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    About the derivativeness of transportation demand

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    In textbooks on transportation economics, it is always mentioned that transportation demand is not elemental but derived demand. People use transportation means to achieve their elemental purpose such as commuting, studying, or sightseeing. Transport is just a tool. So, transport demand depends on several elements such as population, population composition, economic activities, and land development plan. In this paper, it will be discussed two points about the term derived demand. First is, in consideration of severe situations of public transport operators especially in rural areas in Japan, elemental demand conditions such as aging or population are not mentioned or ignored. Only the responsibility of transport operators came up for discussion. Second is, in the early phase, it is described in transportation economics text that also transport demand is derived one, it has an important role for economy and society. It is the socioeconomically way of thinking, and the provision of transport infrastructure and supply of transport services are indispensable to modern society. But the basic way of thinking about transportation economics is changed to microeconomics, in recent texts socioeconomically basic concept is not given an account in transportation economics. We have to reconfirm that it is important in the field of transportation economics to consider the socioeconomic basic concept

    Peculiarities of Amazon System from the viewpoint of Skill and Division of Labor

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    Amazon.com is the world largest online shopping company. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the scale is further expanded, and it has become a “social infrastructure”. But on the other hand, there are many criticisms. One of them is labor in the distribution center. This paper clarifies the peculiarities of Amazon system through scientific management and Ford systems

    Tanaka Kotaro\u27s translation of Liaozhai Zhiyi : Focusing on unique words, onomatopoeia, temporal adverb

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    Tanaka was a great admirer of Chinese literature, especially Chinese ghost stories such as Liaozhai Zhiyi (聊斎志異), and he was to translate 35 of them, published as "The 12th Volume of Chinese Literature" . This paper analyzes the characteristics of 10 stories from that, comparing the original work with Koda Rentaro\u27s annotation and the translation by Shibata Temma. Tanaka referred to Koda\u27s annotation when translating the unique words and sources in Chinese. He generally adds interpretation instead of annotation. And Tanaka used lots of onomatopoeia to make the description more vivid. There are lots of temporal adverb with similar meaning in Liaozhai Zhiyi, Tanaka basically translated them into one word.内田慶垂教授叀皀蚘念

    A Comparison in Eastern and Western Ways of Compiling Chinese Textbook : Based on Chinese Textbooks of Chinese College in Naples

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    After the Italian missionary Matteo Ripa (马囜莀, 1682-1746) went back from China to his hometown Naples, he founded il Collegio dei Cinesi a Napoli to educate more missionaries who would go to China. Since father Ripa had been hiring Chinese teachers to teach Chinese before and after the founding of the school, more Chinese than Europeans had started writing Chinese textbooks. Former studies on Giuseppe Maria Kuo (郭栋臣, 1842-1923) and Francesco Saverio Wang (王䜐才, 1842-1921)\u27s Chinese textbooks completed in this period were fragmented, in lack of comparisons among other textbooks. Based on some former studies, this paper analyzes Saggio di un corso di Cinese (华孊进境) and the Latin Version of Classic Trimetric (䞉字经) compiled by a representative Chinese teacher Kuo, compared with some Chinese textbooks compiled by Europeans to find out the differences on their ways of thinking.内田慶垂教授叀皀蚘念

    Late-Edo Reigakuron (瀌楜論) through the Eyes of Tsukada Taihō

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    Traditional Japanese-style Paintings in Modern Artists\u27 Realism Comments on Fukada Chokujo in Osaka realistic painting art group

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    Fukada Chokujo, a native of Ohmi province and later active mostly in Osaka, was a Japanese-style painter who studied the Shijo School. In view of modern artists\u27 realistic paintings, this paper introduces Fukada\u27s works of paintings and sketches. The author discusses how he was characterized as a realistic style painting artist. For comparison, works of the great contemporary artists such as Takeuchi Seiho in Kyoto and Kano Hougai in Tokyo are also referenced. While Fukada followed traditional Japanese realistic tastes in his paintings, he added a Western style of expression to his work. His aim was to introduce a new realistic method of expression, and in doing so, make an impression to his viewers of a three-dimensional view. Such a three-dimensional style, or what we call "stereoscopic effects" , were enhanced in the new style of his works, bridging the gap since the Edo era between the Maruyama School and the Shijo School. Later in life, he left Kyoto, where many active artists lived, and moved his residence to Osaka. His name then lost popularity and was forgotten gradually as time passed. However, his new unique technique of a three-dimensional expression in his realistic paintings should still be appreciated. If we imagine that Fukada Chokujo in Osaka had been inspired and affected by Kano Hogai in Tokyo, we could say, as one good example, that the Osaka style (West) met the Tokyo style (East) in the realm of modern realistic painting arts in Japan.内田慶垂教授叀皀蚘念


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    The authors developed a system for predicting the geological conditions not just of excavated areas but also ahead of the tunnel face by processing drilling data using ordinary Kriging, a geostatistical approach, and by visualizing conditions in real time. Using auto-controlled face-drilling rigs, the authors confirmed the easy and rapid acquisition of drilling data from blast holes and rock bolt holes, along with three-dimensional coordinates. The authors deployed the system in real time to determine if pre-supports such as forepoling and facebolts would be necessary for a strongly sheared slate area at the tunnel faces of the Shin-Kuzakai Tunnel (provisional name)


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    The magnetization of a nanosized thin film reverses owing to the spin-orbit torque (SOT) induced via a spin injection from a heavy metal (HM). The magnetization reversal can be used as a magnetic-memory binary digit at temperatures above room temperature. We investigated magnetization reversal by means of SOT under the thermal effect using micromagnetic simulation. The thermal effect was introduced as random magnetic fields. The averaged magnetization reversal time decreased with increasing temperature. However, several samples exhibited exceptional oscillatory behavior of the magnetization during the reversal and the reversal times increased.This work was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grant Number JP20H02607 and the Kansai University Fund for Supporting Outlay Research Centers 2020.(研究課題「高速磁化反転技術の開発ず省゚ネルギヌ動䜜デバむス応甚」


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