Journal STTII Surabaya (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabay)
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    243 research outputs found

    The Exegesis of Woman Leadership According to 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

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                  The role of woman until now still encounters various problems, such as in the leadership. Do  women have decent capacity to lead, or they are on second class under men. This research, brings up to the readers the original understanding about the role of woman especially in leadership. To see woman leadership, the researchers using exegesis method by utilizing four Bible analysis, these are: contextual analysis, syntactical analysis, verbal analysis, theological analysis, and homiletical analysis.             Study which was done toward this research found out that woman essential leadership is how the man and woman aware that leadership which is designed by God, the Creator, is leadership based on function, where the man and the woman realize their roles and function corresponding with  God’s created nature. Man are leader, who lead with obedience and love. Whereas woman are under man’s authority who has to be followed with respect and full of love

    Mengantisipasi Perubahan Radikal Dalam Perjalanan Seorang Pemimpin Kristen

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    Changes in our Life might not always be detectable, even sometimes the scale of changes can be as radical as we can imagine. This radical changes also happen in every Leader’s Journey of Life whether he or she likes it or not. However, Leaders should learn to accept it or further than that Leaders should anticipate the changes with open minded and ready to adjust his/her leadership style so that he/she can brings the whole team to achieve the goal that have been set for their purpose. Moreover, Leaders must introspects a few points of indicators that can broaden up to his/her personal acceptance upon this radical changes and turn it to his/her advantage to leap and overcome the changes for the sake of his/her life, the organization and his/her fellowmen

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Hamba Tuhan Dalam Pertumbuhan Kerohanian Jemaat Gereja GPdI ‘Zion’ Krebet, Tembalang, Wlingi - Blitar

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    Ada alasan untuk pertumbuhan gereja di gereja karena kepemimpinan yang dilakukan oleh hamba atau pendeta Tuhan dalam pelayanan mereka dapat membawa pertumbuhan rohani yang baik untuk jemaat. Dan juga karakter yang mendukung dalam kehidupan hamba Tuhan atau pendeta bisa menjadi berkat bagi gereja yang dipimpinnya. Seorang pemimpin adalah orang yang pantas menjadi teladan bagi orang lain karena para pemimpin memiliki karakter yang baik dan merupakan berkat bagi para pemimpin yang dipimpinnya. Melalui penelitian tentang Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pelayan Tuhan dalam Proyeksi Rohani Gereja Krebet 'Zion' GPdI, Tembalang, Wlingi - Blitar, penulis ingin mengetahui tingkat pengaruhnya

    Melayani Kristus Dengan Karya Tulis

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    The title of this qualitative study is Serving Christ In Writing. In addition through the study of literature, in this study there were five informants interviewed are in Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta 1 person and then Surabaya 2 persons. Opinion of the five informants was not too much different. Essentially a writer needs to have the preparation of the material that will be presented. But since this is within the scope of Christianity, the good news that should not be forgotten for broadcast

    Perang Armagedon

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    The Armageddon will be the site of gathering of armies for a battle during end times, variously interpreted as either or symbolic location. The term is also used a generic sense to refer to end of the world scenario. According to the Bible, Jesus will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist, the False prophet and Satan the Devil in the Battle of Armageddon. Then Satan will be put into the “bottomless pit” or abyss for 1,000 years, knows as the Millennium

    The Solidarity of Jesus Christ and The Comprehensive Handling of The Problem of Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesia

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    Jesus Christ has never shown an act of solidarity toward men as a result of being cornered by their failures to obey His commands, but as an active conduct that reflected Himself as an all-loving, all-knowing, and most sovereign Individual. This study found that: first, radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia emerged right after the fall of the New Order regime. Initially these movement only demanded justice for the oppressed Muslims. However, in their development during the nation’s post-reformation era, they position themselves as an opposition to the ruling government and threaten the existence and the continuity of the Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia or known as NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia), urging the government to revise Pancasila, the philosophical foundation of Indonesia and the Basic Constitution, UUD (Undang-Undang Dasar) 1945 to suit their own agenda. The Indonesian Goverment has been giving its serious and continous efforts to tackle this matter through the National Counterterrorism Agency or BNPT (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme). Second, the government, religious leaders and the community must synergise  to build good communication among them and to provide a fast and  “down to earth” solution as to take down factors that blossom the radicalism and terrorism. Third, the Church needs to engange courageously in positioning itself to support the government that is anti-radicalism and anti-terrorism. A forum for inter-religious communication needs to be improved by advancing contributions with  positive impacts rather than just becoming a passive follower; a decent interfaith dialogue and a “SERMIAH” preaching model can be adopted as options for evangelism and for achieving the spiritual maturity of the believers. The types of approaches used in this research are: historical approach,  hermeneutical approach, and leadership approach

