International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

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    11550 research outputs found

    Innovative bio-pyrolytic method for efficient biochar production from maize and pigeonpea stalks and their characterization

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    Agricultural residues in excess to livestock fodder are garnering global attention and stern concerns owing to their accountable share in environmental hazards due to lack of effective disposal mechanisms and indiscriminate burning. Recycling these residues for biochar production using pyrolysis is a cost effective and locally feasible technique which offers a twin-prong solution addressing both climate and soil health issues. This research work compares a portable kiln prototype that is affordable and easy to use with a muffle furnace at three distinct pyrolytic temperatures (400 °C, 500 °C, and 600 °C) to produce biochar from the stalks of maize and pigeonpea. The biochar properties were characterized using Electron Microscopy-Electron Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transmission Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). The findings indicate significant variations in biochar properties based on raw material source, pyrolytic method, and varied temperatures. Higher pyrolysis temperatures were found to reduce the amorphous organic phase and alter the ultrastructure of biochar, as evidenced by XRD analysis. SEM imaging showed macropores in oval and round shapes with crystalline deposits. The carbon content, as per EDX, decreased with increasing temperature, aligning with changes in functional groups. Edinburgh's stability test revealed that kiln biochar has more stable carbon content compared to biochar from muffle furnace and the stable carbon increased with rise in temperature. A comparative analysis demonstrated that biochar quality at 400–500 °C in a muffle furnace was on par with that produced in the portable kiln at 400 °C. Therefore, considering the kiln's portability, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and scalability, it is a promising decentralized method for biochar production, offering a cutting-edge solution for agricultural waste management and soil carbon enhancement

    Field-level rice yield estimations under different farm practices using the crop simulation model for better yield

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    Crop yield estimation is essential for decision-making systems and insurance policy makers. Numerous methodologies for yield estimation have been developed, encompassing crop models, remote sensing techniques, and empirical equations. Each approach holds unique limitations and advantages. The primary aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agro Technology Transfer) model in predicting rice yields and LAI (Leaf Area Index) across various management methods. Additionally, the study sought to identify the optimal management practice for attaining higher yields. Crop models facilitate the expeditious evaluation of management strategies aimed at improving crop yield and analyzing the balance between production, resource efficiency, and environmental impacts. The study region selected for analysis is Karimnagar district of Telangana state. DSSAT has been chosen as the preferred tool due to its high efficiency in evaluating crop yield. The model's simulated yield was compared to the observed yield obtained from crop-cutting experiments. The results indicate a correlation of 0.81 and 0.85 between observed and simulated yields, as well as between model LAI and yield. An observation was made regarding a discrepancy between predicted and actual yields, which can be attributed to biotic stress. However, it should be noted that the current model does not account for this factor. The observed average yield was 5200 kg ha-1, whereas the projected yield was 5400 kg ha-1. The findings indicate that the model's performance is influenced by both the timing of sowing and the amount of nitrogen applied. The findings indicate that the DSSAT model has demonstrated a high level of accuracy in predicting both yields and leaf area index (LAI) across various management strategies. This study showcases the potential use of crop simulation models as a technology-driven tool to identify the most effective management strategies for rice production

    Effect of sub-optimal moisture levels on the quality of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) during storage in triple-layer hermetic storage bags

