Scientific Journals of Universitas Pakuan
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    2840 research outputs found

    Analisis Romantisme Dalam Serial Drama Horimiya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis ciri-ciri romantisme pada serial drama Horimiya dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Pendekatan visual juga dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan suatu hal kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan gambar guna menunjukkan adegan-adegan yang memperlihatkan ciri-ciri romantisme. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori romantisme Russell Noyes. Dari penelitian ini diketahui terdapat lima ciri-ciri romantisme dalam serial drama horimiya, yaitu kembali ke alam, kemurungan atau melankolis, sentimentalisme, primitivisme, dan individualisme

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Materi Penguasaan Konsep Tekanan Melalui Metode Discovery Learning di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Kota Bogor

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    IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES IN SCIENCE SUBJECT MATERIAL MASTERY OF THE CONCEPT OF PRESSURE THROUGH THE DISCOVERY LEARNING METHOD IN GRADE VIII JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS (SMP NEGERI 2 KOTA BOGOR) This research departs from a phenomenon that occurred in class VIII semester II of SMP Negeri 2 Bogor for the 2021/2022 Academic Year, that there is still a low understanding and learning outcomes of students in learning Science about Pressure. Therefore a teacher needs to consider the application of the Discovery Learning learning model so that it can improve student learning outcomes. the process of increasing student learning outcomes in the Science subject under Pressure through the application of the Discovery Learning learning model, (3) Measuring the magnitude of the increase in student learning outcomes in the Science subject under Pressure through the application of the Discovery Learning learning model. The results of this study indicate that using the Discovery Learning learning model can be a fun learning variation for students so that it is proven to improve student learning outcomes in class VIII semester II SMP Negeri 2 Bogor in the 2021/2022 academic year. Before using the Discovery Learning learning model the average and learning completeness were 67.50 and 50.00% then there was an increase after using the Discovery Learning learning model to 74.83 and 70.59% in cycle I, and an increase again to 83.50 and 100 % in cycle II. From the description above, it shows that using the Discovery Learning learning model adapted to learning materials can create a pleasant atmosphere so that there is an increase in student learning outcomes. Therefore, researchers suggest that the application of the Discovery Learning model can be socialized as an alternative in learning science in schools within the Bogor City Education Office


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    AbstrakTujuan Penelitian ini ialah untuk menjelaskan bahwa terjadinya tindak korban kejahatan perkosaan, membuat penderitaan yang dialami oleh korban kejahatan perkosaan tidaklah mudah untuk dilupakan oleh korban. Trauma dalam kejadian itu akan selalu diingat seumur hidupnya, sebaliknya bagi pelaku kejahatan perkosaan, akan sangat mudah melupakan kejadian itu. Pada beberapa kasus, sebagian besar korban perkosaan lebih memilih berdiam diri, pasrah menerima nasib atas penderitaan yang ditanggungnya daripada melaporkan kejadian yang menimpanya ke aparat kepolisian. Angka statistik jumlah perkosaan yang tercatat di Kepolisian, besar kemungkinan adalah angka minimal. Di luar itu, diduga masih banyak kasus-kasus perkosaan lain yang tidak teridentifikasi. Kata Kunci : Perkosaan, Viktimologi AbstractThe purpose of this study is to explain that the occurrence of acts of rape victims, makes the suffering experienced by victims of rape crimes not easy for victims to forget. The trauma from that incident will always be remembered for the rest of his life, on the other hand, for perpetrators of rape, it will be very easy for them to forget this incident. In several cases, the majority of rape victims prefer to remain silent, resigned to accepting their fate for their suffering rather than reporting what happened to them to the police. The statistical figures for the number of rapes registered with the police are probably the minimum. Apart from that, it is suspected that there are many other cases of rape that have not been identified. Keywords: Rape, Victimolog

    The Influence of Tutorial Videos of Making Basic Patterns of Women's Body on The Learning Outcomes of Deaf Students

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    This study aims to see the impact of a learning design using video tutorials to improve the learning outcomes of deaf students. This research was conducted at SLB Negeri Binjai with a total sample of 8 people who participated in a fashion skills program. The research method used is quasi-experimental with a time series design approach. Data analysis was performed using Ms. software. Excel and SPSS. The results showed that video tutorials on making the archetype of a woman's body can provide a positive increase in the learning outcomes of deaf students which can be seen from the results of the pretest and posttest of students who continue to experience an increase in learning outcomes

    Computer Hardware Assembling Training To Improve The Community Skills Of Tegallega Village Residents, Bogor

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    The development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) requires humans to understand technology, computers have an important role in technological developments. Computers today have become a necessity in every activity of life. Almost all sectors, both education and government require computers to make performance more effective and efficient. Now the world is facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a comprehensive transformation of the overall aspects of production in industry through digital technology and the internet with conventional industries. Therefore, human resources who have knowledge and abilities in the field of computers are needed to support the development of existing technology. One of them is with this computer assembly training, it is very important to learn because by knowing the physical form and function of each component on a computer, it will be able to easily assemble a computer or be able to easily repair damage to a computer. Knowledge about installing computer software is also important to have. Computer assembly training is also expected to improve the level of the economy, because this skill can generate additional income or even make it a business opportunity that can later open up jobs for the people of Tegallega Bogo

    PLTS Installation And Maintenance Training For Lighting In The Situ Tunggilis Tourism Area

