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    218 research outputs found

    Adversary System in Common Law Countries and Possibility for Implementation in Indonesian Court

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    This research tries to open the possibility of implementing an adversary system which is very closely related to the common law system in Indonesia, especially concerning the “The Rights of the Accused” in the criminal justice process. This research is carried out normatively by conducting legal studies through literature and legislation. The result of this research is that if the accused declared himself guilty of the crime he committed, this means that the accused will lose his right to be tried and processed fairly trial in the common law system. If a defendant is declared guilty, then the next process is the conviction without trial, in which case there are weaknesses in the rights of the accused that should have been carried out through a jury trial. Is it possible to apply in Indonesian courts? Is it not contrary to the norms contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure  (KUHAP), especially regarding the rights of suspects relating to human rights (HAM), such as equal treatment before the law; put forward the presumption of innocence; the right to compensation; right to legal assistance; the defendant's rights before the court; a free, fast and simple trial; and a court that is open to the public. However, if possible in Indonesia to switch to the adversary system, the judge's role can be limited only as a referee to allow the creation of a fair trial. The party in charge of deciding whether or not the defendant is right is the jury

    Konstitusi dan Arah Kebijakan Pembangunan Hukum; Sebelum dan Sesudah Amendemen

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    This study aims to find out (1) the relevance of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the policy and legal development in GBHN RPJPN, (2) to the normative strategies of national development planning process in the period of the state system before and after amendment to the Constitution of 1945.  This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive-comparative method. The results showed that (1) the formulation of policy towards development of the law, both the artifacts in the Guidelines of State Policy and RPJPN models, can be said to be substantially relevant to mandate of the Constitution, which applies in the context of each period; (2) there are fundamental differences in strategy formulation nomatif RPJPN GBHN with the preparation. This fundamental difference is the logical consequence of the amendments made to the Constitution of 1945 in the history of the Indonesian nation state system.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui (1) tingkat relevansi amanat UUD 1945 terhadap arah kebijakan pembangunan hukum dalam GBHN dan RPJPN, (2) mengetahui strategi normatif proses penyusunan perencanaan pembangunan nasional pada periode sistem ketatanegaraan sebelum dan sesudah amandemen UUD Tahun 1945. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif-komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) rumusan arah kebijakan pembangunan hukum, baik yang tedapat dalam GBHN maupun model RPJPN, secara subtansial dapat dikatakan relevan dengan amanat konstitusi, yang berlaku pada konteks periode masing-masing; GBHN dengan UUD Tahun 1945 sebelum amandemen dan RPJPN dengan UUD Tahun 1945 sesudah amandemen. (2)  terdapat  perbedaan  mendasar  strategi  nomatif  penyusunan  GBHN  dengan  penyusunan RPJPN. Perbedaan mendasar ini merupakan konsekwensi logis dari amandemen yang dilakukan terhadap UUD Tahun 1945 dalam sejarah sistem ketatanegaraan bangsa Indonesia

    Legal Standing and Authority of the Regional Representative Council in the Indonesia Constitusional System

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    The Regional Representative Council (DPD) as a regional representative institution is located as a state institution. The existence of the DPD reflects the principle of territorial or regional representation (regional representation). Therefore, as a representative institution, the DPD should ideally have the legislative, supervisory and budgetary functions as well as the House of Representatives (DPR). However, the DPD as a representative institution with these three functions actually has a very weak and soft function. The two chambers of the House of Representatives (DPR and DPD) do not have balanced authority. DPD and DPR are two rooms (houses, chambers) whose authority is not balanced, because it is classified as soft bicameral

