Al-Azm (Journal For Islamic & Arabic Research)
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    علامہ شبیر احمدعثمانی کا تفسیر عثمانی میں فقہی احکام میں اسلوب ومنہج: Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani's Commentary on Style and Manhaj in Tafseer Usmani

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    There is no doubt that the Qur'an is the word of Almighty Allah - it is lariyb. There is guidance and complete rule for those who have come to the Day of Resurrection, and the succession of success in the world and the Hereafter is in practice. It is very important to know its meaning and demand in order to use it. The teaching of the Quran’s began in the first century AH and continues to this day. This verse revealed that explaining and explaining the Quran was the work of Sayyid Al-Anbiya Mohammed Rasool Allah who did it well. It continues till today and will continue till the Day of Judgment. Most of the people who worked on the commentary and interpretation worked in a very honest way. Some scholars thought about the literal meaning of the Quran and some interpreted it aloud and someone thought about its fluency and order. Mohsin found that these people did indeed act maliciously, but the debate remains about the potential of a human being and I will try to put his accountants in front of the public, which is the way for them. There are interpretations of it in many living languages ​​of the world. While continuous work is in progress. How many fortunate gentlemen in the Urdu language have received the pleasure of translating and interpreting it, it is a privilege of this book, that the color of every pen different and distinguished from the other, but there are points and meanings that come and go as the hobby grows, to see what are the secrets of the meaning of weaver now and then

    أمير البيان شيكب ارسلان أديبا اسلاميا: Amir al-Bayan Shakib Arsalan, an Islamic writer

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    Amir al-Bayan Shakib Arsalan was an Islamic writer who lived in the 19th century. He was born in 1825 in Arsalan, a village in the mountains of Lebanon, which is now part of modern-day Syria.Shakib Arsalan was a prolific writer, and he produced many works on Islamic philosophy, theology, and law, as well as on history, language, and literature. He was particularly interested in the relationship between Islam and modernity, and he wrote extensively on this topic. Some of Shakib Arsalan's most famous works include "Al-Risalah al-Wadihah fi al-Tawhid" (The Clear Treatise on Monotheism), "Al-Durrah al-Fakhirah fi Sharh Diwan al-Hamasa" (The Precious Pearl: An Explanation of the Diwan of Hamasa), and "Al-Madkhal ila Dirasat al-Lughah al-Arabiyah" (An Introduction to the Study of the Arabic Language).Shakib Arsalan was also a political activist and played an important role in the struggle for Lebanese independence from Ottoman rule. He served as a member of the Ottoman parliament and later became the president of the Syrian Congress, which was formed in 1919 to demand Arab independence. He died in 194

    ماحولیاتی آلودگی اور ہماری ذمہ داریاں سیرت النبی ﷺ کی روشنی میں: Environmental pollution and our responsibilities in the light of the Prophet's life

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      This paper discusses the issue of environmental pollution and our responsibilities towards it in the light of the Prophet's life. Environmental pollution has become a global concern, affecting our health, ecosystems, and economy. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) taught us the importance of environmental conservation and preservation. The Prophet's life serves as a guiding light for our responsibilities towards the environment. He taught us to use natural resources wisely and avoid wastage. He also prohibited practices that harm the environment, such as cutting down trees, polluting water sources, and hunting animals for entertainment. The paper highlights the various forms of environmental pollution, including air pollution, water pollution and land pollution and their negative impact on human health and the environment. The paper emphasizes that as Muslims, we have a duty to protect the environment and preserve it for future generations. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of adopting a sustainable lifestyle that is in harmony with the environment. It encourages the use of renewable energy, the reduction of waste and the adoption of eco-friendly practices. It also calls for greater awareness and education to promote responsible environmental behavior in our communities

    سید امیر علی ؒ کا تفسیر مواھب الرحمان میں تفسیر ابن کثیر سے اخذ واستفادہ کے منہج کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ : An Analytical Study of methodology of epitomization from Tafseer Ibn-e- Kaseer by Sayyed Ameer Ali in Tafseer Muwahib –Ul-Rahman

