Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Repository / 岐阜聖徳学園大学リポジトリ
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    Studies on Poly- and Metaphosphatase in Sweetpotato

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    サツマイモ水抽出液を酵素液として用い,ピロ,トリポリおよびトリメタりん酸の酵素的分解について調べた。(1)各硫安の分画には,いずれも,ピロ,トリポリおよびトリメタりん酸分解酵素が含まれており,特にトリメタりん酸分解酵素は,硫安飽和度の高い分画ほど酵素活性が高くなる。(2)至適pHは,ピロ,トリポリおよびトリメタりん酸分解酵素では,いずれもpH4付近にあり,ピロ,トリポリりん酸分解酵素には,pH6~8にも至適pHが認められた。本研究を行なうにあたり,御懇切な御指導をいただいた,本学北里寅男教授ならびに種々の御助言をいただいた桑野安子講師に対し心から感謝する。Among the condensed phosphates, there are polyphosphate and metaphosphate which are distributed widely in the biological world. The enzymes which can hydrolize the above mentioned phosphates also exist in a wide range in higher animals, the leaves of higher plants, molds and bacteriums etc. Having found a rather high degree of enzyme activitties in Sweetpotato, the reporter attempts to point out some characterisic features of there enzyme through the experiments performed. 1. In each fraction with ammonium sulphate, there are pyro-, tripoly- and trimetaphoshatase. Moreover, the trimeta- phosphatase activity becomes higher in accordance with the saturation concentration with ammonium sulphate. 2. Each reaction optimum pH of pyro-, tripoly- and trimeta- phosphatase is about 4. And the reaction optimum pH of pyro- and tripolyphosphatase is 6-8.departmental bulletin pape


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