Jaume I University

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    71908 research outputs found

    Psycho-Social Support: Establishing a Program to Address the Mental Health Needs of Refugees at the Reception Center for Refugees (CAR II)

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Estudis internacionals de Pau, Conflictes i Desenvolupament (Pla de 2013). Codi: SBG120. Curs acadèmic 2023-202

    La traducció com a pont? Anàlisi qualitativa de les ideologies lingüístiques de tres estudiantes del grau en Traducció i Interpretació

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs acadèmic 2023/2024El País Valencià és un territori amb dues llengües oficials: la catalana i la castellana. Entre les dues, s’estableix una jerarquia lingüística que subordina el català i situa el castellà en una posició dominant. En la situació de diglòssia resultant, la comunitat catalanoparlant ha de triar entre parlar castellà o català en funció del context, mentre que la castellanoparlant marca la llengua de l’àmbit pel fet de participar-hi. En aquesta situació, es generen diferents creences respecte a les llengües que configuren ideologies lingüístiques i marquen les actituds de les persones a l’hora de comunicar-se i percebre la realitat que els envolta. Aquest treball explora les experiències de tres estudiantes de Traducció i Interpretació de la Universitat Jaume I radicades al País Valencià i pertanyents a la comunitat catalanoparlant. L’estudi, amb una orientació fenomenològica, analitza la seua percepció de la llengua catalana i explora les seues ideologies lingüístiques i la relació d’aquestes amb la seua teoria implícita de la traducció. Amb una entrevista semiestructurada, s’obtenen dades que s’analitzen amb una anàlisi qualitativa temàtica de contingut. Els resultats revelen que les tres estudiantes manifesten un activisme lingüístic i consciència del seu entorn social, lingüístic i polític. Les seues teories implícites de la traducció mostren una dissonància entre el que verbalitzen i el que traspuen les seues respostes: mentre que les estudiantes verbalitzen sovint una concepció de la traducció com a pont neutral, les respostes emfasitzen una voluntat de prendre partit i posicionar-se davant d’una sèrie de desigualtats. Comparant els resultats amb la bibliografia disponible, i tot i les limitacions de la mostra, el treball apunta que les comunitats lingüístiques podrien socialitzar diferents teories de la traducció, la qual cosa justificaria la necessitat d’estudiar separadament les teories implícites de la traducció d’estudiantat de llengües en situacions de dominació i en situacions de subordinació.The Valencian Country is a territory where two languages coexist officially: Catalan and Spanish. Nevertheless, a language hierarchy subordinates Catalan and positions Spanish as dominant. This hierarchy creates a diglossic situation where Catalan speakers must choose between Catalan and Spanish depending on the context, whereas Spanish speakers can determine the language spoken merely by their presence. This dynamic generates various beliefs, shaping different language ideologies and influencing people’s communication and perception of their environment. This Bachelor’s Thesis explores the lived experiences of three Translation and Interpreting undergraduates from the Universitat Jaume I, who are part of the Catalan-speaking community in the Valencian Country. Using a phenomenological approach, the study analyses their perspective on Catalan, their language ideologies, and the relationship between these ideologies and their implicit translation theories. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed using qualitative thematic content analysis. The results reveal that the three students exhibit language activism and awareness of their social, linguistic, and political environment. Nevertheless, their implicit translation theories show a discordance between their stated views and underlying attitudes: while they describe translation as a neutral bridge, their responses indicate a willingness to engage with and address inequalities. Despite the sample limitations, this study suggests that different language communities may socialise distinct translation theories. Hence, the implicit translation theories of students speaking dominant languages should be studied separately from those of students speaking subordinated languages

    La mujer rumana de etnia gitana migrante en España. Reconstrucción y emancipación de género desde la perspectiva del feminismo periférico