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    Allah Almighty had bestowed the prophet Muhammad (SAW) with prophet hood as well as awarded him with the finality of this sacred chain and also taken the responsibility of perseverance of the last book for this process of preservation Allah Almighty had made arrangements to ensure the accomplishment of his divine message in true letter and spirit. One of the tool for this very process in the scholarly work of the religious scholars. They have been keen and proactive right through this whole process. All of their work done is exemplary and remarkable but the work they have done in the explanation of the Holy Quran is truly knowledgeable and at the same time acknowledgeable as well. In this research article I am intended to have" An analytical study of the methodology of epitomization from Tasfeer Ibn-e-Kaseer by  Syed Ameer Ali in Tafseer  Mwaahib ur Rahman." My approach will be analytical, based upon the available authentic and primary sources of Islamic Studies

    ڈاکٹر ضیاء الرحمٰن الاعظمی اور ان کی قرآنی خدمات کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

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    Zia ur Rehman azmi is one of the famous teacher of Al-Madinah university.He is one of the shining star in the ilm-e-hadith and serath.Who is bright all over the the worldHe is one the list of imamsWhose books are genrally accepted by muslims.After accepting islam he serves his entire life for Holy Quran and Hadith mubarkea. This article presents an analytical study of the life, work, and contributions of Dr. Zia-ur-Rehman Al-Azmi, a prominent scholar of Islam and an expert in Quranic studies. The paper provides an overview of Dr. Al-Azmi's academic background, his contributions to Quranic studies, and his efforts in spreading the message of the Quran among the masses. The study examines his approach to Quranic interpretation, his emphasis on the importance of context in understanding the Quran, and his views on contemporary issues in Islamic jurisprudence. The paper also explores his contributions to Quranic education and his efforts to make the Quran accessible to people from all walks of life. The findings of the study suggest that Dr. Zia-ur-Rehman Al-Azmi has made significant contributions to the field of Quranic studies and his services have had a profound impact on the Islamic worl

    عصر حاضر میں عورت کی آزادی کا تصور اور اس کی حدودو قیود سیرت النبی ﷺ کی روشنی میں: The concept of women's liberation in modern times and its limitations in the light of Sira-un-Nabi ﷺ

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    Islam considers woman to be completely independent and respectable in all aspects and gives her a higher status than other religions. And with some limitations and restrictions, it gives him complete freedom. Contemporary women should also cherish this freedom of Islam and fulfill their responsibilities and duties in all capacities. In particular, every Muslim woman should adopt the golden and exemplary life of the Prophet and the Companions so that she too can become an active member of the Muslim community and educate and train her children in such a way that when they enter the society, they are brave and courageous. Have a dutiful and capable personality who can be a useful citizen of the nation. Instead of imitating the Western society, let their minds be pure. Let them follow the example of their fathers, Hazrat Abu Bakar, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman Ghani and Hazrat Ali

    عہد بنو امیہ میں اشاعت اسلام کے عوامل و اسباب : Factors and causes of publication of Islam in Banu Umayyad period

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    Da'wah and preaching is the individual and collective responsibility of the Ummah of Muhammad (SAW) and all members of the Ummah had been made responsible for it, as much as possible. Therefore, in order to discharge this important responsibility, the Holy Prophet (SAW) himself, his Companions, followers, Imams, jurists and caliphs worked hard in their respective eras. Da'wah of Islam, on the one hand, refers to instructing the general Muslims to perform religious duties. These duties were performed through pulpits and mosques. On the other hand, conveying the message of Islam to the non-Muslim population is also an invitation to Islam. Islam had spread among the nations of Iran, Syria and Egypt since the time of Khilafat e Rashida. Islam also spread in the areas, which was included in the Islamic government during the Umayyad period. Khorasan, Central Asia, the Caspian Sea coast, then Tripoli, Tunisia and Morocco in the west, everywhere. In all these geographical regions Muslim conquerors, merchants and preachers preached. People converted to Islam and the Muslim population gradually increased. There is no significant difference between the goals of the government and its activities and adherence to the rites of the Righteous Caliphate and the Umayyad period. Because the Umayyad rulers always kept Islam in mind. They had not compromise to any law other than the Qur'an and Sunnah. They had accompanied a large number of people whose mission was nothing but the pleasure of Allah and the Hereafter. After the fall of the Roman and Iranian Empires, new generations, came up included young men and children were formed which had been adorned with pure and enlightened teachings of Islam, and Islamic civilization by the Umayyad’s martyrs of Islam. A network of Islamic Da'wah centers, mosques and madrassas sprang up in all parts of the country, in which seekers of guidance and thirst for knowledge of the religion were bound. Islamic teachings were promoted. Islamic rules and regulations were enforced in the court

