Journal of Education and Learning Mathematics Research
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    92 research outputs found

    Logical Thinking in Idealist and Rational Students

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    The purpose of this study is to describe students’ logical thinking based on Keirsey’s personality types, specifically the Idealist and Rational types, within the topic of social arithmetic. The research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection involves three techniques: MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) surveys, logical thinking written tests, and semi-structured interviews. The study participants consist of students from classes VII A, VII B, and VII C at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Watukebo. The research subjects include four students: two with Idealist personality types and two with Rational personality types according to Keirsey’s classification. The findings indicate that none of the research subjects fully meet the three logical thinking indicators, which are grouped into six points. However, there is one indicator that all subjects were able to achieve: the first indicator related to coherence of logical thinking (point B), which involves expressing the general steps used in problem-solving. On the other hand, there are indicators that none of the research subjects were able to fulfill completely. These include the second indicator concerning argumentation ability (point A), which involves articulating the logical reasons for using general steps in problem-solving, and point C, which pertains to expressing the logical reasons behind the correct final answer. Among the research subjects, the subject who successfully fulfills the good logical thinking indicator is the second subject with a rational personality type according to Keirsey’s classification

    The Structure Of Algebraic Argumentation Of High School Students With The Toulmin Model

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    Mathematical argumentation is an important skill that must be owned in the 21st century. The purpose of the research is to analyze the structure of high school students' algebraic argumentation using the Toulmin model which consists of claim, data, warrant, and backing. This study involved 35 students in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year at Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang High School. The students were asked to provide algebraic argumentation in mathematical proofs related to the quadratic function theorem. The algebraic argumentation was then analyzed using the Toulmin model. The results showed that 20% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 5; 57.14% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 4; 20% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 3; 2.86% of students' mathematical argumentation skills were at level 2; and no students were at level 1

    Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Problem Solving Viewed From Adversity Quotient

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    This qualitative descriptive research aims to analyze the ability to think creatively mathematically in problem-solving in terms of the adversity quotient. The research was conducted on 10 students of the Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, Pawyatan Daha University. Collecting data using questionnaires, tests, interviews, and documentation. Questionnaire to determine the Adversity Quotient scale. A test to measure the ability to think creatively mathematically. Data analysis in the form of induction and reduction theory. The results of the questionnaire showed 3 students (30%) quitters, 6 students (60%) campers, and 1 student (10%) climber. The test showed that 4 students (40%) had high ability, 4 (40%) moderate, and 2 (20%) low. The results of the analysis show that students with the quitter type fulfill the three problem-solving indicators. students of the flexibility criteria with the camper type fulfill all indicators but lack detail, and originality criteria students with the climber type are able to fulfill all problem-solving indicators in detai

    Exploring Ethnomathematics on The Batik Patterns of Jember In Mathematics Concept

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    This study aims to identify and describe mathematical concepts and describe the results of ethnomathematics exploration contained in Jember batik motifs. The type of research used in this study is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The research instruments used were observation, tests, and interviews with batik artisans. The results of this study indicate that the combination of coffee bean and tobacco leaf motifs has applied mathematical concepts of geometry.  In the motif of coffee beans and tobacco leaves from the Nhora Pangetu hand-written batik production house, there are mathematical concepts of curves, points, circles, and the concept of dilation. The motif of coffee beans and tobacco leaves from the Gangsar Ngaidin batik production house contains mathematical concepts of reflection (mirroring), congruence, and flat shapes of circles, triangles, and rhombuses.&nbsp

    Application of Division Counting Machine Media for Deaf Students in Division Operation Material

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    Media is an effective tool used by teachers to support learning to convey the content of teaching materials. This study aims to determine the application of β€œdivision calculation machine” media for deaf students in division operation material. This research uses a descriptive approach with qualitative research. The data sources used are test questions, observation, interviews, and documentation. This research was conducted at SLB ABC Balung with the research subjects as many as 3 high school deaf students. The results of this study by applying the division calculation machine media used to solve division problems can help deaf students to understand the division operation material. Counting using the media β€œDivision Counting Machine” can make it easier for students to count and make counting faster than counting manually although there is 1 student who says it is faster to use the manual than using the media but the student prefers to use the media because there is no need to count and only move the ice cream sticks. Based on this research, the media can make it easier for students to learn division and the media as a facilitator in the learning process in class

