International Journal of Applied Business Research
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    66 research outputs found

    The Influence of Chatbot Anthropomorphism on Trust, Intention, and Engagement of Indonesian State-Owned Bank Customers: Investigation Using the DOI Theory

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    Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly, especially in Indonesia. Chatbot is one of the new forms of technology in AI that works like humans. Its great development is evidenced by the major adoption of chatbots in various industrial sectors, especially in the banking industry. This study intends to investigate the anthropomorphism of chatbots as one influencing factor of the trust, intention, and engagement of state-owned bank customers in Indonesia. The study employed the DOI theory since consumer behavior toward new technology is determined by his beliefs on that particular technology. The research used non-probability sampling with a total of 108 respondents who had or frequently used chatbots for their needs. The data was processed using the Partial Least Square method to analyze the measurement and structural model. The results show that all variables of chatbot anthropomorphism have a positive effect on trust, intention, and engagement of state-owned bank customers in Indonesia. This study provides insight for bank managers to continuously develop chatbots in order to get better quality and security so that customer trust, intention and engagement can increase

    Facts and Fictions: Focusing on TripAdvisor Reviews of Mount Tangkuban Parahu

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    Folklore as a form of intangible cultural heritage can be used as a strong cultural capital for tourism development. The existence of the legend of Sangkuriang, which is thick among the Sundanese community, and other aspects such as geological and volcanological aspects become tourism strengths of Mount Tangkuban Parahu. Using content analysis on traveler reviews on TripAdvisor pages, this article explores how "Sangkuriang'' affects travelers. The word mining technique on TripAdvisor reviews from 2011 to 2021 shows several frequently appearing topics in the reviews. Furthermore, the network visualization shows that words with folklore connotations are often related to the landscape of this mountain. In other words, the presence of folklore is depicted physically in a narrative. However, some reviewers see this mountain from its physical sides, such as the beauty of the scenery and the presence of a crater that emits a sulfur smell. The findings of this study show that travelers tend to process factual and fictional information simultaneously and share it as information in their reviews

    Assessing West Java Supply Chain Financing System (SCFS) Using SWOT Analysis

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    Supply chain system implementation consists of two necessary elements, the network design and the information technology (IT). In West Java, Supply Chain Center (SCC) implementation notion is based on the province’s current SMEs circumstances, including low financial performance, decentralized data, and no roadmap between actors. This research analyzes West Java Supply Chain Financing System (SCFS) using strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Qualitative methodology was employed for this research. First, the primary data was collected from focus group discussion (FGD) and the secondary data was obtained from West Java government documents. Second, this research used SWOT analysis from collected data which generate nine alternative strategies to build effective SCFS to cope with identified issues and its implications to expand rural financial services, supply chains, and overall sustainable development

    The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Satisfaction, Employee Performance, and Employee Engagement: The Insurance and Pension Fund Service

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    Leadership style is a complex phenomenon involving the leader, followers, and circumstances. The leadership style in an organization is also related to the overall success of the team. This study intends to determine whether transformational leadership carried out by a company has a significant positive impact on the outcomes felt by employees in the insurance and pension fund service cluster of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). This study utilized Partial Least Square (PLS) in SmartPLS 3.0 with a sample of 372 employees from class 3 and class 4 SOEs in the insurance and pension fund service cluster of SOEs. The results reveal that transformational leadership significantly impacts the outcomes felt by employees (in terms of employee satisfaction, employee performance, and employee engagement). This study confirms the positive relationship between one type of leadership and employee satisfaction, employee performance, and employee engagement in the insurance and pension fund service cluster of SOEs. This study proposes new insights and theoretical as well as managerial implications. Future research can consider other variables that can give a significant positive influence on the outcomes felt by employees, for instance working environment

    What Factors Affect the Intention of Using Islamic Mobile Apps? An Analysis Using the UTAUT-2 Model

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    The use of Islamic applications in the current digital era has grown rapidly since users can access anything and everything with just a few clicks. The market potential of M-Productivity applications in Indonesia is large since this country possesses the largest Muslim population in the world with more than 200 million Islam believers. However, this chance seems to be neglected by application developers in Indonesia. This study attempts to investigate the factors that influence consumer intentions to use Islamic M-Productivity applications by employing the UTAUT 2 model as the research model. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed, and 320 valid responses were generated from Muslim users who have or are currently using Islamic M-Productivity applications. PLS-SEM was applied as a data analysis technique to examine the hypotheses of this study. The results explain that performance expectancy and habit significantly influence a person's intention to access Islamic M-Productivity applications. In addition, this study theoretically enriches the literature on consumer intentions to use Islamic mobile applications and their factors

    E-WoM Engagement and Purchase Intention on Social Commerce Specialized in Beauty Products: A Perspective from Young Female Consumers

