Open Journal System STAI Bumi Silampari
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    321 research outputs found

    Implementasi Manajemen Risiko Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan IT Siswa

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    This study looks at risk management as a concept and how it is used, especially in education (schools). The examination directed talks about the utilization of hazard the executives in further developing understudies' IT abilities at SMPN 1 Baleendah. The research method taken is qualitative because the data collection process is made using interviews, observation, and data analysis. This plans to decide the viability of the execution in the educating and growing experience in the homeroom utilizing data innovation, likewise to figure out the supporting and hindering elements over learning, and to figure out the effect that could happen on the educational experience, so later an assessment will be completed so the educational experience is better continue. Because in improving the quality of education in this modern era, it is very important to pay attention to the use of technology that makes learning programs and the school development process easier. and it is hoped that this research can become an illustration and direction for other schools in general to improve the quality of their education. The results of this study are in order to calculate and assess how effective the use of IT in SMPN 1 Baleendah

    Upaya Memakmurkan Masjid Al-Hidayah Di Desa Karya Sakti

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    Efforts to prosper the mosque as a solution in dealing with problems that exist in the community related to mosques. The mosque is the center of Islamic activity, teaching, education and worship. This goal seeks to increase religious programs that can enliven the mosque again so that the community participates and participates in prospering the mosque, becoming a motivation for the community to increase religious understanding centered on the mosque. The method of education carried out in this village uses PAR (Participatory Action Research) where this method students participate actively in all activities in and help problems in the community related to village conditions related to the prosperity of the mosque by fostering, helping, providing knowledge, training and developing. As a result of the village's analysis of the issue, it can be concluded that prospering the mosque is a mutual obligation. By prospering the mosque, the village will be harmonious and harmonious among Muslims. Programs that can be preserved in Karya Sakti Village in prospering mosques include da'wah safaris, commemorating Islamic holidays and the holy month of Ramadan, recitation of fatayat and Muslim mothers, landfill for children, mosque youth association activities, rabbana and hadroh arts, mosque board training, development programs and training in mosque management

    Upaya Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pada Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Di SD Negeri Beliti Jaya

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    Berdasarkan temuan observasi yang dilakukan oleh guru PAI di SD N Beliti Jaya, dapat dikatakan bahwa sejak awal pembelajaran kurang efektif, namun tujuan pembelajaran sudah terkomunikasikan secara memadai melalui penggunaan bahan ajar. metode dan pendekatan pembelajaran, pengelolaan kelas sudah memadai, penggunaan sumber pengajaran dan bahan pembelajaran masih memadai, dan penguasaan materi pelajaran juga memadai. Lebih dari setengah dari delapan profesor kehormatan mencapai skor 70,00 atau lebih, yang cukup. Standar kompetensi guru profesional guru non PNS yang belum tersertifikasi di SD N Beliti Jaya masih mencukupi, menurut temuan evaluasi supervisi kepala sekolah. Komunikasi dan informasi adalah dua cara untuk mengembangkan diri. Minimnya sarana prasarana terutama ruang belajar yang sedikit dan buruknya kualitas jaringan internet sekolah menjadi faktor ketiga dan terakhir yang membatasi kompetensi profesional guru di SD N Beliti Jaya. Akibatnya, guru kesulitan mengakses sumber-sumber yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran yang diajarkannya di kelas

    Prinsip Tolong-Menolong Dalam Islam (Ekplorasi Dalam Ayat Alqur’an, Sirah Nabiyah Dan Piagam Madinah)

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    This concept underlines the help of help in Islam through the tracing contained in the verses of the Qur'an, the Prophet's Sirah and the Medina Charter Please help others is an unavoidable sunnatullah.Every human being is free to choose the desired livelihood and will have a share in his efforts. A person will not earn more than what he has done. Qualitative research method with a literature study research approach with data sources obtained through documents, literture, both in the form of articles, books and others relevant to research. The results concluded that each individual's physical and mental well-being is different, as is their ability to earn a living. Man was created by God on earth to fill and prosper life and this life in accordance with the order and law of God's law. Humans are qudrati as individual beings and social beings, that is, humans need each other, both in exchanging ideas, interacting, and completing needs in everyday life. In carrying out life and life, Islam in addition to proclaiming the right creed and worship as a means of liaison between servants and their creators also formulates good and correct procedures in muamalah as a liaison between humans and each other. Muamalah are God's must-obey rules that govern man's relationship with man in relation to acquiring and developing property, as well as defending the rights of society

    Implementasi Takhrij Hadits Menggunakan Kitab Mu’jam Al-Mufahras Li Alfazh Al-Hadits Al-Nabawi

