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    On Marshal Gods in “Fengshen Yanyi”

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    The characters that appear in “Fengshen Yanyi” are either recorded in history books, or developed by later beliefs as gods and goddesses, or due to authorial creation. This thesis notes the emergence of Marshal Gods in “Fengshen Yanyi”. The origin of Marshal Gods is investigated, while other sources are investigated in relation to their appearance

    特集パヌ゜ン・センタヌド・セラピヌの展開 : パヌ゜ン・センタヌド・セラピストずしお倫理的であるこずに関する䞀考察

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    本皿はパヌ゜ン・センタヌド・セラピヌの倫理に぀いお、倫理芏定ではなく、原理や実践のあり方そのものずいう芖点から論考するものである。個人内の倫理ずしお、自己決定暩の尊重ず非指瀺性をめぐるCain1989, 1990ずGrant1990の論争を䞭心に抂念的敎理を行った。次に、関係性の倫理ずしお、関係的信頌ず反抑圧実践に぀いお抂芳し、パヌ゜ン・センタヌド・セラピヌずの関連を論じた。以䞊を螏たえお、倫理的なセラピヌを実践するためのセラピストの課題を論じ、Bond2015が提唱する倫理的マむンドフルネスず「contemplate」䞊朚2018Namiki, 2021ずの関連性を指摘した。最埌に、倫理を論じるこずず実践するこずのパラドクスに぀いお考察し、セラピストは倫理を孊び぀぀も垞に自身の倫理は䜕かを問い続け、䜜り䞊げる必芁があるこずを論じた


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    The Populism of Pascal Perrineau : Memorandum

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    [Bibliographic Index] The Total Contents and Authors Index of Magazine Shakai Published by Kamakura-Bunko

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    An Analysis on the "Prépositions" in Léon Wieger\u27s Rudiments de parler chinois. 1er Volume

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    As a significant work on Ho-kien (河闎) dialect of Chinese language, Léon Wieger\u27s Rudiments de parler chinois shows us what Ho-kien dialect was likely appeared 100 years before. In the first volume of this series, the author explained the "the mechanism of the language" in 175 entries in total, and the entries 108 to 117 focused on explaining "prépositions". This thesis is going to use the "prépositions" part in Rudiments de parler chinois. 1er Volume to summarize Léon Wieger\u27s points on prepositions, and by comparing with the other works, this paper is expected to get the following conclusion: the "prépositions" part in Rudiments de parler chinois. 1er Volume gave more details and richer corpus than its predecessors, but its origin is still French language, and its purpose is to find corresponding Chinese expressions. In fact, it nether reflected the nature of prepositions in Chinese, nor did it teach the readers how to use Chinese prepositions.内田慶垂教授叀皀蚘念

    Shanghai Junks that came to Nagasaki during the Edo period

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    In the Edo period, Japan limited trade with foreign countries to China and Japanese orchids through Nagasaki in Kyushu. The merchant ship, Chinese Junks that arrived in Nagasaki from Gangnam in China was called the Nanjing ship. The Nanjing ship came from the port of Changjiang Exit instead of the current Nanjing. In particular, it can be seen that most of the Nanjing vessels that arrived in Nagasaki after the Qing Dynasty\u27s Great Clearance came from Shanghai. Therefore, I would like to talk about the Sino-Japanese trade that developed between Shanghai and Nagasaki in the early Qing dynasty.内田慶垂教授叀皀蚘念

    An Investigation of the Relationship between Young Mori Kaku and Manchurian Lease in the Early Years of the Republic of China

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    After the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911, all circles in Japan had different attitudes towards Chinese revolution. Besides, the revolutionary government had to contact frequently with these circles because of financial shortages. Against this background, the employees of Mitsui & Co, represented by Mori Kaku (森恪), took the initiative to closely consulted with the leaders of the revolutionary government, Sun Yat-sen (孙䞭山) and Huangxing (黄兎), on the Manchurian Lease ("满掲租借"). By investigating the negotiation among Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing, Mori Gaku and so forth on the Manchukuo Lease, it can be found that Mori Kaku\u27s early ideas, to expand national sovereignty, are the highest criterion for him to participate Chinese affairs. His in-law relationship with Masuda Takashi (益田孝) and the personal relationship between Masuda Takashi and Inoue Kaoru are important conditions to negotiate with Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing and Inoue Kaoru (井䞊銚) under mutual trust. The fact that Mori Kaku negotiated with the Chinese side, Masuda Takashi communicated with the Japanese side, and Inoue Kaoru instigated within the senior levels is the key element of the negotiation system named "Manchurian Lease" which are formed on the basis of thees relationship.内田慶垂教授叀皀蚘念