    Implementation of Pirates VS Echinomonster Algebra Props To Improve Math Learning Outcomes

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    This research attempts to determine student learning results through the utilization of mathematical concepts and pirates vs. echinomonster props. This study is a qualitative, descriptive research project. The subject of this lesson is algebra. The study's subjects were five female students from SMP Al Kholili Kalisat Jember's class VII for the 2023–2024 academic year. The procedures of tests and interviews are employed in this research to collect data. Strategies for data analysis in this study are based on looking at how students tackle algebraic problems. The results showed that kids could solve algebraic problems with pirates vs. echinomonster props. The employment of pirates vs. echinomonster algebra props has been shown to improve students' mathematical learning outcomes by 1.2%, according to the study's findings

    Development of a GeoGebra-Assisted Transformation Geometry Textbook

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    The transformation geometry course is a mandatory course that studies the basic concepts of transformation geometry, including translation, reflection, rotation, dilation, and transformation composition. Transformation geometry courses cannot be separated from the activity of deductively deriving concepts, theorems and algorithms, so more skills are needed so that students can understand this course easily. Therefore, the transformation geometry course requires good and effective teaching materials which can encourage students to actively interact with each other and be able to understand the material effectively, namely in the form of textbooks. The method stages carried out in this research are needs analysis, preparation of textbooks, expert validation, revision of textbooks, trials and giving questionnaires and evaluation. The results of the student response questionnaire revealed that 80% of students stated that they strongly agreed with the use of this Transformational Geometry textbook and the results of student understanding were good, so the textbook developed was valid, practical and effective

    Students' Ability to Solve Story Problems on Systems of Linear Equations Using John Dewey's Approach

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    Students can study everyday mathematics with a story problem. Through this problem, students gain critical thinking experience in solving problems. The ability of students to solve problems through John Dewey's approach is also seen to deepen students' mathematical concepts in three-variable linear equation systems. Problem solving with John Dewey's approach consists of five stages. This method of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with three persons as the subject of the research, with good, sufficient, and less as the categories of ability. The results of the research showed the subject's ability to solve a story problem with the John Dewey approach. Four given questions showed that the subject with a category of good ability can solve two problems with clear mathematical concepts. Whereas the student with sufficient ability can only solve one problem with an obvious mathematical concept, However, the subject with less ability is only able to solve a problem until the stage of inventorying several solutions, which is the third stage of problem solving with the approach of John Dewey

    Increasing Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Through Models Problem-Based Learning on Cube and Block Material

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    This research aims to improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities through models of problem-based learning. This research is classroom action research (PTK) conducted on 29 students in class VII.4 of SMP N 61 Palembang. Classroom action research is planned in two cycles. Each cycle goes through four stages of activity, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. Indicators of this research include understanding the problem, planning, solving the problem and interpreting the results obtained. The results obtained from this research in cycle I was through the model problem-based learning achieved an average score for the mathematical problem-solving ability of 70 in cycle I, while in cycle II it was 79.66. Based on these results it can be concluded that the model problem-based learning can improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in cube and block material

    Development of Digital Teaching Material Based on Numeracy For 4th Class Primary School

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    Indonesian students' mathematical literacy abilities are at a low level. Students have not been able to solve problems that require logical and applied thinking. So, teaching materials are needed that can facilitate critical thinking skills based on numeracy literacy which refers to 21st century learning by optimizing technology in learning. The teaching materials developed refer to several mathematical applications such as facts, operating principles, and problem solving in everyday life. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model consisting of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The research results show that digital teaching materials are suitable for use based on validation results by material experts, media experts and language experts. Practical digital teaching materials are used based on the results of teacher and student response questionnaires


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