    Tema Utama Teologi Titus

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    The New Testament Epistle of Titus was written by Paul. He writes this letter to instruct Titus in regard to overseeing the believers in Crete. There are lots of things Titus must know and do to help these believers. The people in Crete are fairly new believers and they need to be organized into local churches. Titus’ responsibility is to appoint leadership in the churches and to ground the believers in sound doctrine. Spiritually qualified elders and doctrinally grounded believers will greatly promote spiritual unity in the local churches. The biblical teaching would provide the necessary components for biblical conflict resolution in the future. Paul writes Titus as his representative in Crete to aid the churches on a prophylactic way against Jewish false teachers by appointing those in leadership who are able tio manage God’s household well and stand against the false teachers, and by exhorting all believers to excel in good works so tha they  might reach those outside of the church with the gospel

    Effect of Children's Services In GKJW Church Growth Wiyung

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    This is to examine the effect of child service on church growth at the Jawi Wetan Christian Church (GKJW) Wiyung Surabaya. This type of research is to explain the influence of child services on the growth of Jawi Wetan Wiyung Christian Church in Surabaya. Respondents who were the sample of this study were 50 people who were members of the Jawi Wetan Wiyung Christian Church congregation in Surabaya. In this study using data analysis techniques, namely methods that relate to the data in the sample, using descriptive statistics that is collecting, summarizing and presenting data systematically based on the sample analyzed with the aim to determine the relationship between a veriabel with other variables namely veriabel X ( independent) and the variable Y (dependent) with the analysis technique is the Pearson correlation technique. From the results of the data analysis test that has been obtained shows that the variable X has an influence with the Y variable which can be seen from the existing value where R Square = 0.595. This means that the influence of children's services on the growth of the GKJW Wiyung Surabaya church has a very influential relationship. With the correlation value R obtained at 0.696 with the influence on Y or R Square (coefficient of determination) = 0.484. This shows that the percentage contributing to the influence of X on Y. R Square = 0.484 implies that 48.4% of the contribution of X to Y. R Square ranges from 0 to 1. Note that the smaller the number of R Square, the weaker relationship X to Y. Because the data above the value of R Square is greater then it indicates that the stronger or increasing the relation of X to Y. So this can be said that the correlation value or the influence of the relationship on X and Y is good

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Dengan Peserta Didik Melalui Supervisi Klinis Bagi Guru SD Negeri 5 Surabaya Pada Semester I Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    The ability of teachers to manage student interactions in learning activities relates to communication between students and other students, students with teachers and vice versa. The purpose of this study was to measure the improvement in the ability of Surabaya Elementary School 5 teachers to communicate with students after clinical supervision. This classroom action research was carried out by taking place at SD Negeri 5 Surabaya. The school's action research was conducted in the first semester of the 2016/2017 school year. The subject of this study was the teacher of SD Negeri 5 Surabaya, amounting to six teachers. The results of this study are the teacher's ability to communicate with students from cycle to cycle has increased, namely from prasiklus 33.86%, the first cycle of 66.08%, and the second cycle of 88.30%, so that the increase during the action is 54, 44%. Increases occur in all aspects. The increase in teachers' abilities was due to clinical supervision activities based on objective assessments that were delivered transparently to teachers, besides the implementation of supervision with a small number of teachers tended to facilitate communication between researchers, principals and teachers. The existence of such supervision increases the teacher's awareness of the importance of the ability to communicate with students, and raises the awareness of teachers that this ability is one aspect of teacher performance assessment

    Prioritas Pemberitaan Injil Dalam 2 Korintus 4:1-6

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    Priority Evangelists will be the object of study in this chapter focus on letter 2 Corinthians 4: 1-6. Where this topic is divided into four parts: Basic Services evangelist is because of God's mercy and receives the service. The second part talks about Exemplary Evangelists who should not lose heart in preaching the Gospel, Refuse act sneaky hidden and does not apply in the gospel. The third is the method in which the Not Faking Preaching the Word of God, Expressing Truth, Submit Yourself to Consider All People in the Face of God. Then the fourth is the focus of the preaching of the Gospel, in which the preacher must declare Jesus Christ as perso nal Lord and Herald as a servant who proclaim the greatness of Christ. Furthermore, the final section concludes with Affirmation of the news it self is Personal Testimony of Paul (of the light shine in the dark. &nbsp


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    Journal STTII Surabaya (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabay) is based in Indonesia
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