuensinya akan membentuk pola perilaku tertentu, terutama bagaimana dia ingin dipersepsikan oleh orang lain. \ud
Di Yogyakarta banyak para mahasiswa sedang keranjingan hotspot. Setiap hari mereka mencari hotspot gratis, mulai dari kampus, kedai kopi, café. Mereka memanfaatkan seperti untuk chatting dan membuka situs pertemanan seperti facebook. Hal itu menjadi peluang bisnis bagi pemilik \ud
usaha dengan memfasilitasi tempat usahanya dengan hotspot sebagai penarik konsumen. \ud
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa pengguna hotspot yang berada di kota Yogyakarta pada tanggal 5 maret s/d 10 maret 2009 dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian ini berjumlah 60 mahasiswa pengguna hotspot. Adapun teknik pengumnpulan data menggunakan metode angket dengan pertanyaan kombinasi tertutup dan terbuka. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistic deskriptif dengan menggunakan prosentase. \ud
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil gaya hidup mahasiswa pengguna hotspot dilihat dari 3 aspek yaitu:(1)Aktivitas menunjukkan 30% menggunakan waktu luang untuk \ud
belajar, 28,3% hoby music, 81,3% keluar rumah melepaskan kejenuhan, 56,66% mempertimbangkan kualitas dan harga jika akan belanja, 56,66% terlibat dalam kegiatan sosial membantu orang lain, 65% menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama teman dari pada keluarga, 60% tertarik menjadi anggota club, 30% ikut serta dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan, 56% berolahraga untuk menjaga kebugaran.(2)Minat menunjukkan 65% mempunyai minat terhadap acara pertemuan keluarga, 73% mempunyai perhatian terhadap kebersihan,kerapian rumah, 53% \ud
menyenangi pekerjaan sesuai bidangnya, 85% senang berbaur dengan orang banyak, 75% menyukai tempat liburan yang jauh dari keramaian kota, 45% ingin menjadi orang pertama yang \ud
menggunakan mode terbaru, 70% lebih menyukai makanan tradisional, 70% menggunakan internet untuk mengetahui trend yang sedang berkembang, 85% merasa bisa dalam mengerjakan sesuatu.(3)Opini menunjukkan 86,66% merasa dapat berteman dengan siapa saja, 28,33 berpendapat bagus terhadap tempat berhotspot, 30% berpendapat ekonomi sudah mulai berkembang, 26,66% berpendapat tentang budaya merupakan warisan nenek moyang yang harus dihormati dan dijaga, 36,66% berpendapat bisnis dinegara indonesia sudah mulai berkembang, 78,33% tidak cukup puas dengan tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuhnya saat ini, 25% berpendapat bahwa produk buatan dalam negeri tidak kalah dengan produk luar negeri, 28,33% merasa masa depannya lebih baik dari sekarang, 40% berpendapat dunia politik penuh KKN. \ud
Information technology progress apparently take a great role for the establishment of people lifestyle. Lifestyle is people’s behavior shows in activity, interest, and opinion especially relate
Analisis Variabel – Variabel yang Mempengaruhi Kebijakan Dividen Pada Perusahaan Makanan dan Minuman
The title "Analysis of Variables - Variables Influencing Dividend Policy In Food and Beverage Company." The purpose of this research is to know how big the ROE (Return on Equity), CR (Current Ratio), DER (Debt to Equity Ratio), EPS (Earning Per Share), and DG (Devident Growth) affects a company's dividend policy, can be further formulated from these five variables, which variables that have the greatest influence on dividend policy. The analysis tools are Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using OLS autokolerasi assumptions, multicollinearity and heterocedastity so that will be obtained regression equation better .. Results of Multiple Linear Regression analysis showed that based on the F test is obtained ROE (Return on Equity), CR (Current Ratio), DER (Debt to Equity Ratio), EPS (Earning Per Share), DG (Devident Growth) simultaneously influence the policy dividends. These results can be seen from the value of F test 3.743> F table 2.62. Thus the first hypothesis, that the ROE (Return on Equity), CR (Current Ratio), DER\ud
(Debt to Equity Ratio), EPS (Earning Per Share), DG (Devident Growth) simultaneously influence the dividend policy. Based on t test to test the effect of partial t table with 3.231> 2.064 t can be concluded that a significant difference between DG partially on dividend policy. In hypothesis II obtained Devident Growth is a variable that has the greatest influence because it has a coeficient Standardized Beta values are the highest among the four other variables studied
Tema ini gawat, tetapi tentunya harus dijawab untuk apa ini semua. Bila kita sudah memiliki sebuah organisasi tajdid yang kokoh dan Islami lalu ini untuk apa. Kemudian, timbul pertanyaan kedua yang lebih gawat lagi, Indonesia ini mau diapakan oleh Muhamamdiyah. Pertanyaan ini sudah lama bergalau dalam otak saya. \ud
Kalau kita kaitkan dengan Anggaran Dasar, Muhammadiyah ini adalah gerakan Islam, gerakan dakwah amar makruf nahi munkar, berasas Islam yang ditetapkan sejak Muktamar di Jakarta yang lalu, dan kita buang asas tunggal dari Muktamar tahun 1985 yang ditetapkan karena dipaksa oleh keadaan, tetapi juga harus diingat bahwa asas itu baru muncul pada tahun 1959. Dulu Kyai Dahlan tidak pakai asas. Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kiyai Ibrahim, dan Kyai Mas Mansur juga tidak. Jadi, dengan demikian Kyai Dahlan tidak memandang asas ini penting. Tidak tergantung identitas Muhammadiyah ini kepada asas. Ini hal yang menarik. \ud
