Jaume I University

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    68805 research outputs found

    Innovations for the assessment and treatment of gambling disorder

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    Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacionalThis thesis aims to contribute to scientific progress in the assessment and treatment of Gambling Disorder (GD) by adapting and developing new instruments, validating them, and introducing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to treat GD. Chapters 1 and 2 focus on research and innovation in GD assessment. They present, on the one hand, the Spanish adaptation and validation of the scale for the evaluation of gambling disorder symptoms (G-SAS) and, on the other hand, the development and validation of the Emotional Gambling Scale (EGS) in people who have recently gambled. The Chapters 3, 4 and 5 present new proposals for the psychological treatment of this problem, including ICTs (e.g., Internet-based programs, mobile geolocation applications and ecological momentary assessment/interventions as complementary tools through the use of smartphones).Programa de Doctorat en Psicologi

    El derecho constitucional al buen gobierno local: principios, códigos y planificación para lograrlo

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    La presente tesis doctoral tiene por objeto abordar la situación en España del buen gobierno local, frecuentemente olvidado a la hora de gestionar las políticas públicas. En primer lugar, se analiza el concepto y cómo la diferente normativa aplicable (tanto estatal como autonómica) lo ha regulado a través de principios y exigencias de buena gestión. En un segundo capítulo, se estudia la regulación establecida por los códigos elaborados por las entidades locales, para avanzar en el camino del buen gobierno más allá de las exigencias legales. En el tercer capítulo se aborda la planificación como forma para lograr un buen gobierno desde el ámbito normativo, de subvenciones, de contratación y de recursos humanos. En definitiva, un trabajo que analiza qué supone dicho derecho constitucional en nuestro sistema jurídico y cuáles son los retos que tiene por delante para conseguir satisfacer definitivamente el interés general de la ciudadanía.The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to address the situation in Spain of good local government, frequently forgotten when it comes to managing public policies. In the first place, the concept is analysed and the regulation through the different applicable regulations (at a state and regional level) based on principles and requirements of good management. In a second chapter, the regulation established by the codes elaborated by local entities is studied, to advance in the path of good governance beyond legal requirements. In the third chapter, planning is addressed as a path to achieve good governance from the regulatory, grant, contracting and human resources fields. In short, this study aims at examining the impact of this constitutional right on Spanish legal system and the challenges that lie ahead in order to definitively satisfy the general interest of the Citizenry.Programa de Doctorat en Dre

    Economacy Strategies for Countries with Crises

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    As part of this thesis, a conceptual and analytic framework for understanding economic diplomacy is presented, so that its missions, tools, and activities are better understood. Economic diplomacy can be conceptually described in several different ways, which involve tools and purposes that are oriented toward economic/commercial or political ends and, thus, more closely aligned with the power play or 'business end' of economic diplomacy. Within the analytical framework of economic diplomacy, the four essential dimensions identifying how historically contingent changes arise are the context, tools, theatres, and processes. There are multiple ways in which these dimensions interact. Through an analysis of these frameworks, the article analyses the foci, assumptions, methodologies and strategic and ideological considerations that underlie industry diplomacy. It also examines the post-modern changes in economic diplomacy in a post-state-to-state world, where traditional state-to-state diplomacy is fragmented and more complex due to the increased participation of non-state actors and other government ministries in international economic relations. As a result, non-state actors such as business diplomats and transnational economic NGOs have contributed to the traditional domain of economic diplomacy with their transnational alliances and pressure groups, thereby, undermining at least some of the sovereign rights of states in international economic relations. Meanwhile, the globalization of the economy and the emergence of international standard-setting organizations have had a significant impact on the business climate, As a result, many countries expect their diplomats specializing in Economic Diplomacy and Commercial Diplomacy to effectively serve their national interests. In addition, I have analyzed certain aspects of the Palestinian economy's difficult situation and considered a number of strategies and policies that can be employed to set it on a path of sustainable growth. During this study, we examined the relations between the Palestinian economy and that of Israel, the Arab world, and other countries. In particular, the study has demonstrated how current patterns may be changed for a more expansive Palestinian economy and to help restructure the economy to engage with global trends. A number of important issues were raised in regard to economic relations between the Palestinian territories and its neighbors, the Arab countries, and Israel. As these relations are normalized, they are expected to act as catalysts for regional economic integration. Which, however, will provide the Palestinian economy with vital, but not sufficient, conditions for integrating into the global economy, there is also a need for an integrated vision and strategy for the private sector to form joint ventures with foreign companies, enter new markets, and adopt new methods of production, marketing, and finance. Economacy Strategies based on an appreciation of the present challenges and opportunities facing the economy and a vision for the global economy of the future, are inspected as well. A brief overview of current trends in the global economy is provided, and questions about the challenges and opportunities facing developing countries seeking integration are explored, along with prospects for the Palestinian economy in major markets. The United States, the European Union, economies and developing countries in transition.Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empres