    Dikotomi Politik Hukum Nasional dengan Politik Hukum Adat di Daerah Perbatasan

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    The existence of a pluralistic law in the border area causes customary law communities who live and develop in the border area applying variety of laws. The concept of dualism is even deeper in the application of law as a reality that exists in border areas. The position of national law which is side by side with customary law apparently still has a gap which is entered by other countries' laws which are none other than neighboring countries. The existence of this plural law causes the disharmony of the legal regulations applied in the border area. The analysis shows that the dichotomy of regulations often conflicts and differences in the application of the law in each of the legal arrangements. Due to customary politics in the border areas are seeking for the truth in the application of the law. The position of national law does not guarantee the existence of legal arrangements in border areas because customary law in border areas has a strong position. National law is difficult to become a legal basis in border areas. However, the contradictions and differences in these three legal arrangements can actually be synergized, thus, thecontradictions and differences can also form a new law that is dynamic and appropriate, and does not change into a problem in the customary community.Keberadaan hukum yang majemuk di daerah perbatasan menyebabkan masyarakat hukum adat yang hidup dan berkembang di daerah perbatasan menerapkan hukum secara beraneka ragam. Konsep dualisme bahkan lebih dalam penerapan hukum merupakan realita yang ada di daerah perbatasan. Kedudukan hukum nasional yang berkesampingan dengan hukum adat ternyata masih memiliki celah yang dimasuki oleh hukum negara lain yang tidak lain adalah negara tetangga. Keberadaan hukum yang plural ini menyebabkan tidak harmonisnya pengaturan hukum yang diterapkan di daerah perbatasan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan dikotomi peraturan sering terjadi pertentangan dan perbedaan di dalam penerapan hukum dari setiap pengaturan hukum tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan karena politik adat di daerah perbatasan yang saling mencari kebenaran dalam penerapan hukumnya. Kedudukan hukum nasional belum menjamin keberadaan pengaturan hukum yang ada di daerah perbatasan karena hukum adat yang ada di daerah perbatasan memiliki kedudukan yang kuat. Hukum nasional terasa sulit untuk menjadi dasar hukum di daerah perbatasan. Namun, pertentangan dan perbedaan ketiga pengaturan hukum ini sebetulnya bisa disinergikan sehingga dapat membentuk suatu aturan hukum baru yang dinamis dan sesuai, serta tidak menjadi persoalan di dalam persekutuan masyarakat hukum adat

    Perlindungan Hukum berupa Pemberian Asuransi kepada Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran yang Mengalami Risiko Kerja di Lapangan

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    The implementation of social protection is one of the responsibilities of the state which is adjusted to the state's financial condition. Social protection is called Jamsostek (Labor Social Security). Jamsostek provides an assurance and protection against socio-economic risks, which can arise due to workplace accidents, disability, illness, old age and death. Protection of security for workers in order to concentrate more on increasing motivation and work productivity is the main thing that must be prioritized by employers. The legal basis must provide a sense of justice, certainty, and legal benefit to firefighters who experience work risks in the field.Penyelenggaraan perlindungan sosial merupakan salah satu tanggung jawab negara yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi keuangan negara. Perlindungan sosial itu disebut Jamsostek (Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja). Jamsostek memberi kepastian jaminan dan perlindungan terhadap risiko sosial-ekonomi, yang bisa timbul karena kecelakaan kerja, cacat, sakit, hari tua dan meninggal dunia. Perlindungan rasa aman kepada pekerja agar dapat lebih berkonsentrasi dalam meningkatan motivasi maupun produktivitas kerja adalah hal utama yang mesti diutamakan oleh pemberi kerja. Mesti dasar hukum memberikan rasa keadilan, kepastian, dan kemanfaatan hukum terhadap petugas pemadam kebakaran yang mengalami risiko kerja di lapangan

    Journalist Competence in Applying the Presumption of Innocence Principle on Press Release

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    A journalist competence as intended in the Press Council Regulation is interpreted as knowledge capability without affirmation for journalists who have knowledge of certain scientific disciplines. The meaning is all journalists from any discipline may be recognized as journalists who have the competence to apply the presumption of innocence in reporting. This arrangement in journalistic practice, the press often appears' 'judgmental' in the news because the use of the terms is often interpreted the same, even though the law holds very different meanings, such as the suspect is written as the perpetrator, released is written as free, not accepted is written as rejected, sentenced to trial is written as the judge free it. To prevent the violation of the presumption of innocence principle in reporting, the regulation of journalists' competencies must be emphasized from intellectual abilities and general knowledge to legal knowledge. The affirmation is directly correlated with the news object which is in the realm of law as a function of the press that is obliged to respect the presumption of innocence principle

    The State of Notary as a Legal Auditor

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    The existence of legal auditors as a certified profession in carrying out legal audits is essential and strategic in developing a legal compliance system in Indonesia. However, statutory regulations specifically in UUJN (regulation of notary position) does not regulate the prohibition of a dual notary position as a legal auditor. This study adopts an empirical juridical approach which was conducted in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The results of the study showed that there were no statutory provisions regarding the ability of a person who had served as a notary to become a legal auditor. Although, the Notary Position Law and the code of ethics bindthe notary public which do not also prohibit a notary from occupying the position of legal auditor. In the case of a notary and a legal auditor, the potential for a conflict of interest is immense. This was based on the consideration a legal auditor which has the duty to examine and/or assess legal issues related to a company, including the validity of authentic deeds made before a notary official

    Fines Sanction as a Meeting Form Principles of Agreement Contracts Construction Service

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    In national development, construction services have an important and strategic role in supporting the growth and development of the economic, social and cultural fields. Construction Work Contracts (Construction Services Procurement Contracts), in principle, are consensual (a reciprocal agreement), between the Employer (Project Owner) and the Service Provider (Contractor); Service Providers (Contractors) with Sub Service Providers (Sub Contractors). This research uses normative (doctrinal) legal research type. This research was conducted by examining all laws and regulations related to agreements that arise as well as the legal consequences in the form of financial penalties for breach of contract


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