Asas itu muncul dalam situasi politik Indonesia yang sangat ideologis (ideology oriented). Islam tidak pernah menjadi ideologi karena Islam bukan ideologi. Sebab, posisi ideologi dalam pengkajian filsafat berada dibawah filsafat. Ideologi memang penting untuk pedoman-pedoman harian sebagai pedoman praktis, tapi diatasnya ideologi ada filsafat. Sedang posisi wahyu berada diatas filsafat. Bisa saja dari Islam, misalnya, dari Alquran kita rumuskan sebuah filsafat. Tidak ada masalah, namun belum pernah terjadi apakah di jaman Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibnu Sina, dan Ibnu Rusyd, karena pemikiran mereka lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh Helenisme, Arestotelianisme, lalu Islam menumpang ke sana
Crimes Case by Roni Sutrisno, and Muhammad Hadi Santoso Mulyono show that the crimes were carried out with gendam MO. Third person commit fraud by pretending to be kernet as well as passenger / Kyai (MPU / bison) Surabaya-Malang majoring in persuading the victim to hand over gold jewelry to one passenger who claimed to be kyai it to the doain or blessed to be everything running smoothly, including in terms of doing all the effort will be made by the victim.
This research took the formulation of the problem: 1. How typologies-typologies criminal fraud gendam mode? 2. Are the constraints that the police face in dealing with criminal fraud and gendam mode solution?
This research method socio legal reserch Research (Field Research). The method used approach is to use a sociological approach of juridical, saw the law as human behavior in society and see the details of implementation, as well as whether the practice, according to the Criminal Code or applicable law, in this case the data collection techniques of interviews with principals, members of the police, neighbors victims, and witnesses related to crimes of fraud with gendam mode. Then the data obtained are analyzed.
From the research results show that according to a study conducted by researchers obtained the results of the typology, the typology of the Crime of Fraud by Gendam mode from the results obtained a complete description and careful about the behavior and events as well as a number of common characteristics of criminals, victims and crime by the nature and characteristics human physical behavior associated with crime, in this further can be used to determine the techniques that result in more crime prevention framework and guidance offenders.
In conclusion, the perpetrators are mostly people who do not have high education and the environment that causes keluargannya he committed the crime Suggestions, perlunnya religious guidance and family, and the need to educate the general public, especially the passengers of public transport to be more cautious when taking public transportatio
Job shop scheduling problem is problem of arranging series of jobs that will be process in number of machines to minimize the total amount of time used in finishing a group of jobs (Makespan). Directed graph representation used in modelling job shop scheduling problem. \ud
The method used to get solution the problem is Simulated Annealing algortihm. This method analogous with annealing process in physic. There are three parameters which influence annealing process in job shop scheduling problem. There are : neighbour, temperature, and acceptance probability limit. \ud
Algorithm used in comparing resulted simulated annealing algorithm is Priority Dispaching method support software Quant System (QS). \ud
From simulation data from 3-job 3-machines problem makespan resulted from simulated annealing algorithm is 374, while makespan resulted from QS is 385. From simulation data from \ud
10-job 11-machines problem makespan resulted from simulated annealing algorithm is 50.37 hour, while makespan resulted from QS is 59.39 hour
The regency of batu is famous as the destionatio of tourisme place, but also famous as the centre of the plantation and the agriculture, one of them is the plantation of apple. An apple can grow rapidly in main land of Malang sepecially ini regency of Batu and it is the primest comodity in sector of the plantation in regency of Batu. The price of the smallest size of an apple is very low and sometimes not sold out because of the size which is not in standart and it small, so often negleeted. But an apple can be made the subtance of drink, juice, or the crispy chips of apple.\ud
The tool or this apple juice mechine is design with the big capacity which uses the blender system as refiner that works by knife which is moved by electrical engine that its energy is transmitedby electrical engine through a sach then turn the center, that its function is to turn tha knife so the refining happens and it produces apple juice.\ud
Well for the capacity that is got from the calculation is 47 kg/hours with the length of the cutted knife 75 mm, the width of the cutted knife 50 mm, and the energy of the electrical engine 1,5 Hp, the rotation Rpm.\ud
The key words: Apple juice machine, the blender system
The importance of inclusion of lawful label on the drug circulating in Indonesia is a right and a means for Muslim consumers to get the right information, clear and honest. Inclusion is being lawful label of freedom and security for the fulfillment of basic rights which every citizen the right to embrace a religion and perform according to his religious beliefs worship as free - free. lawful labeling on is one form of attention or consumption of a product selection by the Islamic religion, in this case Moslems consumers in order to carry out worship according to his faith. Religion Islam provides relevant rules and limits of a lawful or illegitimate goods as a product of absolute mandatory requirement to be followed and obeyed by Moslems consumers.\ud