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    Storage is an important aspect of groundnut, as the in-shell and shelled kernels are prone to infestation by insects, pests, and fungi. Among several storage pests, the groundnut bruchid, Caryedon serratus, causes serious losses. Farmers often resort to different management practices, including hermetic storage, to control it. The moisture content of the commodity plays an important role in insect infestation during storage. Drying to safe moisture levels before storage is known to prevent the activity of various living organisms, such as storage pests. However, drying to low levels of moisture may not be economical for farmers, as they may not have access to devices to accurately check product moisture. In this regard, we wanted to demonstrate the efficacy of triple-layer hermetic storage bags in preventing the damage caused by C. serratus when the groundnuts are stored at intermediate (10%) and high (14%) levels of moisture compared to traditionally used bags such as polypropylene bags and jute bags. Groundnut pods at 10% moisture content and 14% moisture content were separately inoculated with adult bruchids and a toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus fungal inoculum before storing them for 6 months. Results from groundnut samples taken at two-month intervals indicated that groundnut pods stored in triple-layer hermetic bags were completely free from infestation by C. serratus by recording a zero number of eggs laid, number of pupae, adult emergence, percentage of loss, and percentage of damage up to 6 months of storage, by creating low oxygen (hypoxia) and high carbon dioxide (hypercarbia) conditions. Results also indicate no loss of pod weight stored in triple-layer bags, but a slight reduction in germination percentage was recorded due to a slight increase in fungal activity, but the reduction was significantly less in triple-layer plastic bags compared to other bag types. Similarly, biochemical constituents such as oil and protein content were slightly reduced in triple-layer plastic bags when pods were stored at a 10% moisture level, but a higher reduction was observed at a 14% moisture level. However, the reduction was very high and significant in other bag types at both 10 and 14% moisture levels

    High-throughput diagnostic markers for foliar fungal disease resistance and high oleic acid content in groundnut

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    Background Foliar diseases namely late leaf spot (LLS) and leaf rust (LR) reduce yield and deteriorate fodder quality in groundnut. Also the high oleic acid content has emerged as one of the most important traits for industries and consumers due to its increased shelf life and health benefits. Results Genetic mapping combined with pooled sequencing approaches identified candidate resistance genes (LLSR1 and LLSR2 for LLS and LR1 for LR) for both foliar fungal diseases. The LLS-A02 locus housed LLSR1 gene for LLS resistance, while, LLS-A03 housed LLSR2 and LR1 genes for LLS and LR resistance, respectively. A total of 49 KASPs markers were developed from the genomic regions of important disease resistance genes, such as NBS-LRR, purple acid phosphatase, pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein, and serine/threonine-protein phosphatase. Among the 49 KASP markers, 41 KASPs were validated successfully on a validation panel of contrasting germplasm and breeding lines. Of the 41 validated KASPs, 39 KASPs were designed for rust and LLS resistance, while two KASPs were developed using fatty acid desaturase (FAD) genes to control high oleic acid levels. These validated KASP markers have been extensively used by various groundnut breeding programs across the world which led to development of thousands of advanced breeding lines and few of them also released for commercial cultivation. Conclusion In this study, high-throughput and cost-effective KASP assays were developed, validated and successfully deployed to improve the resistance against foliar fungal diseases and oleic acid in groundnut. So far deployment of allele-specific and KASP diagnostic markers facilitated development and release of two rust- and LLS-resistant varieties and five high-oleic acid groundnut varieties in India. These validated markers provide opportunities for routine deployment in groundnut breeding programs

    Aspergillus flavus pangenome (AflaPan) uncovers novel aflatoxin and secondary metabolite associated gene clusters

