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    Violently Peaceful: Unpacking Portrayals of Black Lives Matter Protests

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    Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist organization that aims to fight racial inequality and injustice in America. During the summer of 2020, many American citizens utilized their First Amendment right to protest against the killings of unarmed Black people in association with the BLM movement. BLM emphasized the use of nonviolent tactics to fight injustice. Contrary to their emphasis, the protests associated with BLM were portrayed as both violent and peaceful depending on the political beliefs of the reporter. In my research, I consider what it means for a protest to be peaceful and whether the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 were peaceful, despite the differing portrayals. I used a scholarly article to lay out a definition of the term “peaceful protest”. I also relied on other scholarly articles about BLM and the Civil Rights Movement, a movement recognized for being peaceful, to lay the framework through which I would analyze the portrayal of BLM and its associated protests in media and news sources. I argue that Black Lives Matter was portrayed positively and negatively by opposing political sides but, despite the differing portrayals, the movement was predominantly peaceful


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    Case studies are very effective pedagogical tools available to business and legal educators. Hypothetical fact patterns provide instructors an additional advantage of being able to modify facts to target particular learning goals for students. This article presents a substantial case study and teaching notes for a hypothetical international sale of goods transaction. The facts presented will necessitate student research and examination of a wide range of legal issues related to contract negotiation and interpretation, shipping and related difficulties that might arise during contract execution, and issues related to disputes over the quality of goods. Questions in the study require students to research and apply various aspects of the Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), financing options for buyers and sellers, options for reducing risk, use of terms of trade (INCOTERMS) and risk of loss, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and legal issues related to dispute resolution and jurisdiction in international business. The intent of the questions is to guide students to analyze and practically apply international business principles they have been exposed to in their studies. The case study is suitable for graduate level courses with facts and questions tailorable in either number or complexity for other students as the instructor desires

    The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. 2, Photographs, Transcription, Transliteration, Literal Translation

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    The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. 2, Photographs, Transcription, Transliteration, Literal Translation Authors: Arnold Buffum Chace, Ludlow Bull, Henry Parker Manning; Bibliography of Egyptian and Babylonian Mathematics (supplement) by Raymond Clare Archibald; The Mathematical Leather Roll in the British Museum by Stephen Randolph Kingdon Glanville. Publisher: Oberlin, Ohio: Mathematical Association of America, 1929. Description: A compendium of photographs of the text of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, which dates to around 1550 BC. Gift of Robert S. Pace

    130 Years and Counting Into Forever — New York\u27s Forever Wild Constitutional Amendment and Lessons for Modern Green Amendments

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    In the 135 years of New York’s Forever Wild Amendment’s existence, it has been challenged by a range of court cases and thereby interpreted by courts throughout New York. The results of these cases frequently have upheld the heart of Forever Wild: to protect New York’s Forest Preserve land. This Article provides a history of the Forever Wild Amendment, an analysis of the courts’ and New York Attorney General’s interpretations of the Amendment, and a discussion of how this information can guide the future of New York’s Green Amendment

    Banjo: A Story without a Plot

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    Banjo: A Story without a Plot Author: Claude McKay Publisher: New York; London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1929 Description: McKay draws on his personal experiences living in France to depict dockworkers and drifters in the port town of Marseilles. The novel follows one group of beach boys, combining semi-autobiographical accounts of their pleasure-seeking lifestyle with their conversations about race relations and race politics, in France and abroad. Note: First edition

    Childhood Adversity, Resilience, and Achievement Levels

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    The current study aims to evaluate the potential effect of preterm birth, low birth weight, or adverse childhood experiences on subsequent academic achievement, psychological distress, and resiliency levels. A total of 240 (including 52 formerly premature infants) participants enrolled in colleges across the United States completed an online survey. Participants were asked to report demographics and complete various measures which include physical symptoms, interpersonal support, adverse childhood experiences, measures of achievement, psychological distress, and resiliency. The primary analyses results indicate that preterm birth was correlated with depressive symptoms, but not with academic achievement or resilience. Additionally, low birth weight was associated with academic achievement measures in high school, but not college, and increased depressive symptoms. However, low birth weight was not associated with resilience levels. Adverse childhood experiences were positively correlated with achievement measures in high school and negatively correlated with depressive symptoms. Adverse childhood experiences were not associated with resilience levels. These findings provide preliminary evidence that early birth complications and adverse childhood experiences can have a profound impact on subsequent academic achievement and psychological distress in adolescence and young adulthood. Further research into preterm birth and low birth weights effects on resilience levels should continue to be explored


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    It is time to shed the twentieth century capitalistic ways of shareholder maximization. It is time to fashion a “new” capitalism which retains the competitive dynamic but redefines its force to create a more socially just society. That is a huge order, to say the least. But, there is a path to that end. The 2019 U.S. Business Roundtable’s announcement, the creation of the Benefit Corporation, and the United Kingdom’s 2006 Companies Act began that process. These developments are enabling the beginning of the redefining of one of the bedrocks of capitalism: fiduciary obligation. The methodology of these developments is the stakeholder theory of corporate and governmental decision-making. Drawing on concepts such as utilitarian philosophy, social justice, and democratic principles, this paper explores the realities and potential of stakeholder corporate governance on concepts of corporate governance. The stakeholder approach to corporate and governmental decision-making affects all aspects of society. However, it requires a paradigm shift in our thinking to shape a holistic, comprehensive, and sustainable perspective. Those who are affected by market decisions have a fundamental right to have their interests considered, whether it be through corporate decision-making or governmental regulations. Stakeholder theory may take many forms in its application to a capitalistic market. It shares two basic concepts with democracy: equity and sustainability–equity because it is fair and brings all parties “[to] the table” and sustainable because all parties are invested and heard


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    Before the signing of the Decree of the Russian Federation on May 27, 2022, the use of intellectual property as a weapon of war was largely unprecedented. This article reviews the implications of the Russian-Ukrainian War on trademarks belonging to countries deemed to be “unfriendly nations” and their impact on the future of intellectual property as a weapon of war. Following the issuance of economic sanctions by the United States of America and many other countries against Russia, many global organizations took their products off the Russian market. However, in doing so, these companies did not anticipate the emergence of Russian copycat brands without any permission, licenses, or royalty payments

    Community Leadership for Healthy Lakes in New York

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    This is the text of a speech given at the 2024 New York State Federation of Lake Associations annual conference on May 3, 2024 in Lake George, New York

    The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, with original images designed by Ronald King

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    The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, with original images designed by Ronald King Authors: Geoffrey Chaucer -1400. Ron King, Andrew Crozier Publisher: Circle Press Publications, 1978 Notes: This edition of “The Prologue” is divided into twenty separate versions of 250 copies each, all signed by the artist. This copy is number 47 of 250 of this version. Gift of Irving Gottleib


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