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    This study intends to analyze the impact of e-WoM engagement on social commerce applications of beauty products on customer purchase intention. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), and Social Support Theory were employed to investigate the effect of e-WOM engagement on purchase intention. Data were collected from 356 social commerce users in Indonesia, and PLS-SEM was used to analyze the relationship between variables. This study discovered that e-WoM engagement positively affects purchase intention. All the TAM constructs, consisting of innovativeness and social support, also have a positive impact on e-WoM engagement and purchase intention. However, information characteristics have no significant impact on e-WoM engagement. Business players of beauty products and managers of online businesses should pay attention to factors that shape customers’ attitudes to engage in e-WoM in order to stimulate positive e-WoM engagement. This study proposes a new model for research in the field of social commerce and becomes the first research concentrating on social commerce specializing in beauty products

    Dividend, Corporate Social Responsibility, And Non-Renewable Energy: Testing Board Diversity Alignments

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    This paper scrutinizes the alignments of the diversity the board of directors (BOD) towards dividends for tackling information asymmetry, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and non-renewable energy (NRE) consumption in order to gain communities' legitimacy. BOD diversity includes gender, age, education level, nationality, and accounting expertise. Data for this study were collected from 40 firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2020, and panel data was then analyzed. The results show that board diversity does not impact dividends, except for foreign directors, but it represents strong governance and zero agency costs. Additionally, the diversity of the board’s gender, nationality, and accounting expertise negatively affects CSR while other variables are insignificant. Board gender and educational level have significant positive effects on NRE consumption (read: exacerbate) while other variables are relatively insignificant. BOD does not serve the community's interests as much as the investor, but they also have agenda to focus on pro-organization. However, sensitivity analysis has documented the board's apathetic attitude toward the environment. In addition to managerial implications, this research also suggests a top-down approach for regulators to remove the potential rhetoric of the renewable energy target

    The Quality of e-Ridesharing: Are the e-Ridesharing Passengers Satisfied?

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    The rise of ridesharing e-booking applications in Malaysia with their interesting features and characteristics seems to give a huge impact on the transportation industry. However, there are several issues pertaining to security, safety, legality, and regulations. Three primary service quality dimensions of e-ridesharing, which are considered fit and suitable in the context of the current study, are identified, including app quality, interaction quality, and physical environment quality. 487 questionnaires were used for data analyses. The subdimensions were verified using an exploratory factor, and regression analysis was conducted further. The result indicates that e-ridesharing service quality dimensions, which include app quality, interaction quality, and physical environment quality, are able to improve passengers’ satisfaction and re-ride intention. The findings are expected to help increase the quality of services offered by the service providers and contribute to the body of knowledge which can be replicated in the various service industries

    What Drives Tourist Loyalty toward Taiwan as a Tourist Destination? A Lesson Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to develop an integrative model of loyalty formation to examine antecedent factors to visiting Taiwan. It clarifies the image of Taiwan as a tourist destination and the factors that differentiate this country from its competitors in terms of the target market. The  data was collected from a total of 443 self-administered questionnaires. The responses were examined and analyzed using structural modeling. This study empirically confirms the quality–satisfaction–loyalty model and incorporates destination image and personality into it. The result reveals the direct impact of destination image, personality, service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction on destination loyalty. Besides, it affirms that destination image, both directly and indirectly, impacts destination loyalty through the role of destination personality. This study provides managerial implications for tourism industry practitioners in terms of future practical application; it can also serve as a reference for future studies

    Business Model in Islamic Business Unit: A Lesson from Islamic Boarding Schools in West Java

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    Traditional Islamic boarding schools or Pesantren in Indonesia are experiencing rapid development. To assist their educational funding, Islamic boarding schools create a business unit in the form of a cooperative called kopontren (hereinafter referred to as Islamic business unit). This study aims to discover what business model should be applied in Islamic boarding schools and what factors lead to the success of Islamic boarding school’s businesses. The case study was carried out by analyzing statistical data on Islamic boarding schools in West Java and conducting in-depth interviews with business actors from six Islamic boarding schools. In addition, the researchers directly observed the schools to determine the business activities and donations that exist. Validation was done by triangulating the data from business actors and academicians who were directly or indirectly involved in the Islamic boarding schools’ businesses. To strengthen the findings, the researchers analyzed the data using qualitative data analysis software called NVivo. The theory of business model, business unit, and Islamic boarding school was used as the basis of this research. This study discovers the efforts made by Islamic boarding schools in meeting their daily operational needs by applying the sharia business model. Through the Islamic business unit, the schools try to take advantage of the existing potential in their environment, participate in training and mentoring programs from the government, and establish cooperation with their networks


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