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    Background Aspergillus flavus is an important agricultural and food safety threat due to its production of carcinogenic aflatoxins. It has high level of genetic diversity that is adapted to various environments. Recently, we reported two reference genomes of A. flavus isolates, AF13 (MAT1-2 and highly aflatoxigenic isolate) and NRRL3357 (MAT1-1 and moderate aflatoxin producer). Where, an insertion of 310 kb in AF13 included an aflatoxin producing gene bZIP transcription factor, named atfC. Observations of significant genomic variants between these isolates of contrasting phenotypes prompted an investigation into variation among other agricultural isolates of A. flavus with the goal of discovering novel genes potentially associated with aflatoxin production regulation. Present study was designed with three main objectives: (1) collection of large number of A. flavus isolates from diverse sources including maize plants and field soils; (2) whole genome sequencing of collected isolates and development of a pangenome; and (3) pangenome-wide association study (Pan-GWAS) to identify novel secondary metabolite cluster genes. Results Pangenome analysis of 346 A. flavus isolates identified a total of 17,855 unique orthologous gene clusters, with mere 41% (7,315) core genes and 59% (10,540) accessory genes indicating accumulation of high genomic diversity during domestication. 5,994 orthologous gene clusters in accessory genome not annotated in either the A. flavus AF13 or NRRL3357 reference genomes. Pan-genome wide association analysis of the genomic variations identified 391 significant associated pan-genes associated with aflatoxin production. Interestingly, most of the significantly associated pan-genes (94%; 369 associations) belonged to accessory genome indicating that genome expansion has resulted in the incorporation of new genes associated with aflatoxin and other secondary metabolites. Conclusion In summary, this study provides complete pangenome framework for the species of Aspergillus flavus along with associated genes for pathogen survival and aflatoxin production. The large accessory genome indicated large genome diversity in the species A. flavus, however AflaPan is a closed pangenome represents optimum diversity of species A. flavus. Most importantly, the newly identified aflatoxin producing gene clusters will be a new source for seeking aflatoxin mitigation strategies and needs new attention in research

    Multi-model genome-wide association studies for appearance quality in rice

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    Improving the quality of the appearance of rice is critical to meet market acceptance. Mining putative quality-related genes has been geared towards the development of effective breeding approaches for rice. In the present study, two SL-GWAS (CMLM and MLM) and three ML-GWAS (FASTmrEMMA, mrMLM, and FASTmrMLM) genome-wide association studies were conducted in a subset of 3K-RGP consisting of 198 rice accessions with 553,831 SNP markers. A total of 594 SNP markers were identified using the mixed linear model method for grain quality traits. Additionally, 70 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) detected by the ML-GWAS models were strongly associated with grain aroma (AR), head rice recovery (HRR, %), and percentage of grains with chalkiness (PGC, %). Finally, 39 QTNs were identified using single- and multi-locus GWAS methods. Among the 39 reliable QTNs, 20 novel QTNs were identified for the above-mentioned three quality-related traits. Based on annotation and previous studies, four functional candidate genes (LOC_Os01g66110, LOC_Os01g66140, LOC_Os07g44910, and LOC_Os02g14120) were found to influence AR, HRR (%), and PGC (%), which could be utilized in rice breeding to improve grain quality traits

    Gene editing tool kit in millets: present status and future directions

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    Millets, the sixth most-grown group of crops in the drylands, support the livelihood of many small-holder farmers in the region. Being one of the most nutritious groups of crops, their production has been increasing since the last decade to meet the demands of the world’s ever-increasing population. Since its discovery, CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene editing technology has revolutionized trait improvement in numerous crops by enabling targeted insertions and deletions at specific gene sequences. With advancements like base editing and prime editing, which offer precise modifications at the nucleotide level, this technology holds great promise for enhancing millets by targeting genes responsible for key traits. The updated sequence information in the public domain makes it possible to modify certain genic regions using the CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene editing technology to develop millet crops with improved agronomical properties. The review explores each component of the editing toolbox in millets, including the gRNA designing tools, types of Cas nucleases, and promoters to be considered for enhanced and efficient gene editing in millets. We have discussed fundamental information available to successfully employ CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene editing in millets, such as the availability of genomic information and plant transformation methods. Finally, we have highlighted the limitations of employing this novel technology in millet crops by providing future directions and immediate candidate genes that could be targeted to improve various traits in millet crops

    A comprehensive assessment of yield loss in rice due to surface ozone pollution in India during 2005–2020: A great concern for food security

