Jurnal Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro (UM Metro)
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    ABSTRAKSprain ankle adalah gangguan muskuloskeletal penyebab oleh peregangan berlebihan atau robeknya ligament ankle. Dalam kebanyakan kasus terjadinya akibat keseleo lateral atau medial yang tiba-tiba yang merobek ligament ankle. Masalah lain yang menyebabkan sprain ankle adalah cedera yang dialami sebelumnya atau terbatasnya mobilitas pergelangan kaki. Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimlation (TENS) digunakan pada penelitian ini. TENS bekerja dengan cara merangsang pada serabut serabut saraf tipe α β sehingga bisa menurunkan rasa nyeri. Terapi lathan pada sprain ankle memiliki tujuan yang meliputi peningkatan kekuatan otot, stabilitas dan proprioception sendi, postur yang lebih baik, perbaikan gerakan berjalan, serta peningkatan fungsi secara keseluruhan. Metode : Metode penelitian yaitu studi kasus untuk mengetahui penataksanaan fisioterapi pada kasus sprain ankle dengan modalitas TENS dan terapi latihan.Hasil : Penatalaksanaan proses fisioterapi selama 6 kali pertemuan dengan modalitas TENS dan terapi latihan pada pasien Sprain Ankle telah dilakukan dengan standar dengan oprasonal yang didapatkan hasil peningkatan stabilisasi, penurunan nyeri dan peningkatan aktivitas fungsional.Kesimpulan : Modalitas TENS dan terapi latihan pada pasien sprain ankle dapat meningkatkan stabilisasi, penurunan nyeri dan aktivitas fungsional pada pasien. Kata Kunci : TENS, Sprain Ankle, Terapi Latiha


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    The aim of this research is to find out the effect and significant difference of bruno mars song in doo-wops & hooligans album for students' pronunciation mastery at Vocational High School Kartikatama Metro. Song is a media in the form of musical works that are suitable for teaching English, especially pronunciation. This research used quasi experimental design. The subjects of this research are the tenth grade students at Vocational High School Kartikatama Metro. The result of data analysis indicates that value of t obtained (to) is lower than value of t table (-16.482<2.074). Moreover, the second data indicates t obtained (to) is lower than value of t table (-13.657<2021). The conclusion are teaching English pronunciation using bruno mars song in doo-wops & hooligans album is effective to increase students' pronunciation mastery and gives a significant differences. Researchers hope that this research can help future researchers to conduct similar research, especially when using English songs to teach pronunciation. Future researchers must use the latest songs in conducting further research

    Factor Analysis on Possum Dataset to Simplify Many Independent Variables Into Fewer Factors

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    This research aims to apply factor analysis to possum data with the aim of simplifying many independent variables into fewer factors. The factor analysis steps begin by grouping the variables to be analyzed and compiling a correlation matrix using the Bartlett test and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test. From the test results, it was found that the variables had sufficient correlation to proceed to factor analysis. After that, factor extraction was carried out using three criteria, namely eigenvalues, diversity percentage, and scree plot, which concluded that the number of factors formed was two. Next, factor rotation was carried out using the varimax method to simplify interpretation. The results show that certain variables have high loadings on certain factors, making it easier to identify patterns. In conclusion, factor analysis succeeded in simplifying the relationship between variables into two factors that can be interpreted more easily

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Moderating Pada Toko Taqwa Mulia Batanghari

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    The purpose of this research was to find out whether there was an influence of organizational culture and working environment towards the employee performance with motivation as a moderating variable at the taqwa mulia store at Batanghari sub-district. The research Methods applied Descriptive and quantitative approaches. The population and sample were the employees of taqwa mulia shop at Batanghari sub-district, with a total of 38 employees. The data collection technique used a questionnaire.  The research data were analyzed by testing the prerequisites instrument, namely the Pearson product moment validity test. Furthermore, the reliability test used the Cronbach alpha test. Furthermore, to test the research hypothesis, the researcher utilized normality test, linearity test and homogeneity test. Next, a multiple linear regression test, T test, F test were performed and tested with the moderating variable in order to analyze the data of this study. Furthermore, data analysis were undertaken through moderated regression analysis (MRA) with the SPSS program. Based on the results of this study, it showed that: 1) organizational culture influenced the employee performance. 2) the working environment had a positive effect on the employee performance, 3) the organizational culture which was moderated by motivational variables had an acceptable value, so it can be concluded that motivational variables are able to moderate organizational culture on the employee performance. 4) the working environment is moderated by the variable motivation which has an acceptable value. Based on these results it can be concluded that the motivational variable is able to moderate organizational culture on employee performance.   Keywords ; Organizational Culture, Work Environment, Employee Performance, Motivatio