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    CotutelaEl objetivo pretende visibilizar la emancipación y reconstrucción de género de la mujer inmigrante roma (gitana) de Rumania en España (Comunidad Valenciana). La hipótesis principal viene dada por la reconstrucción de la identidad de género de la mujer inmigrante gitana de Rumanía a España: impacto de la migración y el feminismo periférico se basa en la trivalencia migración – etnia– mujer. La triangulación metodológica (mixta, cualitativa, cuantitativa), teórica (teorías migratorias, étnicas y del feminismo) y temática (mujer, migración, etnia,), pone en práctica los siguientes instrumentos de trabajo: cuestionarios, entrevista y técnica Focus Group. Los resultados demuestran la emancipación, la adaptación al hábitat social valenciano y el cambio de mentalidad identitaria que, solapados con la migración, patriarcado, pandemia COVID-19, las obligaron a reconstruir su identidad de género. En conclusión, se reconsidera el concepto de feminismo étnico gitano actual desde la perspectiva de la Geografía y la Sociología de género contemporánea feminista.The objective is to make visible the emancipation and gender reconstruction of the Roma (Gypsy) immigrant woman from Romania in Spain (Valencian Community). The reconstruction of the gender identity of the Gypsy immigrant woman from Romania to Spain gives the main hypothesis: the impact of migration and peripheral feminism is based on the trivalence of migration—ethnicity—woman. The methodological triangulation (mixed, qualitative, quantitative), theoretical (migration, ethnic and feminism theories), and thematic (women, migration, ethnicity) puts into practice the following work instruments: questionnaires, interviews, and the Focus Group technique. The results demonstrate emancipation, adaptation to the Valencian social habitat and the change in identity mentality that, overlapping with migration, patriarchy, and the COVID-19 pandemic, forced them to reconstruct their gender identity. In conclusion, the concept of current gipsy ethnic feminism is reconsidered from the perspective of contemporary feminist gender geography and sociology.Programa de Doctorat en Estudis Interdisciplinaris de Gèner

    Arquitecturas Barrocas y Neobarrocas en las provincias de Castellón (España) y de Hei Long Jiang (China)

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    Teniendo en cuenta la especificidad de las provincias de Castellón y Heilongjiang, la arquitectura de influencia Neobarroca y los edificios de estilo europeo de principios siglo XX están representados en ambas ciudades. Algunos de los edificios construidos en ambas ciudades tienen sorprendentes similitudes. El estudio de los factores que han influido en la arquitectura de estilo Barroco en Beijing, China y la provincia de Castellón, España, incluyendo factores históricos, geográficos, culturales, religiosos y sociales ha ayudado a esclarecer y discernir la influencia del estilo Barroco en la arquitectura del siglo XX estudiada en las ciudades de Harbin y Castellón de la Plana. Además, se han estudiado los estilos arquitectónicos de ambas ciudades surgidos a principios del siglo pasado, muchas veces llamados "Neo" (nuevo). También se ha realizado un estudio de los arquitectos importantes en la ciudad de Castellón y Harbin durante este periodo.The peculiarities of the provinces of Castellón and Heilongjiang are being investigated, the architecture from the early 20th century are both influenced by the Neo-Baroque in two provinces. Some of the buildings constructed in the two cities have striking similarities. The study of the architecture of Beijing, China, and Baroque architecture of Castellón Province, Spain, which was influenced by the Neo-Baroque style, includes the study of historical, geographical, cultural, religious and social factors, which helps to clarify and discern the influence of the Baroque style on the architectural styles of the cities of Harbin and Castellón de la Plana in the 20th century. In addition, the architectural style of the two cities that emerged at the beginning of the last century, which is often called "Neo", is studied. The important architects of the cities of Castellón and Harbin during this period are also sorted out.Programa de Doctorat en Tecnologies Industrials i Material