Based on the above reasons, the author suggests two problems namely, how the form of legal protection for Moslems consumers in fulfilling the right to get the drug and the second is how the importance of inclusion of lawful label on the drug as a form of obligation to the consumer business lawful under article 4 letter (c) Law - Law number 8 of 1999. Both these problems are to be discussed more deeply by the author as study materials and information about the form of legal protection and benefits to the drug labeling for lawful Moslems consumers as Indonesia citizen. \ud
In writing this law, the author uses the technique of literary study, and then further processed by the method of juridical normative view of law as a norm that is alive and growing within the community. collecting legislation related lawful labeling and analyzing relevant provisions of which is the Law - consumer protection law number 8 of 1999 Article 8 letter (h), Law - food law number 7 of 1996 Article 34 paragraph 1, and on government regulations number 69 in 1999, Article 10. \ud
There are several things that can be expressed succinctly in the writing of this law, consumer rights related to Moslems Indonesia to obtain information on the form of permissible drug labeling. Laws - laws in Indonesia have not been able to accommodate and provide legal protection for Muslim consumers related business duties to include lawful label on goods production. The absence of liability provision of correct information, clear and honest about the condition of the products with lawful label on the drug seem more legitimate to protect the interests and convenience and profit for the business alone. \ud
The results of this writing found that lawful labeling obligation arises when business first initiative to provide lawful labeling on the goods or products included in the drug product. And lawful labeling on drugs is a very important and urgent in Indonesia since the majority of citizens of Indonesia Islamic religion. Besides the inclusion of the label is a form of lawful obligation to businessmen acting in good faith in conducting their business activities, as well as to provide correct information, clear and honest about the condition and guarantee of a good. Besides the inclusion of collateral in the form of lawful label on the medicine aims to treat and serve customers in particular Moslems properly and honestly and not discriminatory
PERAN POLITIK PERS MAHASISWA TAHUN 19982008(Studi Pada Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa di Kota Malang)
The university students pers in Malang had a history in played keep the role stability and conditions of university student pers before reformation 1998. In that moment the condition of university students pers in roling and function got problems from geografi situation. So the access of information which accepted often late. So far the government go into effect Normalization Life Campus or Badan Koordinasi Kampus (NKK/BKK). This make part of campus do observation to the pers of university students activity. Therefore, the university students pers also give careful action and sometimes attack with conducted critical use media existing to police which released by bureaucracy.
The role of pers of university students intended the content of news which critical, dare, sharp and independent that instructed for commanding bureaucracy. It is because of university students pers ever had become an alternative pers when public pers is putted in the stock with specified SIUPP by government in orde baru period. But reformation in Mei 1998 became the beginning avalanche from the feather in one’s cap university student pers in Indonesia include the university student pers in Malang. Reformation 1998 is the period for Indonesian people to get freedom in consume and also search information and this event is played by the public pers as a professional pers.
Therefore when saw from the condition that changed, so after reformation, how the politic role of university student pers as long as 1998-2008 specially in Malang town. Besides in world pers, in growth there are four world pers theory. While in Indonesia most of them use social responsibility theory. Its meant that the freedom that they embrace must based on the code etik and society importance etik. This theory also become part of data analysis in here. While this research use descriptive with analyze qualitative data where the data got by observation, interview and documentation.
And than university student pers in Malang town still can stay keep their existency. It can show from the role of pers of university student like LPM Civitas University of Merdeka Malang, LPM Inovasi University of Islam Negeri Malang, LPM Siar University of Negeri Malang and LPM Indikator Economic Faculty of the Brawijaya University.
The result of research show that the role of politic pers of university student in Malang town was stagnan and decrease. It is because of, first, after reformation represent the begin opening the freedoms of pers so public pers more dominant than university student pers. Second, the professionality of university student pers still amateur. Third, the heterogenous of news article in issued many sector in Malang town even so there are important problem issue which not they publishing that the role of university student pers is not clear in moving. And the fourth, the news that made by university student just for discoursing critic to university student and bureaucracy camp.
Therefore, it can conclude that the role of politic university student pers as long as 1998-2008 in Malang town can not see like an ideal struggle because university student pers now is only role in run their duty as a journalistic which search news information and report it. While the role of politic university student pers got fluktuative in 1998-2008