    Pengaruh Ekspektasi Pendapatan, Lingkungan Keluarga Dan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha (Studi Pada Mahasiswa FEB Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro)

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    This study aimed at determining and analyzing the effects of income expectations, family environment and entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions (study on the students of the Economics and Business Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Metro). The type of research was quantitative with a population of 1,107 students who are active at Muhammadiyah Metro University class of 2019-2022. In accordance with the slovin formula, the sample used was 92 students. Data collection methods used were observation and questionnaires. Data analysis were undergone by testing instrument requirements, testing analysis for regression, and testing hypotheses. Based on the results of the T test found that income expectations had no positive and insignificant effect on the interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Economics and Business Faculty at Muhammadiyah University of Metro, family environment had a positive and significant effect on interest in entrepreneurship on students of the Economics and Business Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Metro and entrepreneurship education had a positive effect and significant to the interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Economics and Business Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Metro. From the F test was found that income expectations, family environment and entrepreneurship education had a significant effect on the interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Economics and Business Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Metro

    Pelayanan Publik Dan Kinerja Pegawai Terhadap Kesadaran Adminduk Melalui Kalimasada Di Kelurahan Gebang Putih Surabaya

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    This study aimed to find out the role of public services and employee performances inincreasing public awareness of population administration through the PopulationAdministration Aware Community Environment Program (KALIMASADA) in Gebang PutihVillage, Surabaya City. The public services and employee performances which assisted by theKALIMASADA program are later on expected to increase awareness for the public who donot yet know about the importance of population administration. This research was aqualitative research with a descriptive approach applied data collection techniques throughinterviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis techniques used reduction,data presentation and conclusion. The results of the study showed that the role of publicservants and employee performance in increasing public awareness of populationadministration (adminduk) has been well implemented. However, there are several thingsthat must be improved, such as supporting infrastructure so that services run optimally, thenthe efforts to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in the Gebang Putih Village areexpected to be involved in training to expedite the service process. With the KALIMASADAprogram, population document management activities in the Gebang Putih sub-district haveincreased in order to be more responsive in giving service and increasing the public interestin managing administrative documents


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    Komunikasi adalah aspek penting yang selalu hadir dalam organisasi. Komunikasi berfungsi secara mendasar pada pembentukan berbagai aspek dalam setiap organisasi. Pada penelitian kualitatif ini, para peneliti mencoba memahami peran komunikasi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan organisasi utamanya di MA Muhammadiyah Metro. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan para responden yang juga melakukan pengamatan di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam tersebut. Hasil analisis data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi efektif telah dipraktikkan di dalam organisasi pendidikan Islam tersebut. Didapati bahwa di MA Muhammadiyah Metro telah melaksanakan komunikasi efektif yaitu komunikasi interaksi dua arah di mana salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan platform digital. Komunikasi efektif tersebut telah menghasilkan pengaruh positif terutama pada penyelesaian masalah, dan pembentukan konsensus selama pengambilan keputusan organisasi. Namun demikian, masih juga ditemukan adanya  hambatan-hambatan seperti; budaya, hierarkis, dan teknologi sehingga hal ini menunjukkan perlunya penerapan strategi seperti pelatihan keterampilan komunikasi, budaya organisasi yang mendukung, dan peningkatan infrastruktur teknologi informasi, yang semuanya berkontribusi pada peningkatan pengambilan keputusan


