Open Journal System STAI Bumi Silampari
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    321 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Pembagian Harta Gono - Gini Pasca Perceraian dalam Persfektif Yuridis Sosiologis

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    Istilah Gono Gini  yang dikenal oleh budaya atau adat yang berkembang di Indonesia adalah harta bersama, Harta Gono Gini  merupakan hasil harta bersama yang dimiliki oleh pasangan yang sudah menikah. Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 85 menegaskan “adanya harta bersama dalam perkawinan itu tidak menutup kemugkinan adanya harta milik masing-masing suami atau isteri” dan Pasal 86 sebagai berikut: a) Pada dasarnya tidak ada percampuran antara harta suami dan harta isteri karena perkawinan. b) Harta isteri tetap menjadi hak isteri dan dikuasai penuh olehnya, demikian juga harta suami tetap menjadi hak suami dan dikuasai penuh olehnya. Pasal 97 Janda atau duda cerai masing-masing berhak seperdua dari harta bersama sepanjang tidak ditentukan lain dalam perjanjian perkawinan. Sedangkan di dalam UUD No 1 Tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan Pasal 35 di atur. a. Harta benda yang diperoleh selama perkawinan, menjadi harta bersama. b. Harta bawaan dan masing-masing suami dan isteri dan harta benda yang diperoleh masing-masing sebagai hadiah atau warisan, adalah dibawah penguasaan masing-masing sepanjang para pihak tidak menentukan lain. Pasal 37 Undang-Undang Perkawinan menyatakan bahwa bila perkawinan putus karena perceraian harta bersama diatur menurut hukumnya masing-masing. Jika dicermati Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) Pasal 85 dan 97 tentang Harta Bersama tidak memberikan keseragaman  Hukum Islam dalam  penyelesaian Harta bersama apabila terjadi perceraian. lalu, UU Perkawinan No 1 Tahun 1974 Pasal 37, Jika dicermati juga maka Pasal 37 Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan penjelasannya, tidak memberikan keseragaman hukum positif tentang bagaimana penyelesaian harta bersama apabila terjadi perceraian, hal ini tentu menjadi problem sosial hukum. jika penyelsaian dan penetapan Harta bersama tersebut tidak efektif  dan  adil dalam pembagiannya. Maka, rentan konflik antara pasangan suami istri kemungkinan bisa terjadi


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    Integrating normative values ​​of Islam to the basic culture of Indonesia, will provide a solid foundation for the development of each individual mentality. Because the values ​​offered by Islam is rahmatan lil Alamin. The value of love, will be more robust when the normative values ​​of Islam are integrated into it. As the love of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, parents, ourselves, our fellow human beings and the environment. For the normative values ​​of Islam based on love relegius values ​​are in line with the nation's cultural godless Almighty


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    This research is qualitative research in the form of library studies. Data in this study were obtained from sources such as history books and journal articles. Data collection is conducted by summarizing, organizing and formulating expert opinions contained in the written documents of the three books, journals, articles and others. There are five elements that characterize Islamic boarding schools. These five elements are the main requirements for defining a pesantren. (1) Kiyai as leaders of Islamic boarding schools, (2) santri who live in dormitories and study with clerics (3) dormitory as residence for santri (4) recitation as a form of teaching kyai to santri, and (5) mosques as centers of education and boarding school activities


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    Holistical comprehensive education can be built on a religious norm, psychology, culture, philosophy, management and Tasawwuf. Islam as a universal and true religion contains human aspect, philosophy,that has a deep, systematical, radical, universal, comprehensive and holistical thought, which suits on religious values, has a strategical position, provides huge portion of teaching in building an educational and holistical comprehensive education.In Indonesia, holistical comprehensive education is not studied deeply, whereas, there are still many problems on education that need to be solved. Therefore, this study is more focused on the religion, and philosophy, related with holistical educational design that should be done sustainably


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    Caring for the nationality is managing this unitary Republic of Indonesia to become "gemah ripah loh jinawi toto tentrem kertoraharjo". In Indonesian terminology is a sentence which is an expression to describe the condition of the Indonesian motherland. Gemah ripah means jinawi (abundant natural wealth) while toto tentrem karto raharjo (peaceful state). Or in the Arabic sense to be baldattun toyyibatun wa robbun ghoffur. This expression is not and mertajadi when the management of the State deviates from the importance of nation and state prosperity. Local (local wisdom) wisdom becomes the essence that must be able to be maintained in the midst of the storm of global ideology which ignores human values. When the young generation begins to forget the historical and cultural roots from which it originated, then he will get lost in the search for his true identity

    Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam

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    One component of education as a system is material. Educational material is all learning material delivered to students in an institutional education system. This educational material is better known as the curriculum. While the curriculum refers to material that has been systematically prepared to achieve the goals set.the curriculum must contain Islamic values ​​that are intrinsic and extrinsic capable of realizing the objectives of Islamic education. The concept of Islamic education is an effort directed at the formation of a child's personality in accordance with Islamic teachings or an effort with Islamic teachings, thinking, deciding and acting based on Islamic values

    Indeks Kerukunan Umat Beragama Kota Lubuklinggau Tahun 2019

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    This research is a research that measures harmony of religious harmony in Lubuklinggau City. In the context of the City of Lubuklinggau as a city that has a plurality of religions, this can actually be a capital in regional development. Then the study to be explored is How high is the religious harmony index of the city of Lubuklinggau in 2019? The quantitative research methods used in the study approach pattern with descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are used to explain the characteristics of the data which include, mode, mean and standard deviation of each variable. After the field survey and calculation are done, the results of the research, the 2019 Survey conducted by FKUB of Lubuklinggau City found that the harmony index of Lubuklinggau city in 2019 was at 5.52, this figure was 22 points higher than the STARA INSTITUT survey in 2017. This survey also rejects the null hypothesis (H0) at the 0.05 significance level. This means that H0: µ = 5.30 cannot be generalized to the population

    Formalisasi Hukum Islam Kedalam Tata Hukum Indonesia

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    Islamic law is one of the raw materials for the national legal systems in addition to the customary law and the law of the West.Therefore Islamic law can be used as raw material for the construction of the device, order and culture of origin of national law does not conflict with the values of Pancasila and the 1945 CONSTITUTION and in accordance with the needs of the people of Indonesia law.Can not be contradicted by evidence of any kind that Islamic law has an important and strategic position in national law drafting and pmbentukan Indonesia One of the efforts to incorporate Islamic law into the national laws of grammar through transformation.This paper discusses about the effort will be the transformation of Islamic law into the law of Indonesia governance. the formalization of Islamic law if done substantively, cannot be released and must be preceded by a reference to the judiciary with constitutional considerations and the history of the nation. The process is inseparable from the history of Islamic law in Indonesia, and the policy of Indonesian legal politics in placing the position of Islamic law in the national legal system

    Metode Hermeneutika dan Permasalahannya Dalam Penafsiran Al-Quran

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    Hermeneutics is a method or philosophical theory to interpret symbols related to the text in order to know the meaning and meaning. it was first used in the study of the Koran in the 19th century AD by Islamic scholars, but many scholars questioned it. This is because it can doubt the authenticity and sanctity of the Koran. Besides that, hermeneutics has been used to interpret bible to find its truth value. The Qur'an serves every question and objection from its readers, who come from various cultural backgrounds and scientific disciplines. Because the scriptures cannot speak for themselves, they need understanding, reading, interpretation and repetition of reinterpretations that are generally carried out by experts in the same way. In addition, the distance between the birth of the text and the period of interpretation is very long. For this reason, a methodological "means" is needed to understand the text in question

    Analisis Pesan Dakwah Buletin Jumat As-Salam terhadap Pemahaman Keagamaan Jamaah Masjid Baitul a’la Kota Lubuklinggau

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui metode pesan, Respon Jamaah, dan untuk menganalisa pesan dakwah yang disampaikan Buletin Jumat As-Salam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni Field research dengan pendekatan kualitiatif deskriptif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dengan melakukan Observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisa dapat disimpulkan, metode yang digunakan buletin Jumat As-Salam dengan metode Bil Hikmah dan Mau’izah hasanah, diedarkan dengan materi yang ringan yang sesuai Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Jamaah sangat antuasias mengambil dan membaca buletin, dimana program dakwah melalui buletin dapat menghemat waktu untuk menambah wawasan dan bisa dibaca berulang-ulang. Edisi yang diteliti ialah 254-264 lalu analisanya buletin ini membahas macam-macam bidang keilmuan diantaranya Akidah, Ibadah, akhlak dan toleransi dan selalu memberikan Landasan baik dari Al-Qur’an dan Hadits mengenai materi yang dibahas


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