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    Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari cabang ilmu hadits. Salah satu metode takhrij hadits adalah dengan mengidentifikasi kata-kata yang gharib atau jarang digunakan dalam matan. Metode ini diantaranya menggunakan kitab Mu’jam al-Mufahras li al-Fazh al-Hadits al-Nabawi. Kitab karya Arend Jan Wensinck ini menjadi produk monumental yang susah dicari tandingannya. Alasan ini juga yang menjadikan kitab ini selalu menjadi pembahasan para peneliti. Kajian ini merupakan library reasearch yang menekankan kepada kajian literatur yang tersedia. Matan yang menjadi objek kajian لا تقوم الساعة حتى يتباهي الناس في المساجد  akan diidentifikasi melalui mu’jam. Setelah diteliti maka ditemukan bahwa hadits ini secara kuantitas merupakan hadits Gharib Mutlak. Ditemukan beberapa kejanggalan dalam sanad hadits yang membutuhkan pemeriksaan terhadap rijal hadits dan adanya kejanggalan pada penyendirian periwayatan lafadz oleh an-Nasa’i. Sedangkan kualitas hadits masih perlu penelitian mendalam terkait rijal dari setiap thabaqat sanad dan matan (naqd al-Hadits)

    Perkembangan Moral Kohlberg Menurut Perspektif Islam

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    In the world of society, we cannot be separated from certain laws, rules relating to one of them are morals, a moral person will understand what behavior he must leave is so that he will develop in a better direction. As with growth, development also has different stages. In this paper, the authors use the type of research library research. As a result, Kohlberg concluded that the way people perseivemoral issues is a reflection of cognitive development. Lawrence Kohlberg, emphasized that moral development primarily involves moral reasoning and take place in stages, namely the pre-convention, convention, and post convention level. Meanwhile, islam gives clear indications that the influence of the family environment is enormous, although within limits it can replace educated nature. Parents and the environment that affect a child. It is the parents who will lead the child to become a good person and it is the parents who are the first scaffolding who can see and correct the child’s development, be it emotional, social and moral development. Therefore, to instill good moral development, the Prophet suggested that this moral development be carried out as early as possible

    Pengabdian Terhadap Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan Optimalisasi Pendidikan Di Desa Tugu Sempurna

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    Education is used as a form of organized effort to create beautiful circumstances and educational experiences. Fun learning is easier to recognize, so through community service activities in Tugu Sempurna Village in the field of education aims to participate in helping and collaborating to optimize education in Tugu Perfect Village. By using the PAR (Participatory action research) method. Students know the potential and take concrete actions in the form of optimizing education in the community. The result of this study is that Community Service is carried out through the first activities of formal education in schools in early childhood and elementary school by providing encouraging and fun learning tips. Non-formal education by conducting Qur'an literacy programs in mosques and landfills by providing Quran reading methods and children's interest in love of the Qur'an Third. Religious activities such as the Sholeh Children's Competition Festival are one of the programs to increase interest and enthusiasm for reading the Qur'an. Furthermore, collaborating with village officials, students and the community so that the program can be carried out smoothly and cooperation and support from the local community

    Melestarikan Tradisi Pengajian Kliwonan Sebagai Warisan Leluhur Bagi Masyarakat Marga Sakti

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    Religious traditions that exist in the village community of Marga Sakti kliwonan recitation. Recitations are often held if there are major events or certain events, but some are held on certain days. Such is the case done by the people of the magic clan village Kec Muara Kelingi who hold recitation on every Friday and Friday Kliwon recitation, which is carried out after Friday prayers. The purpose of this study is to find out the early history and development of recitation, the method of community service using PAR is participatory action reseacrh which is participatory action in an activity. activities, this study concluded that the Kliwonan recitation tradition strengthens social relations and maintains spiritual life values, Religious values in the Kliwonan recitation tradition are taken positive values from the tradition of the Marga Sakti community, namely more obedient to God, more surrender to God, increasing religious understanding and adding insight to the community. Effective preservation strategies include an educative approach, and incorporating teaching about the Kliwonan tradition into the local education curriculum, and involving the younger generation in traditional activities. There is a collaborative effort to preserve this tradition, involving the community, traditional leaders, religious leaders, and local government

    Kebangkitan Trend Aplikasi Media Sosial TikTok dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    The social media application TikTok has become a global phenomenon that influences people's social and cultural life. In the context of Islamic law, TikTok's rapid growth raises questions about the app's suitability and compliance with Islamic legal principles. In this journal, we analyze the rise of the TikTok trend from the perspective of Islamic law. Through a qualitative research approach, we investigate the positive and negative impacts of TikTok as well as the implications of Islamic law for its use. We found that TikTok offers benefits in the form of creativity, entertainment and business opportunities, but it can also involve content that is inconsistent with Islamic values. Based on these findings, we recommend the application of criteria and restrictions on the use of TikTok in accordance with Islamic law, as well as the need for public education and awareness regarding the implications of Islamic law in the context of social media. Governments and legal institutions also need to play an active role in regulating and overseeing the use of TikTok

    Dampak Perubahan Sosial Terhadap Manajemen Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the impact of social change on the management of Islamic education in Indonesia. The method used is using qualitative exploration. The result obtained is that social-social change is a side effect of changes in social design and social examples with social demand. Islamic education plays a major role in change for the better, because Islamic education has formed individuals who have self-confidence, ethical quality, foster personality, establish social relationships, are sincerely and deeply healthy, so they are able to protect themselves and will try to bring about change. on society. We also see an increase in knowledge and innovation in social change lies in management, especially the management of Islamic education because of changes in the eyes of society, so there are many hopes for schools/madrasas that focus on the direction of science and innovation. Where people need educational organizations that keep up with progress in education management so that they can provide the best graduates


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