Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies
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    47 research outputs found

    The life and culture of Tayeb Salih: حياة الطيب صالح و ثقافته

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    ذه حقيقة بارزة لا يستطيع أحد أن ينكرها أن الطيب صالح الذي لعب دورا هاما في الرواية العربية، وهو ابن النماذج الحضاري والعرقي العربي والإفريقي، فدرست من بعض أعماله الروائية خلال دراسة أعماله، فحسست أن موهبة عظيمة انفجرت في الأدب العربي الحديث، خاصة في السودان، ولد الطيب صالح أحمد عام1929م في قرية كرمكول بالسودان، وبعد الحصول على التعاليم الابتدائي والثانوي انتقل إلى الخرطوم لإكمال دراسته، فالتحق بكلية العلوم بجامعة الخرطوم، ثم سافر إلى "إنجلترا"، حيث واصل دراسته في الشؤون الدولية وتخرج فيها، بعد إكمال التعليم اشتغل بمهنة التدريس بمدرسة أهلية في الخرطوم، ثم عمل إعلاميا في القسم العربي لهيئة الإذاعة البريطانية، وترقى بها حتى وصل إلى مدير قسم الدراما، ولقب بعبقرية الرواية العربية، وبعد ذلك عمل مديرا إقليميا بمنظمة اليونسكو بباريس، وعمل ممثلا لهذه المنظمة في الخليج العربي. أما إنتاجه الأدبي فضرب في مجال الأدب بسهم بعيد المرمى، حيث أنه بدأ الكتابة منذ أواخر الخمسينات من القرن الماضي، ومن أعماله الروائية: "ضوء البيت" و"مريود" و"موسم الهجرة إلى الشمال". وكذلك كتب القصة القصيرة، فمجموعته القصصية: "دومة ود حامد"، هذه المجموعة القصصية نالت شهرة عظيمة في فن القصة القصيرةTayeb Salih was a Sudanese novelist who is widely known and esteemed through his novel ‘Season of Migration to the North’. He was generally characterized as the ‘genius of the modern Arab novel’ by the scholarly reviewer. Emerging from a modest backdrop of religious mentors and small farmers, Tayeb Salih established his narrative fixed to his homeland, summarizing the cooperative rural life. In a time when social assessment, cruel realities of life and pledged literature dominated Arabic literature, he crushed the indifference with his remarkable ideologies of his cultural background and religious upbringing. After a moderation in teaching, journalism and broadcasting, he started to writing and composed some of the most distinguished literary works. His ‘Mawsim al-Hijra ila al-Shamal’ (Season of Migration to the North’) is considered as typical work of fiction of his literary career, which made him one of the greatest Arabic authors of the 20th century. Such was his popularity that his novels have seen translated in more than 20 languages. Some of his famous novels are ‘Urs al-Zayn’, ‘Al-Rajul al Qubrosi’, ‘Doumat Wad Hamid’, and ‘A Handful of Dates’. He introduced a Yearly Award to encourage and appreciate young and formative writers

    Gold Coast Colony’s Northern Territories Protectorate Muslims on Haj: Passports and Repatriation Deposits, 1897-1950

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    Ghana had a census for the Muslim population in 2017 and 2021, a national census including Muslims. Two international airports were being constructed to render three international airports for Muslims to embark on planes at Accra, Cape Coast and Tamale for the annual haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. This paper is situated in the north, where the Gold Coast colonial government wrote diplomatic letters for the dispersed Islamic people in the Northern Territories Protectorate who travelled on haj. In 1910, British colonial officers and the Gold Coast colonial government made policies that met the Saudi monarch’s requirement that Muslim pilgrims had to travel with British passports. During the colonial era, the Gold Coast colonial government allotted passports to Muslim pilgrims in the Northern Territories Protectorate from the Gold Coast and Nigeria and controlled the finances they deposited for repatriation during haj

    Crises threatening global security in 2022 (the pre-war Russian-Ukrainian crisis) as a model

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    The topic deals with the most serious crises threatening global security, foremost of which is the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, which developed after a war that is still raging. The study also dealt with the role of the United States in these crises, which is their common denominator. The research delved into the depths of the roots of this crisis and to know the reasons for each party (Russia and Ukraine) and their insistence not to reach a peaceful solution to it. The researcher also laid out the possible scenarios for this crisis, one of which was later achieved. He also touched on the structure of the international political system after this crisis.The topic deals with the most serious crises threatening global security, foremost of which is the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, which developed after a war that is still raging. The study also dealt with the role of the United States in these crises, which is their common denominator. The research delved into the depths of the roots of this crisis and to know the reasons for each party (Russia and Ukraine) and their insistence not to reach a peaceful solution to it. The researcher also laid out the possible scenarios for this crisis, one of which was later achieved. He also touched on the structure of the international political system after this crisis

    Comparative Analysis of Arabic and English Verb: An Overview

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    Arabic and English are the fifth and third most spoken languages in the world. There are 379 million native speakers and about 700 million foreign language speakers of the English language. Almost 319 million people use Arabic as their mother Language. Both languages have some similarities and differences as both originated from very different origins; the English language originated from the Indo-European family, while Arabic from Semitic languages. The article is expected to highlight the similarities and dissimilarities between both languages. A verb is the most significant and vital element of any language; there is no existence of any language without the verb component. The article will also provide detailed information about the morphological and syntactic structures of Arabic and English verb formation by applying an analytical research method. Furthermore, a preview of borrowed verbs from Arabic into English and vice versa will be followed by a brief conclusion