    Las tecnologías de la traducción en España: análisis didáctico-curricular

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    Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacionalLa presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo analizar los retos a los que se enfrentan los entornos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las tecnologías de la traducción (TT) en los grados de Traducción e Interpretación (TeI) en España desde el punto de vista del diseño curricular. Como respuesta a los profundos cambios estructurales del sector de los servicios lingüísticos en las últimas décadas, las TT se han convertido en un elemento esencial para los profesionales. Para poder avanzar propuestas de adaptación y mejora basadas en la realidad académica y profesional del sector, planteamos una investigación cuantitativo-cualitativa interdisciplinar sobre la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las TT y las demandas del mercado. Nuestra investigación refleja la necesidad de no demorar la adaptación de los grados a las necesidades tecnológicas del sector y de llevar a cabo adaptaciones curriculares que puedan incorporarse al aula de forma inmediata, sin esperar a la renovación de los planes de estudios.The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse the challenges faced by translation technology (TT) teaching-learning environments in undergraduate translation programmes in Spain from the point of view of curriculum design. In response to the profound structural changes in the language industry in recent decades, TT has become an essential tool for professionals. In order to be able to advance proposals for adaptation and improvement based on the academic and professional reality of this dynamic industry, we propose interdisciplinary quantitative-qualitative research on TT teaching-learning and market demands. Our research reflects the need not to delay the adaptation of undergraduate translation programmes to the technological needs of the industry and to carry out curriculum adaptations that can be incorporated into the classroom immediately, without waiting for the formal renewal of curricula.Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducci

    GROw, an Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Adults with Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD)

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    Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacionalLosing a loved one is a painful process with physical, psychological, and social consequences. Between 9.8 and 21.5% of bereaved adults are at risk of developing Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD). There are effective treatments for PGD, but this does not ensure that the treatments reach the people who need them. The aim of this thesis was to explore the feasibility and the potential effectiveness of GROw, a novel Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy (iCBT) for adults with PGD. This tesis includes a literature review of published studies that have tested an Internet-based treatment for PGD, a multiple-baseline single-case experimental study and a randomized feasibility trial study. The results showed that GROw was feasible and well-accepted in terms of adherence, preferences, expectations, satisfaction, and qualitative opinions about the usefulness of the intervention. In addition, GROw showed strong potential in treating grief-related symptomatology, compared to the same intervention delivered face-to-face through videoconference.Programa de Doctorat en Psicologi

    Violencia filioparental: perfil criminológico y factores de riesgo y protección para la reducción del riesgo de reincidencia a través de Realidad Virtual

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    Compendi d'articlesLa presente Tesis Doctoral estudia las trayectorias delictivas persistentes, por un lado; y analiza el perfil criminológico y los factores de riesgo y de protección para la reducción de la reincidencia a través de Realidad Virtual en las personas menores que cometen violencia filioparental, por otro lado. Los resultados han mostrado que las personas con trayectorias delictivas persistentes, se inician con delitos contra la propiedad. A parte, el perfil criminológico de la persona que comete violencia filioparental, parece caracterizarse por la presencia de factores de riesgo relacionados con el ámbito familiar y de ocio y tiempo libre, y la ausencia de factores protectores. Finalmente, la Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual apoyada con Realidad Virtual ha resultado ser más efectiva que la tradicional para la reducción de la predisposición a la delincuencia en menores que han cometido violencia filioparental.This Doctoral Thesis studies persistent criminal trajectories, on the one hand; and analyses the criminological profile and the risk and protective factors for the reduction of recidivism through Virtual Reality in minors who commit child-to-parent violence, on the other hand. The results have shown that people with persistent criminal trajectories start with crimes against property. In addition, the criminological profile of the person who commits child-to-parent violence seems to be characterised by the presence of risk factors related to the family environment and leisure and free time, and the absence of protective factors. Finally, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy supported with Virtual Reality has proved to be more effective than traditional therapy in reducing the predisposition to delinquency in minors who have committed child-to-parent violence.Programa de Doctorat en Psicologi