    The Rights and Duties of Minorities in a Welfare State In the light of Sirat Ul-Nabi : فلاحی ریاست میں اقلیتوں کے حقوق وفرائض سیرت النبی ﷺ کی روشنی میں

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                                                According to Islamic Teaching, the fulfillment of the rights of the citizens is an integral part of Islamic system. If the rights of minorities are ignored or disbelieved, it will be caused to spoil the society as well as annoyance of Allah Almighty .So being a Muslim Nation we shall give attention for the rights of all individuals. Islam  emphasizes for the rights a of citizens regarding the discipline and basic rights for Non- Muslim Minorities, refugees and for justice among  all Muslims. Quran directs and guides about those minorities for good-will, good -behavior, Kindness, good- behavior and tolerance who are not participating activities of antagonism. '' لَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُمْ مِنْ دِيَارِكُمْ أَنْ تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ ''(الممتحنة: 8)  (Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel your homes from being righteous toward them and acting justly towards them. Indeed Allah loves those who act justly. Islamic state holds the guarantee for non-Muslim a minorities and all other citizens for their believes, religion, protection of their properties and honor. They will be behaved equally for their basic rights and freedom of citizenship due to basic humans. All the citizens are dealed equally in the light of rules. There will be no difference between the citizens being humans

    Alritha' fay alshaeralandilas wafay alsharq dirasi khasayis finayۃ mushtarikۃ liladibyn (fy aleasr naھayۃ dawltyn alamuy) (40ھ - 132ھ): الرثاء فی الشعرالاندلس وفی الشرق دراسۃ خصائص فنیۃ مشترکۃ للادبین (فی العصر نھایۃ دولتین الاموی) (40ھ – 132ھ)

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    The Arab literature in East is considered the Golden period to the Islamic civilization, it is the land where Islam revealed and spread all over the world, Prophet (PBUH)’s parental land and the land where famous Poets. Andalus is  considered an extension of that Islamic civilization in the land of the sun set. The Arabs ruled al Andlus eight centuries during which Andlus lands had witnesses golden ages and gloomy ones. that was how represented in our hearts. So Andalud picture was illustrated in our hearts with the lost progress and the bleeding wound. This feeling is created in ourselves and we live under occupation and discrimination similar the condition of the Muslims in Andalus at that time. However, I chose the topic of elegizing as it is full of true emotions and expresses the feelings in the accurate and difficult situation. I divided my topic into 3 sections. First part I mentioned the elegizing in Arabic literature; according ages passing in Arab. In this part I discussed elegizing  in west in the period of Kingdome of Omayyah. In the last part ,the elegizing factors are find same in western and eastern elegize

    Women poets in the Diwan al hamasa by Abu Tammam: الشاعرات في ديوان الحماسة لأبي تمام

    No full text plays a great role in human and playful history. It is the best nourishment for human thought, the most beautiful equipment for intellectual construction, and the most wonderful banquet for the development, development and prosperity of minds . So if we see that the people of literature are still leading their people in a state of peace and war, but this is a fact that cannot be denied, and with that the whole world history proves that women have not succeeded men, but some women are preferred over men in some fields and fields as we see them today . The owner of Diwan Al-Hamasah was from the first Abbasid era, which is called the Golden Age in terms of the innovations, advancement, development and prosperity of sciences and arts, because they were free and free from restrictions and limits. Therefore, everything that reached them of various sciences, they wrote them down and wrote them down in books and collections. And from the presidency of those books and diwans, "The Diwan of enthusiasm for Abi Tammam", for this I elected this man


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