    Rhetoric of overstatement in the Arabic Language

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    إن الغرض من هذه المقالة إلقاء نظرة بسيطة عن مفهوم الإطناب بوصفه أحد أهم أساليب البلاغة العربية. وقد عرفت المقالة الإطناب ومفهومه عند القدامى والمحدثين من البلاغيين، ثم تطرقت لذكر بعض من أنواعه المتعددة مع ذكر نماذج ملائمة تم تحليلها تحليلا بلاغيا يرجى أن يستضيئ به القارئ المهتم بالشأن، ومن هنا توصلت الدراسة إلى أن للإطناب دور مهم في البلاغة العربية والنقد.The purpose of this article is to take a simple look at the concept of circumstance as one of the most important methods of Arabic rhetoric. A delegation that knew the article and its concept among the ancients and moderns of the rhetoric, then it touched upon the mention of some of its various types with appropriate models analyzed by rhetorical analyzes that please enlighten the reader interested in the matter. The analytical method is used when conducting the research.&nbsp

    Beginnings of Al-Fayturi poetry between defending them to the Lack of their incorporation in his poetic office

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    عنوان الدراسة: بواكير شعر الفيتوري بين دفاعه عنها وعدم تضمينها دواوينه هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى الوقوف عند بواكير شعر الفيتوري بين اعتداده به ودفاعه عنه أمام النقد، إلى عدم تضمينه دواوينه الشعريّة، وذلك من خلال الوقوف عند شعره المنشور في المجلات العربيّة، بالتركيز على شعره في مجلة الرسالة بين عامي (1950م ـ 1955م)، وهي الفترة التي سبقت نشر ديوانه الأول (أغاني إفريقيا). نهجت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي. وقد جاءت الدراسة في مقدِّمة ومبحثين اثنين، تناول أولهما دفاع الفيتوري عن شعره أمام النقد، وثانيهما دوافع إهماله نشر هذا الشعر في دواوينه. ومن أهمِّ نتائج هذه الدراسة: عمل الفيتوري منذ العام 1947م على نشر شعره في كبريات المجلات العربيّة، ونالت مجلة الثقافة قصب السبق في نشر هذا الشعر بين المجلات العربيّة. بين عامي 1951م ـ 1952م نشر الفيتوري ست عشرة قصيدة ـ بحسب ما وقفنا عليه ـ أهمل أكثرها فلم تظهر في أيٍّ من دواوينه. نالت قصائد الفيتوري حظها من النقد، وكثيرًا ما كان ينبري بنفسه للدفاع عن هذه القصائد، وقليلًا ما عمل غيره على الدفاع عن شعره بدلًا عنه. نالت قصائد الفيتوري المنشورة في الرسالة حظها من النقد أكثر من نظيرتيها الثقافة والآداب، وقد يكون مردّ ذلك للسياسة التحريريّة لهذه المجلات. توصي الدراسة بتتبع المجلات العربيّة والسودانيّة واستخراج آثار الشعراء المهملة، شعرًا ونقدًا، حتى تكون النظر للشعر السودانيّ ونقده نظرةً شاملة.This study aimed to shed light on Al-Fayturi between the stages of his accustom and defense of his poetry before critique, to the lack of his recognition with it in the later stage through his poetry that is published in Arabic journals, focusing particularly on his poetry in Elresala Journal between (1950-1955 A.D.) which is the period that preceded the publication of his first office (African Songs). The study followed a descriptive method. The study consisted of an introduction and two sections. The first section investigates Al-Fayturi’s defense of his poetry before the critics and the second deals with the motives behind his disinterest in publishing this poetry in his poetic office. The most important findings of this study are: since 1947 A.D, Al-Fayturi has worked on publishing his poetry in grand journals, and the Journal of Culture has taken greater advantage among Arab journals. Between 1951-1952, A.D Al-Fayturi published six poems. Based on what has been investigated, he neglected most of them in his poetic office, the poems of Al-Fayturi have been greatly criticized and in most cases, he himself defended these poems; only in a few cases, others have defended his poems on behalf of him. The poems of Al-Fayturi published in Alresala have received greater criticism than their counterparts in culture and Arts. This may be due to the editorial policy of these journals. The study recommends tracking Arabic and Sudanese journals to extract the ruins of neglected poets in terms of poetry and critique and to study Sudanese poetry from a more critical and comprehensive perspective

    The Prophet’s Methodology in teaching his Companions with emphasis on teaching of the Sunnah

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    All praise is due to Allah, the Universe's Creator, Cherisher, and Sustainer. May He provide Muhammad Ibn Abdullahi the Quraishite, The Hashimite, The Adnanite, as well as his honourable Household, His Prestigious Companion, and Followers up until the Last Day, the most perfect peace and blessing. The paper explains in details how the teach his Sahabah Companions the Sunnah and how to deliver it or spread to others in all nooks and crannies in the world. Analytical method is used when conducting the research


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