    Los triángulos rojos: Un estudio de género de la deportación femenina española en los campos de concentración del Nacionalsocialismo.

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    Esta tesis analiza el fenómeno de la deportación femenina española dando prioridad al colectivo de mujeres antifascistas en el escenario de la II Guerra Mundial. La investigación aborda las historias de las republicanas que se exiliaron a Francia huyendo de la represión franquista desencadenada tras la guerra civil española, viéndose inmersas en el nuevo conflicto bélico. Mediante la contextualización de este periodo, se explican las situaciones en las que las españolas fueron detenidas, y deportadas a los campos de concentración nazis por incorporarse a la Resistencia francesa. El estudio se amplía a los casos de las españolas enviadas a los campos de exterminio debido a su origen judío. La investigación analiza la deportación desde una perspectiva de género, profundizando en las particularidades de las mujeres. El estudio también reflexiona sobre la peculiaridad española respecto a la asimilación de sus deportadas, situándolas como dobles víctimas del franquismo y del nazismo.This thesis analyses the phenomenon of Spanish female deportation, giving priority to the group of anti-fascist women in the context of the Second World War. The research deals with the stories of the Republican women who fled to France to escape Franco's repression after the Spanish Civil War, finding themselves immersed in the new war. By contextualising this period, it explains the situations in which Spanish women were arrested and deported to Nazi concentration camps for joining the French Resistance. The study extends to the cases of Spanish women sent to the extermination camps because of their Jewish origin. The research analyses the deportation from a gender perspective, delving into the particularities of women. The study also reflects on the Spanish peculiarity regarding the assimilation of its deportees, situating them as double victims of Francoism and Nazism.Programa de Doctorat en Estudis Interdisciplinaris de Gèner

    Centralidad del discurso feminista en las luchas del siglo XXI y su relación con el marxismo

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    La tesis se centra en la relación pasada y presente del feminismo y marxismo, para analizar si es condición necesaria la relación entre ambos para superar el capitalismo. Ambos son movimientos internacionalistas y emancipatorios que mantuvieron y mantienen diálogos fructíferos, tensiones y alianzas. Mediante un repaso cronológico de las olas del feminismo, se observan ciertos elementos de la teoría marxista que calan en diversas corrientes feministas desde una lectura crítica al capitalismo, el heteropatriarcado y el colonialismo. Se profundiza específicamente en la huelga feminista, la defensa de lo “común”, la aplicación de la interseccionalidad o la ampliación del sujeto político. En el apartado de investigación, se realizaron entrevistas a feministas de diversas corrientes para —desde sus experiencias, praxis y visión del/los feminismo/s en el/los que se ubica/n— recoger su visión pasada, presente y futura entre el movimiento feminista y marxista, como posibles aliados para subvertir el actual sistema socioeconómico.The thesis focuses on the past and present relationship between feminism and marxism to analyse whether the relationship between the two is a necessary condition for overcoming capitalism. Both are internationalist and emancipatory movements that maintained and maintain fruitful dialogues, tensions and alliances. Through a chronological review of the feminist waves, we observe certain elements of marxist theory that permeate various feminist currents from a critical reading of capitalism, heteropatriarchy and colonialism. Specifically, the feminist strike, the defence of the "commons", the application of intersectionality and the broadening of the political subject are examined in depth. In the research section, interviews were conducted with feminists from different currents in order to - from their experiences, praxis and vision of the feminism/s in which they are located - gather their past, present and future vision between the feminist and marxist movements, as possible allies to subvert the current socio-economic system.Programa de Doctorat en Estudis Interdisciplinaris de Gèner