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media puzzle math terhadap keterampilan motorik halus siswa di UPTD. SD Negeri 014672 Tanjung Alam semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian two group pre-test dan post-test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa di UPTD. SD Negeri 014672 Tanjung Alam. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 42 siswa yang terdiri dari kelas II A sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah 21 siswa dan kelas II B sebagai kelas kontrol dengan jumlah 2. Sebelum dilaksanakan pembelajaran, nilai rata-rata pretes kelas eksperimen 73,46 dan nilai rata-rata pretes kelas kontrol 70,92. Setelah penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan medua puzzle math, diperoleh nilai rata-rata postes kelas eksperimen 85,61 dan nilai rata-rata postes kelas kontrol 73,69. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian hipotesis dengan uji-t, hasil uji-t diperoleh thitung = 4,17 > ttabel = 2,072 maka Ha diterima dengan demikian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat Pengaruh penggunaan media puzzle math terhadap keterampilan motorik siswa di UPTD. SD Negeri 014672 Tanjung Alam.The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of incorporating math puzzle media on the fine motor skills of students enrolled at UPTD. SD Negeri 014672 Tanjung Alam during the odd semester of the academic year 2023/2024. This is a quasi-experimental study employing a pre-test and post-test research design with two groups. The study sample comprised all pupils enrolled at UPTD. SD Negeri 014672 Tanjung Alam. The research sample comprised 42 students, with class II B serving as the control group with a total of 2 students, and class II A serving as the experimental class with 21 students. Prior to the implementation of the learning process, the experimental class achieved an average pretest score of 73.46. The pretest average for the control group was 70.92. The average post-test score for the experimental group was 85.61, whereas the average post-test score for the control group was 73.69, following the implementation of learning through riddle math media. Following this, a t-test was employed to examine the hypothesis. The t-test results indicated that tcount = 4.17, which exceeded the critical t-value of 2.072 from the t-table. Consequently, Ha was accepted, and it was concluded that the utilization of math puzzle media had an impact on the fine motor skills of students enrolled at UPTD. SD Negeri 014672 Tanjung Alam

    Pengaruh Posisi Pengelasan dan Gerak Eletroda Terhadap Kekuatan Sambungan Las Baja SS400: Pengaruh Posisi Pengelasan dan Gerak Eletroda Terhadap Kekuatan Sambungan Las Baja SS400

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    SS400 steel can be used to make car bodies. Welding is needed to connect car body parts. Welding is a method of joining metals. The most common type of welding is SMAW welding, where the electrode functions as a filler metal during the joining process. In the welding system there are several electrode positions and movements, the focus point of this research is the strength of 400 steel welded joints which involve various horizontal and vertical welding positions as well as straight and C-type electrode movements during welding. The results of the research show that specimens in vertical welding position and electrode movement C have the highest joint strength value of 282.5 MPa, while specimens in horizontal welding position and straight electrode movement have the lowest value of 184.9 MPa. The criterion value for car body strength is in the range of 190–290 Mpa. Judging from the research data, the strength value is met.Baja SS400 dapat digunakan untuk membuat bodi mobil. Pengelasan diperlukan untuk menyambung bagian bodi mobil. Pengelasan adalah suatu metode penyambungan logam. Jenis pengelasan yang paling umum adalah pengelasan SMAW, dimana elektroda berfungsi sebagai logam pengisi pada proses penyambungan. Pada sistem pengelasan terdapat beberapa posisi dan pergerakan elektroda, yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini adalah kekuatan sambungan las baja 400 yang melibatkan berbagai posisi pengelasan horizontal dan vertikal serta pergerakan elektroda lurus dan tipe C pada saat pengelasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa spesimen pada posisi pengelasan vertikal dan pergerakan elektroda C mempunyai nilai kekuatan sambungan tertinggi sebesar 282,5 MPa, sedangkan spesimen pada posisi pengelasan horizontal dan pergerakan elektroda lurus memiliki nilai terendah sebesar 184,9 MPa. Nilai kriteria kekuatan bodi mobil berada pada rentang 190–290 Mpa. Dilihat dari data penelitian, nilai kekuatan terpenuhi

    Rekayasa Mesin Pemotong Batang Padi dengan Mata Potong Berbentuk Piringan

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    Proper harvest handling has an influence in reducing yield losses. Harvesting activities must be carried out at the right time, using the correct tools or techniques and implementing an appropriate harvest system. The harvesting machines currently on the market are large-scale harvesting machines, relatively large in size and very heavy. Based on these problems, research was carried out aimed at design, construction and testing a small rice stalk cutting machine that has high mobility. The method in this research includes the stages of design, construction, testing and data analysis. The data measured in the test are movement speed and cutting capacity. Based on design and construction results, the rice stalk cutting machine has specifications for length 82 cm, width 62 cm, height 95 cm, drive motor power 1.25 kW, and cutting blade rotation speed 1,900 rpm. The test results show that the average cutting forward speed is 0.330 m/s and the average cutting capacity is 0.132 m2/s


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