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    CONTEXT: About 60% of the world population relies primarily on rice as their staple food, and India ranks second in terms of global rice production. Studies have shown the adverse impact of surface ozone pollution on agriculture, particularly the yield loss (YL) of major staple crops. OBJECTIVE: (i) To assess the bias associated with ozone data used for YL estimation, (ii) to find the uncertainties in ozone exposure/crop-response methods applied for computing YL and (iii) to analyse the spatio-temporal variability of YL in rice due to surface ozone in India for the period 2005–2020 to assess food security of the country. METHODS: We use the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer chemical reanalysis (TCR-2) surface ozone data and the ozone exposure/crop-response functions to compute YL in rice. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: By using the AOT40 crop-response method, we find a crop production loss (CPL) of about 7.39 million tonnes (Mt) of rice in 2005, which increased to 11.46 Mt. in 2020. The estimated average CPL for the study period is sufficient to feed about 233 million people per year. It also has incurred an economic loss of about $2.92 billion in 2020. SIGNIFICANCE: Atmospheric pollution must be reduced to protect crop health and ensure food security, as evidenced by the two-fold rise of YL in rice due to ozone pollution during the past decade in India. This is also applicable to all agrarian economies of the world with high atmospheric pollution; reiterating the global significance of this study

    Understanding genetic diversity in drought-adaptive hybrid parental lines in pearl millet

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    Information on genetic diversity and population structure is helpful to strategize enhancing the genetic base of hybrid parental lines in breeding programs. The present study determined the population structure and genetic diversity of 109 pearl millet hybrid parental lines, known for their better adaptation and performance in drought-prone environments, using 16,472 single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers generated from GBS (genotyping-by-sequencing) platforms. The SNPs were distributed uniformly across the pearl millet genome and showed considerable genetic diversity (0.337), expected heterozygosity (0.334), and observed heterozygosity (0.031). Most of the pairs of lines (78.36%) had Identity-by-State (IBS) based genetic distances of more than 0.3, indicating a significant amount of genetic diversity among the parental lines. Bayesian model-based population stratification, neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis, and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) differentiated all hybrid parental lines into two clear-cut major groups, one each for seed parents (B-lines) and pollinators (R-lines). Majority of parental lines sharing common parentages were found grouped in the same cluster. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed 7% of the variation among subpopulations, and 93% of the variation was attributable to within sub-populations. Chromosome 3 had the highest number of LD regions. Genomic LD decay distance was 0.69 Mb and varied across the different chromosomes. Genetic diversity based on 11 agro-morphological and grain quality traits also suggested that the majority of the B- and R-lines were grouped into two major clusters with few overlaps. In addition, the combined analysis of phenotypic and genotypic data showed similarities in the population grouping patterns. The present study revealed the uniqueness of most of the inbred lines, which can be a valuable source of new alleles and help breeders to utilize these inbred lines for the development of hybrids in drought-prone environments

    Identification of disease resistant bmr sorghum recombinant inbred lines derived from diverse donor and recurrent parents

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    Brown midrib mutants discovered in maize, sorghum and pearl millet through mutagenesis constitute an important genetic resource. Studies indicated that the discovered bmr mutants not only have lower lignin content than their wild-type counterparts, but they are also associated with an improved fodder digestibility and improved process yield in biofuel production. There is need to combine this novel trait with disease resistance to enhance the commercial utilisation of sorghum cultivars by end users. We have assessed reaction of a random set of F2:4 generations that represented progenies from 46 unique cross combinations involving 12 recurrent parents and 5 donor parents against anthracnose, leaf blight, and charcoal rot diseases. The genotypes were artificially inoculated with the pure cultures of the disease-causing organisms in separate experiments. There were significant genotypic differences for the disease severity and area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) in leaf blight and anthracnose, and number of nodes crossed and lesion length in charcoal rot disease. Progeny expressing bmr12 and bmr6bmr12 were generally superior in resistance to foliar diseases and charcoal rot than bmr6. The reaction of most of the bmr lines against the diseases was similar to their corresponding wild-type parents. Principle component and hierarchical cluster analysis identified sets of genotypes with bmr6, bmr12, and bmr6bmr12 loci that combine desirable levels of resistance to two or all the three diseases. These sets of bmr derived lines could be the potential sources to develop disease resistant bmr hybrids and pure line varieties, and improved breeding populations in sorghum


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