    Validación de un programa basado en mindfulness para niños con TDAH y sus padres

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    Este trabajo de investigación, tiene como objetivo validar la eficacia del programa de entrenamiento mindfulness MYmind como método de intervención del TDAH, para una población española de adolescentes entre 9 y 14 años y sus padres, frente a un grupo condición control no activo, aleatorizado. Se trata de un estudio controlado aleatorizado (ECA) de una muestra compuesta por 30 niños de entre 9 y 14 años, con diagnóstico TDAH como causa primaria del diagnóstico. Los participantes fueron evaluados en tres períodos de tiempo: antes (pre), después de la intervención (post) y seis meses después de finalizado el programa (seguimiento). A través de distintos instrumentos estandarizados, se midió la eficacia del entrenamiento MYmind respecto a la sintomatología de TDAH, problemas asociados y funcionamiento ejecutivo de niños con TDAH. Por otro, se analizaron los resultados sobre el estrés parental, los estilos de disciplina, las habilidades mindfulness, la crianza consciente, autocompasión, autoeficacia, depresión, ansiedad y estrés, de los padres. Los resultados indican que para el caso de los niños, el protocolo MYMind podría ser eficaz para reducir la sintomatología asociada al TDAH, los problemas asociados al TDAH y mejorar el funcionamiento ejecutivo informado por los padres, a largo plazo. En relación a los resultados obtenidos por los padres, los hallazgos indican que el programa MYmind podría resultar eficaz para reducir el estrés parental y modificar el estilo de disciplina autoritario, tras las ocho semanas de intervención. La modificación del estilo de disciplina, mantiene su eficacia a largo plazo, así como otras variables como las referidas a la crianza consciente o del estado de ánimo de los padres.The objective of this thesis is to validate the efficacy of the MYmind mindfulness training program as an intervention method for ADHD, for a Spanish population of young people between 9 and 14 years of age and their parents, compared to a randomized, non-active control condition group. This is a randomized controlled study (RCT) of a sample made up of 30 children between the ages of 9 and 14, diagnosed with ADHD as the primary cause of the diagnosis. The participants were evaluated in three periods of time: before (pre), after the intervention (post) and six months after the end of the program (follow-up). Through different standardized instruments, the effectiveness of MYmind training was measured regarding ADHD symptomatology, associated problems, and executive functioning of children with ADHD. On the other hand, the results on parental stress, discipline styles, mindfulness skills, conscious parenting, self-compassion, self-efficacy, depression, anxiety and stress of parents were analyzed. The results indicate that for children, the MYMind protocol could be effective in reducing ADHD-associated symptomatology, ADHD-associated problems, and improving parent-reported executive functioning in the long term. In relation to the results obtained by the parents, the findings indicate that the MYmind program could be effective in reducing parental stress and modifying the authoritarian discipline style, after eight weeks of intervention. The modification of the discipline style maintains its effectiveness in the long term, as well as other variables such as those related to conscious upbringing or the state of mind of the parents.Programa de Doctorat en Psicologi

    Corporate Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Behavior of Employees: Antecedents and Triple Bottom Line Consequences

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    Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacionalThis thesis sheds light on the factors that stimulate entrepreneurship within companies, both at the organizational level, by analyzing corporate entrepreneurship (CE), and at the employee level, by studying the entrepreneurial behavior of employees (EBE), as well as the consequences of CE on triple bottom line. Presented as a compilation of three articles, study 1 offers a practical view on exploring organizational (top management support, work discretion, rewards and reinforcement, time availability, and organizational boundaries) and individual antecedents (personal motivations) of EBE. Study 2 adopts a behavioral approach and takes into consideration how perceptions of job resources (managerial support and job autonomy) and job demands (work overload) can shape EBE via the impact they have on employee well-being. Study 3 focuses on how stakeholder relationships and EBE can shape CE, but it also examines how CE can impact not only economic performance, but also social and environmental performance.Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empres


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