    Revisión de las competencias del profesorado universitario

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    Ponencia presentada en CIMIE23. Las evidencias científicas que mejoran los resultados educativos: Libro de actas CIMIE23, Santander 6 y 7 de Julio. Universidad de Cantabria, 2023.La transformación en la política educativa universitaria ha conllevado a un replanteamiento de la formación docente, impulsando el aprendizaje profesional basado en competencias. Se presenta el análisis de los marcos de competencias docentes del profesorado universitario en el contexto español del 2000 al 2020. Se analizan las competencias incluidas en tres marcos de referencia, con tal de proponer un marco que sintetice las más importantes; y se identifican las competencias que se definen y tendencias predominantes en los marcos, en base al marco de referencia propuesto. Se sigue una metodología descriptiva y cualitativa, realizando análisis documental y de contenido, así como una revisión de revisiones. Los resultados podrían orientar medidas en la transformación hacia una formación docente contextualizada y personalizada

    Nido de Alambres: Desarrollo de un videojuego híbrido 3D/2D como herramienta de concienciación contra el acoso escolar

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2023/2024Although video games are seen by society as a purely recreational tool and several articles warn of the addiction they can generate, they are also capable of providing benefits in different ways, from educational, social, sports or physical activity games to psychological aspects aimed at improving people’s mental and psychological health. This document presents the technical report of the Final Degree Project ““Nido de Alambres”. Development of a 3D/2D hybrid video game as an educational tool to raise awareness against school bullying”. This work consists of the de velopment of a hybrid video game that mixes 3D and 2D with a dual narrative, implemented in Unity, which aims to provide support for people who may be going through or have gone through a bad time in their lives due to bullying and detach ment, while providing an empathetic experience for people who have not had to go through this situation towards people who have. As previously mentioned, “Nido de Alambres” is a video game with a dual narrative in which different genres are mixed. The 3D part is a third-person game where we will have to guide our protagonist through various scenarios that tell his story, a story of bullying and detachment from his home. The second part of the video game, a children’s story told in 2D, in a cartoon/children’s style, makes an analogy to the story of the main character of the 3D part through the story of a sparrow different from the rest of the sparrows that does not feel comfortable surrounded by his species due to this characteristic and gradually moves away from his home and family. The objective of this game is to advance along the main character’s story, going through the necessary steps to go from a bullying story to the end, where the main char acter finally realizes that at the end of the day, what matters is his family and friends, who no matter what happens, will always support him and on whom he can lean when things go wrong

    Transcription factors HB21/40/53 trigger inflorescence arrest through abscisic acid accumulation at the end of flowering

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    Flowers, and hence, fruits and seeds, are produced by the activity of the inflorescence meristem after the floral transition. In plants with indeterminate inflorescences, the final number of flowers produced by the inflorescence meristem is determined by the length of the flowering period, which ends with inflorescence arrest. Inflorescence arrest depends on many different factors, such as the presence of seeds, the influence of the environment, or endogenous factors such as phytohormone levels and age, which modulate inflorescence meristem activity. The FRUITFULL-APETALA2 (FUL-AP2) pathway plays a major role in regulating the end of flowering, likely integrating both endogenous cues and those related to seed formation. Among AP2 targets, HOMEOBOX PROTEIN21 (HB21) has been identified as a putative mediator of AP2 function in the control of inflorescence arrest. HB21 is a homeodomain leucine zipper transcription factor involved in establishing axillary bud dormancy. Here, we characterized the role of HB21 in the control of the inflorescence arrest at the end of flowering in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). HB21, together with HB40 and HB53, are upregulated in the inflorescence apex at the end of flowering, promoting floral bud arrest. We also show that abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation occurs in the inflorescence apex in an HB-dependent manner. Our work suggests a physiological role of ABA in floral bud arrest at the end of flowering, pointing to ABA as a regulator of inflorescence arrest downstream of the HB21/40/53 genes

    ¿Me aburro y luego me quemo? El aburrimiento laboral y su relación con el burnout