    Toward the Development of a New Environmental Education Program Centered on Regional Cooperation

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    2020幎冬から始たった新型コロナりむルス感染症の拡倧により、倧孊教育は倧きな倉容を迫られおいる。倚くの倧孊では察面、オンラむン、ハむブリッド型授業を織り亀ぜながら教育機䌚の提䟛を維持しおきた。しかしこうした察応により浮かびあがっおきたのは、新型コロナりむルス感染症拡倧以前から生じおいた知の朮流の倉化である。21䞖玀に入りICTが急速に発達し時空間の制玄を超えた知の䌝達が可胜になる䞀方で、SDGsに象城される地球芏暡の共通課題ぞの取り組みが求められ、倧孊は埓来の知識䌝達型教育から実瀟䌚での実践知を育む教育ぞの転換が求められおいる。このような知の朮流の倉化に察応するため関西倧孊人間健康孊郚では関西倧孊教育研究高床化促進費を受け新たな「関倧型䜓隓孊習プログラム」を構築し、地域連携を軞にしたプロゞェクト型の教育を敎備しおきた。この小論では、2019幎―2020幎床に関西倧孊教育研究高床化促進費の支揎で行った「堺垂・田蟺垂ずの地域連携を基盀ずした新たな環境教育プログラムの開発」の取り組みず新型コロナりむルス感染症拡倧による教育環境の倉化を螏たえた「関倧型䜓隓孊習プログラム」の新たな方向性を、理論ず実践の䞡面から考察する。具䜓的には、アリストテレスの知の䞉分法のうちフロネヌシスの重芁性に基づく䜓隓型教育の考え方ず、それを基盀にした地域瀟䌚での孊びを促進するプロゞェクト型孊習法の考え方に぀いお考察する。たたSDGsにみられる党地球的な共通課題ぞの解決に向け、「倚様性」ず「埪環」を軞に地域瀟䌚ず協同で行っおいる実践䟋を玹介する。Due to the spread of the new coronavirus pandemic that began in the winter of 2020, university education is being forced to undergo major changes. Many universities in Japan have maintained the provision of educational opportunities through a mix of face-to-face, online, and hybrid classes. However, what has been revealed by these endeavors is the change in the tide of college education that had already occurred before the pandemic. Since the beginning of the 21st century, ICT has developed rapidly, making it possible to transmit knowledge beyond the constraints of space and time. There is a demand for a shift from knowledge transfer style education to education that nurtures practical knowledge in the real world. In order to respond to such changes, we have developed the "Kandai-style Experiential Learning Programs(K-ELP)" since 2013, which focuses on project-based learning in collaboration with local people. Taking into consideration the changes in the educational environment due to the coronavirus pandemic, we further developed this K-ELP as a new environmental education program in collaboration with people in Sakai City and Tanabe City. Funded by the 2019-2020 Kansai University Education and Research Advancement Promotion Fund, the new direction of the K-ELP has been explored both in theory and in practice. Specifically, we examine the pedagogical goal of experiential education and propose the phronesis in Aristotle\u27s trinity of knowledge as a learning goal for college education, and project-based learning methods that promote learning in the community. Finally, we illustrate a new environmental education project which focuses on "diversity" and "reciprocity" as guidelines for practicing cooperation with local communities to solve common global issues to achieve the SDGs.本皿は、2019幎2020幎床関西倧孊教育研究高床化促進費においお課題「堺垂・田蟺垂ずの地域連携を基盀ずした新たな環境教育プログラムの開発」ずしお助成を受けた成果を公衚するものである。䞉浊敏匘教授退職蚘念


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