AGH (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza) University of Science and Technology: Journals
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    2083 research outputs found

    Klastry energii – szanse i bariery rozwoju. Podsumowanie badania ankietowego. Część 3: Instytucje zainteresowane rozwojem energetyki rozproszonej w Polsce

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    W trzeciej ankiecie przeprowadzonej w ramach projektu KlastER ( poproszono przedstawicieli instytucji, organizacji, stowarzyszeń, fundacji itp. aktywnie działających na rzecz rozwoju energetyki rozproszonej w Polsce o wyrażenie opinii i oczekiwań dotyczących klastrów energii, jak również szeroko rozumianej energetyki rozproszonej (ER). W artykule przedstawiono podsumowanie wyników ankiety

    Research on New Al-Ag-Mo Alloys Dedicated to Wire Applications in Overhead Power Lines

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    The latest research work in the field of electric power systems focuses on the development of new wire materials which will allow the increase of the transmission capacity of power lines currently in use. The reason for this research was the often limited possibilities of continuous and failure-free transmission of electricity. In this paper, the authors present research on a new aluminium-based alloy dedicated for use as a conductive braid in the HTLS cable group. There are many technical solutions for this group of cables on the market, although they are solutions with a number of disadvantages, ranging from their high price, various operational shortcomings, complicated installation techniques, and ending with the risk of monopolistic practices, which is related to the inability to attract several competitive suppliers. The main aim of the research was to develop a new alloy based on aluminium with the addition of silver and molybdenum dedicated for use in special overhead power cables. Experimental research on new materials focused on obtaining the necessary knowledge to produce an overhead wire from these alloys with higher current carrying capacity in relation to the currently used conventional wire materials based on aluminium

    Gases in the near-surface zone of the reclaimed Barycz municipal waste landfill – a case study from southern Poland

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    The formation of biogas at municipal landfills and the significant emission of greenhouse gases from these facilities into the environment were the main reasons for analyzing the molecular composition of soil gas in the near-surface zone at the reclaimed part of the Barycz municipal waste landfill. The relations between the studied components (methane, carbon dioxide, light hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon components) and impact of the magnitude of recorded concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide on their emission to the atmosphere were evaluated. Two profiles were determined, along which 41 soil and landfill gas samples were taken at 20-meter intervals. At the same time, emissions were measured at each sampling point using a static chamber with a portable fluxometer. Chromatographic analysis showed that the concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide fluctuated in the ranges: 2.1 ppm – 76 vol% and 0.04 ppm – 11 vol%, respectively. Relatively high concentrations of these gases were determined at many of the measurement points, and this was particularly evident at the A-A’ profile, indicating stronger biochemical processes in this part of the landfill, or lateral migration of methane from the neighbouring stage II of the landfill, where biogas extraction is currently taking place. In addition, significant correlations between methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen were demonstrated, indicating ongoing methane fermentation processes. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the southern part of the A-A’ profile is an optimal place to locate a degassing well from which biogas production could be used. However, the research is only preliminary and, it will be necessary to extend the soil gas tests before the final decision on the location of the well is made. Moreover, it has been shown that the concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide measured at points located outside the landfill were low. This means that generated biogas probably does not migrate beyond the boundaries of reclaimed waste landfill, but this will need to be confirmed by performing additional soil gas tests inside and outside the landfill area. The preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of the reclamation carried out was confirmed by the negligible values of the measured methane and carbon dioxide emissions on the surface

    A statistical interpretation of a market demand curve for a commodity obeying the law of demand

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    In this note we provide a statistical interpretation of the Marshallian market demand curve of a commodity that obeys the law of demand and which has a finite and positive level of satiation. A consequence of our approach is that in the context of two goods, we are able to obtain demand functions which are very similar to those obtained by “budget-constrained Cobb–Douglas utility maximization”, but now as a result of a “budget-constrained linear utility maximization” exercise, although our budget constraint is “slightly different” from the one that would be used for the former optimization problem