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2023/2024El objetivo principal de este estudio es explorar la correlación entre el aburrimiento laboral y el síndrome de burnout, una condición reconocida oficialmente por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) que se caracteriza por el agotamiento emocional, la despersonalización y la disminución de la sensación de logro personal, es decir una reducción de la satisfacción personal. A pesar de tener orígenes distintos, el aburrimiento laboral y el burnout se manifiestan en aquellas situaciones que carecen de estímulos desafiantes. En el entorno laboral actual, el aumento del uso de la tecnología ha incrementado la monotonía de las tareas, lo que supone un reto importante para los empleados. El aburrimiento en el trabajo se manifiesta mediante el desinterés, el distanciamiento emocional y una percepción distorsionada del tiempo. Estos síntomas pueden desencadenar consecuencias negativas en las organizaciones, como la disminución del compromiso, el aumento de los niveles de estrés, la insatisfacción y el abandono del lugar de trabajo. En este estudio se han utilizado herramientas como la escala MBI GS para evaluar el burnout y la escala DUBS para medir los niveles de aburrimiento laboral que experimentan los participantes. Los análisis estadísticos revelaron una correlación significativa y positiva entre el aburrimiento laboral y el desarrollo del síndrome burnout. Considerando estos resultados, es crucial que las organizaciones aborden el aburrimiento en el lugar de trabajo, no sólo como una estrategia para prevenir el burnout, sino también como un medio para mejorar el bienestar general de la organización y la productividad de sus empleados. Las intervenciones organizativas deben centrarse en combatir la monotonía y la percepción de irrelevancia de las tareas para mejorar la motivación de los empleados.The main objective of this study is to explore the correlation between job boredom and burnout syndrome, a condition officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment, in other words, a decrease in personal satisfaction. Despite having different origins, job boredom and burnout manifest in situations that lack challenging stimuli. In the current work environment, the increased use of technology has heightened the monotony of tasks, posing a significant challenge for employees. Job boredom is exhibited through disinterest, emotional distancing, and a distorted perception of time. These symptoms can trigger negative consequences in organizations, such as reduced commitment, increased stress levels, dissatisfaction, and workplace turnover. In this study, tools such as the MBI GS scale were used to evaluate burnout and the DUBS scale to measure the levels of job boredom experienced by participants. Statistical analyses revealed a significant and positive correlation between job boredom and the development of burnout syndrome. Considering these results, it is crucial for organizations to address workplace boredom, not only as a strategy to prevent burnout but also as a means to improve the overall well-being of the organization and the productivity of its employees. Organizational interventions should focus on combating monotony and the perception of task irrelevance to enhance employee motivation

    Estudio sobre el bienestar psicosocial en corredores de resistencia

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2023/202

    Heating and cooling challenges for electric vehicles: A comprehensive experimental study

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    An efficient mobile air conditioning (MAC) system using a safe and climate-friendly refrigerant is necessary for human comfort, increases the vehicle's energy performance, and reduces fuel/electricity consumption. In the current work, we perform a drop-in experimental comparison for low GWP alternatives to R134a in reversible MAC systems. The study compares two lower global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants, R456A, a non-flammable refrigerant for R134a direct MAC replacement, and R1234yf, an ultra-low GWP and mild flammable refrigerant that is the standard for new MAC systems. The system's operational and energy performance is investigated, simulating a wide range of indoor and outdoor steady-state conditions. The measurements are recorded operating a fully monitored vapour compression test rig with secondary circuits to set the target conditions. In the heating mode (heat pump), the evaporation temperatures are set at −10 ℃, −5 ℃, and 0 ℃, and condensation temperatures at 40 ℃, 50 ℃, and 60 ℃. In cooling mode (air conditioning), the condensation temperatures are 37.5 ℃, 45 ℃, and 52.5 ℃ and are combined with evaporation temperatures of −7.5 ℃, 0 ℃, and 7.5 ℃. In the heating mode, R456A presented a competitive COP to R134a with a reduction of less than 5%, more remarkable at lower evaporation temperatures. In the cooling mode, R456A showed the lowest COP at a low condensation temperature. R456A and R1234yf COP are comparable at a higher condensation temperature, which suits the T3 climate conditions.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume


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