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    A new braconid genus (Hymenoptera) parasitizing webspinners (Embiidina) in Trinidad

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    Early in 1984, while conducting field studies on embiid behavior in the Arima valley of northern Trinidad, the junior author ob- served a braconid wasp ovipositing into the silk webs of an embiid, Clothoda urichi (Saussure) [Clothodidae]. The wasp and a paralyzed embiid were collected, and another wasp was successfully reared from that host. Specimens were sent to the senior author, then stationed at the National Museum of Natural History (USNM), who determined it to be a new braconid genus. A search of the USNM collection yielded no comparable specimens; however, during a subsequent search of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) collection a specimen of a different, but related, species was found. Shenefelt (1980) provided a comprehensive index to recorded braconid hosts, which does not include any Embiidina. Callan (1952) mentioned that he collected numerous white cocoons from embiid webs in Trinidad, and he reared a braconid from these which was identified only as Apanteles sp. He suggested that these were parasites of lepidopterous larvae that sometimes live under the silk, not parasites of the webspinners. The establishment of this new genus as a parasite of webspinners therefore provides a totally new host order record for the family Braconidae

    Catholic Universities: Pluralism or Uniformity?

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    Marx’ Method, Epistemology, and Humanism: A Study in the Development of His Thought

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    In recent writings on Marx one finds an increasing interest in his humanism. This phenomenon began in the third decade of our century as a reaction against the mechanistic and stereotyped image of Marx 1 characteristic of the Second International and of Stalinism. Lukacs, in History and Class Consciousness (1923), was one of the first to discover this new Marx, and he did so even before the most important 2 of the humanistic writings of the young Marx had been discovered. With the publication ofthese writings in 1932 - namely, the Economic 3 and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 - this new outlook was given enormous impetus. In these Manuscripts, Marx makes the human being the creator and the goal of alI reality. The objectification of the human essence through labor transforms both society and nature. Labor transforms its wor1d into a place which mirrors, unfolds, and confirms the human being. This humanism is a complex and many-faceted issue. In this book we will be concerned only with a certain part of it, i.e., the epistemology, method, and doctrine of nature which it involves. Other aspects of it - Marx\u27 concept of alienation and his theory of labor and the state -have 4 been dealt with elsewhere.

    Political Roles of Iranian Village Women

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    Masses of Iranian women, many of them traditional, relatively uneducated and from the lower classes, were politically quite active in the Iranian Revolution. Many observers assume this to be without precedent. There is, however, a tradition of political participation and struggle in community politics by women, as the case of the village of Aliabad illustrates. Women\u27s activities, roles and characteristics in local politics were similar to those they exhibited in the Iranian Revolution. These village women were not radically departing from their usual behavior by supporting the revolution and joining marches in the nearby city of Shiraz. Nor did their participation in the revolution modify their roles or perceived political passivity in subsequent community struggles

    Prophetic Consciousness: Obedience and Dissent in the Religious Life

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    Discipleship, as we all know, is a vocation to which one can never respond in a final and definitive way. It is a call to ongoing conversion, to an ever deeper appreciation of the mystery of Christ. To be a disciple is to incarnate the identity and mission of Jesus in our own personal, historical, and cultural context. For us, then, discipleship means living ever more deeply and effectively the mystery of Christ in the American Church of the late twentieth century. There is a characteristic of our recent American Catholic experience that is at once glaringly evident and profoundly confusing, particularly because it is so discontinuous with the experience which formed most of us as American Catholic children . I am speaking of the deep ambivalence toward the authoritative institutions of both our country and our Church that many of us contend with on a daily basis. Nothing was more integral, even central, to the formation of young Catholics in the American parochial school system of the 1940\u27s and 1950\u27s than the positive evaluation of lawfully constituted institutions summed up in the oft-cited, though decontextualized quotation from Romans: All authority comes from God

    An intrinsic construction of Fefferman\u27s CR metric

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    We construct a conformal class of Lorentz metrics naturally associated with an abstract definite CR structure. If the CR structure is that of a pseudoconvex boundary in Cn we prove that the intrinsically constructed metric is the same as that discovered by Fefferman using a solution to a complex Monge-Ampère equation. The construction presented here relies on formal solutions of a linear equation, dζ = 0, and provides a relatively simple procedure for computing the metric

    Communication, cultural form and theology

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    This essay explores some relationships between the areas of communication science and theology, beginning with a brief examination of what is called the \u27cultural studies\u27 model of communication and the institutional roles of communication in contemporary society. The second section presents a look at some models of communication interacting with theology in an earlier historical era, while the third reviews some contemporary models of communication within theology. The last section also examines the contemporary period but focusses on more specific projects

    From Prophets to Perception: The Origins of Rorschach\u27s Psychology

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    Reviews the most creative period, 1916–1919, in the life of H. Rorschach during which he produced the manuscript of his projective test and wrote several articles on sectarian religious groups of Switzerland. It is suggested that these projects were related chronologically, thematically, and psychologically, and that Rorschach\u27s study of J. Binggeli, an elderly mystic and founder of a gnostic sect, created the psychological conditions for his study of perception and personality in psychodiagnostics. Rorschach\u27s study of inkblots and human perception may have originated from a dissertation in which inkblots were used to study imagination in children

    People Are Our Most Important Asset -- But: Encouraging Employee Development

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    If employee development is really important to organizations, then managers should be appraised on how good a job they\u27re doing when it comes to encouraging their subordinates. Yet in a survey of high-tech firms in the Silicon Valley, less than half explicitly identified development of subordinates as a managerial responsibility

    A Search for Fractional Charges in Native Mercury

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    We have searched 2.0 mg of native mercury for fractional charges. Details of the apparatus and measurement procedure are presented. We find no fractional charges, giving a limit on quark concentration comparable to other experiments carried out on refined materials


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