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    The research on Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have been increasing in recent years. Particularly, the research which are widely utilizing machine learning concepts, and it is proven that these concepts were effective with IDSs, particularly, deep neural network-based models enhanced the rate of detections of IDSs. At the same instance, the models are turning out to be very highly complex, users are unable to track down the explanations for the decisions made which indicates the necessity of identifying the explanations behind those decisions to ensure the interpretability of the framed model. In this aspect, the article deals with the proposed model that able to explain the obtained predictions. The proposed framework is a combination of a conventional intrusion detection system with the aid of a deep neural network and interpretability of the model predictions. The proposed model utilizes Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) that mixes with the local explainability as well as the global explainability for the enhancement of interpretations in the case of intrusion detection systems. The proposed model was implemented using the popular dataset, NSL-KDD, and the performance of the framework evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The accuracy of the framework is achieved by about 99.99%. The proposed framework able to identify the top 4 features using local explainability and the top 20 features using global explainability


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    Millions of people around the world have been affected and some have died during the global pandemic Corona (COVID-19). This pandemic has created a global threat to people's lives and medical systems. The constraints of hospital resources and the pressures on healthcare workers during this period are among the reasons for wrong decisions and medical deterioration. Anticipating severe patients is an urgent matter of resource consumption by prioritizing patients at high risk to save their lives. This paper introduces an early prognostic model to predict the severity of patients and detect the most significant features based on clinical blood data. The proposed model predicts ICU severity within the first 2 hours of hospital admission, seeks to assist clinicians in decision-making and facilitates efficient use of hospital resources. The Hunger Game Search (HGS) meta-heuristic algorithm and the SVM are hybridized for building the proposed prediction model. Furthermore, they have been used for selecting the most informative features from the blood test data. Experiments have shown that using HGS for selecting the features with the SVM classifier achieved excellent results compared with the other four meta-heuristic algorithms. The model using the features selected by the HGS algorithm accomplished the topmost results, 98.6% and 96.5% for the best and mean accuracy, respectively, compared with using all features and features selected by other popular optimization algorithms

    Geoturystyczna ścieżka rowerowa wokół Nowego Targu (Karpaty, Polska)

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    The area in the vicinity of Nowy Targ is located within the northern part of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin and the southern slopes of the Gorce Mountains in the Polish sector of the Outer Carpathians. Geologically, the region is built of the Upper Cretaceous–Palaeogene turbiditic deposits representing sedimentary successions of the Krynica Subunit of the Magura Nappe and the Neogene–Quaternary fresh-water deposits filling the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin. The Magura Nappe in the described area is represented by the thick-bedded sandstones of the Magura Formation and thin-and medium-bedded sandstone-shale deposits of the Malcov Formation, which are well-exposed in numerous outcrops, especially in the Łopuszna stream valley. The Magura Nappe deposits were folded and cut by a fault system in the Miocene. The presented area displays varied geomorphological relief and picturesque landscapes. Moreover, rare species of fauna and flora occurring here, as well as the still-alive culture of the Podhale Highlanders and continuously improving tourist infrastructure additionally contribute to the development of geotourism in this area. In addition, this area is an increasingly popular place among cyclists, thanks to the development of a network of bicycle paths, therefore the proposed geotourist bicycle path will extend the offer for this group of tourists.Prezentowane okolice Nowego Targu zlokalizowane są w obrębie północnego obrzeżenia Kotliny Orawsko-Nowotarskiej oraz na południowych zboczach Gorców w polskim sektorze Karpat Zewnętrznych. Obszar ten zbudowany jest z późnokredowo-paleogeńskichutworów turbidytowych reprezentujących sukcesję osadową podjednostki krynickiej płaszczowiny magurskiej oraz lądowe osady neogeńsko- czwartorzędowe wypełniające Kotlinę Orawsko-Nowotarską. Formacja magurska w opisywanym terenie reprezentowana jest przez gruboławicowe piaskowce formacji magurskiej oraz cienko- i średnioławicowe utwory piaskowcowo-łupkowe formacji malcowskiej, które odsłaniają się w licznych odkrywkach, w szczególności w obrębie doliny potoku Łopuszna. W miocenie utwory płaszczowiny magurskiej zostały sfałdowane i pocięte systemem uskoków. Obszar ten ma urozmaiconą rzeźbę i malownicze krajobrazy. Jednocześnie występujące tu rzadkie gatunki fauny i flory, wciąż żywa kultura górali podhalańskich oraz coraz lepsza infrastruktura turystyczna sprzyjają rozwojowi geoturystyki w tym obszarze. Dodatkowo obszar ten jest coraz bardziej popularnym miejscem wśród rowerzystów, dzięki rozwojowi sieci ścieżek rowerowych, dlatego też proponowana geoturystyczna trasa rowerowa będzie poszerzeniem oferty dla tej grupy turystów