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    Situ Tunggilis is a lake located in Kampung Tunggilis, Situsari Village, Cileungsi District, Bogor Regency. This area is being developed through tourism development, both natural tourism and cultural tourism. The development of this area has a positive impact on business fields such as the existence of food stalls, gift souvenir shops, and play facilities. The management of food stalls and shops is carried out through a cooperation partner scheme with Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) as managers of the Tunggilis tourist area. With the development of the tourist area, area managers must pay attention to comfort and safety for tourists, so it is very necessary to manage pre-facilities and supporting facilities optimally and according to standards. Based on observations at the location, there are several issues that partners need to pay attention to, namely First: Public Street Lighting (PJU) in tourist areas that have not been optimally developed, as an alternative to electricity supply from PLN, it is necessary to use Renewable Energy (solar energy) with Power Plants Solar Energy (PLTS). Second: There are Karang Taruna assisted by BUMDES who are still lacking in skills regarding PLTS, so training is needed to increase expertise in installation, operation and maintenance. This training method provides basic PV mini-grid materials in presentations and hands-on practice to participants regarding work systems, component functions, installation, testing, measurement, operation and maintenance. The results of the training are increasing understanding of safe PLTS installation and maintenance according to standards

    Analisis Penerapan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Di SD Negeri 1 Imbanagara Raya

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    ANALYSIS OF DEEP DIFFERENTIATE LEARNING APPLICATION IMPLEMENTATION OF INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING AT SDN 1 IMBANAGARA RAYAThe current mathematics curriculum is basically (in many countries) aligned with the expectations outlined in the United States of America National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards curriculum, which is a very influential organization of the mathematics education profession in the United States, which since the 1980s has called for a complete overhaul of the practice of learning mathematics in many countries, including in the United States itself, which among other things encourages the method of learning mathematics to shift from teacher-centered Learning to student-centered Learning and change students who previously are passive learners (passive learners) become students are active learners (active learners) NCTM (Council, 1989), (Ferini-Mundy Martin, 2000). Education is a way to change the fate of a lagging nation into a developed nation. A developed nation begins with advanced education. One way of Learning that is student-centered is to apply different Learning. Differentiated Learning is a form of effort in a series of Learning that pays attention to the needs of students in terms of learning readiness, student learning profiles, interests, and talents. The research design is a qualitative descriptive research design that is directed to analyze the application of differentiation learning by mathematics teachers. Who uses thematic Learning in their schools

    Women’s Work-Life Balance During Pandemic Covid 19

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    Pandemic Covid 19 changes many aspects of life. Many employees have to work from home (WFH) to reduce the spread of Covid19. This research is aimed to analyze the influence of remote working, work stress, work-family conflict, and workload on womens work-life balance. This study took quantitative data by using the SEMPLS method with 275 respondents. From this research, we found that all variables are having a direct and indirect effect on Work-Life Balance. All companies must maintain the work-life balance of women employee


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    ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menjelaskan secara jelas bahwa pertimbangan Hakim merupakan salah satu aspek terpenting dalam menentukan terwujudnya nilai dari suatu putusan Hakim yang mengandung keadilan (ex aequo et bono) dan mengandung kepastian hukum, di samping itu juga mengandung manfaat bagi para pihak yang bersangkutan sehingga pertimbangan Hakim ini harus disikapi dengan teliti, baik, dan cermat. Dalam praktiknya tentu akan banyak mengalami perkembangan, seperti saat ini diberlakukan penerapan dissenting opinion yang dianggap sejalan dengan semangat keterbukaan, sehingga dengan pencantuman pendapat Hakim tersebut hak masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi diberikan secara optimal. Salah satu contoh ialah adanya perbedaan pendapat (dissenting opinion) dalam putusan lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum perkara Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung, hal ini terjadi karena terdapat pandangan dari salah satu Hakim yang menyatakan bahwa terbuktinya kesalahan terdakwa dalam melakukan tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan berdasarkan penilaian terhadap jabatannya selaku Ketua BPPN pada saat itu, sehingga telah memenuhi unsur-unsur tindak pidana, dan pertimbangan tidak adanya alasan pembenar dan alasan pemaaf pada diri dan perbuatan terdakwa. Kemudian hendaknya diupayakan permusyawaratan yang sungguh-sungguh bagi Majelis Hakim untuk memperoleh mufakat dalam memberikan putusan agar perbedaan pendapat (dissenting opinion) dapat berkurang dalam praktik peradilan guna mewujudkan putusan yang seadil-adilnya. Kata Kunci: Pertimbangan Hakim, Dissenting Opinion, Kasasi, Korupsi. ABTRACTThe purpose of this study is to explain clearly that the judge's consideration is one of the most important aspects in determining the realization of the value of a judge's decision which contains justice (ex aequo et bono) and contains legal certainty, besides that it also contains benefits for the parties concerned so that The judge's considerations must be addressed carefully, properly and carefully. In practice, of course, there will be many developments, such as the current dissenting opinion application which is considered in line with the spirit of openness, so that by including the judge's opinion, the public's right to obtain information is optimally provided. One example is the existence of a dissenting opinion in the decision to release all lawsuits in the Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung case, this happened because there was a view from one of the judges who stated that the defendant's guilt in committing a criminal act of corruption was proven based on an assessment of his position. as the Chairman of IBRA at that time, so that he had fulfilled the elements of a criminal act, and considered that there were no justifications and excuses for the defendant himself and the actions of the defendant. Then efforts should be made for serious deliberation for the Panel of Judges to reach a consensus in giving decisions so that dissenting opinions can be reduced in judicial practice in order to realize the fairest possible decision. Keyword: Judge Considerations, Dissenting Opinion, Cassation, Corruption

    Photographic evidence of dholes in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, Indonesia.

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    For many years the dhole was believed to have been undetected in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP). Nevertheless, in 2012 and 2013, we were able to photograph this elusive creature. We report the photographic evidence of the endangered dhole (Cuon alpinus) using camera trap di GGPNP.


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