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    The Geotourism Students’ Scientific Club and 18 years of its activity at AGH University of Science and Technology

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    The Geotourism Students’ Scientific Club (GSSC) is operating at the Department of General Geology and Geotourism of AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH UST), bringing together young enthusiasts of Earth sciences, at the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection. It has been operating continuously since 2003. The primary objective of the GSSC is to arouse interest in scientific work in the field of Earth sciences, as well as to popularise geotourism in the student community. The article reviews the most important achievements, events and activities documenting the long-term accomplishments of the GSSC. The greatest successes of the GSSC include the implementation of five rector’s grants and active participation in national and international scientific conferences. It is worth noting, that the GSSC organises its own “Geotourism” conference session as a part of the Conference of Student Special Interest Groups of the Mining Division. The members of the GSSC promote geology and geodiversity, explaining it in a manner which is comprehensible to an average person. Over the last dozen or so years, they have undertaken various activities, and some of them have become a tradition. Themed evenings and meetings with experts “That’s how it’s done!” attract a large audience from the university and beyond. Annual domestic and foreign educational and sightseeing trips, culminating in a trip to Iceland in 2022, have become an integral part of the GSSC activities

    The geotouristic potential of the scenic underground routes in the “Wieliczka” and “Bochnia” Salt Mines (Carpathian Foredeep)

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    In this article, five scenic underground routes of historical salt mines in Wieliczka and Bochnia towns were the subject of comparative research, considered as very essential examples of geotouristic potential. In the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine, there are Touristic and Miners’ Routes, and in the “Bochnia” mine, there is a Multimedia Touristic route, as well as two Miners’: Natural and Historical ones.The routes lead through the parts of old mines. These salt deposits are a part of the Miocene evaporitic formations, as a fragment of the Carpathian Foredeep. A comparative geotouristic potential evaluation of all these routes was made to meet tourists’, educators’ and investors’ expectations and needs to raise their geotouristic development level. The statistical data of the annual number of visitors for the last few years at the described routes were also discussed. In general, interest in these routes has been growing, as the popularity of the industrial heritage in the “Wieliczka” and “Bochnia” Salt Mines has been regularly developing. They have become very widely known in Poland and around the world.Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie porównawczej potencjału geoturystycznego pięciu tras podziemnych zabytkowych kopalń soli w Wieliczce i Bochni. Dwie z nich (turystyczna i górnicza) znajdują się w Wieliczce, a trzy pozostałe (multimedialna turystyczna i dwiegórnicze: historyczna i przyrodnicza) w Bochni. Prowadzą one fragmentami dawnych wyrobisk kopalnianych. Opisywane złoża solne mają postać ewaporatowej formacji powstałej w miocenie, wchodzącej w skład zapadliska przedkarpackiego.Ocena porównawcza potencjału geoturystycznego poszczególnych tras została dokonana z uwzględnieniem potrzeb turystów, nauczycieli i inwestorów. Wzięto pod uwagę także dane statystyczne dotyczące frekwencji turystów w omawianych obiektach dla kilku ostatnich lat. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, zainteresowanie opisywanymi trasami podziemnymi systematycznie wzrasta do chwili obecnej, co jest skutkiem zwiększającej się z biegiem czasu popularności dziedzictwa przemysłowego w Wieliczce i Bochni, zarówno w Polsce, jak i na całym świecie


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