1,438 research outputs found

    Drought Stress Responses of Prunus microcarpa C. A. Mey. subsp. tortusa Rootstocks under in vitro Conditions

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    Background: Prunus microcarpa C.A. Mey. subsp. Tortusa (MK), a wild deciduous plant species, is native to Caucasus and West Asia and grows in a dry temperate climate zone. The plant is mainly used to obtain a dark greyish green dye from its leaves and it has an economic value due to ornamental characteristics. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the appropriate Polyethylene Glycol 8000 (PEG) doses for early detection of drought resistance using MK, SL-64, Garnem, Pixy and Gis-6 rootstocks. Methods: The microshoots of each rootstock were planted at the end of the fourth subculture in Magenta GA7 vessels containing NRM medium. The medium contained 1.0 mg L-1 BA + 0.01 mg L-1 IBA supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose, gelled with 5.5 g L-1 agar and 0, 2, 3 and 4% PEG doses (four treatments). The cultures were kept at 23 +/- 2 degrees C temperature under 16 h light (80 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) and 8 h dark photoperiod. Result: The highest number of shoots was recorded in control treatment for MK rootstock (2.81 shoots plant(-1)) and in 4% PEG treatment for Gis-6 rootstock (2.81 shoots plant(-1)). Mean chlorophyll a (10.66 mg/f.w) and chlorophyll b (3.63 mg/f.w) contents in the control treatment were lower compared to the mean chlorophyll a (2.03 mg/f.w) and chlorophyll b (1.15 mg/f.w) contents of plants grown in PEG 4% dose. Prunus microcarpa genotypes of Turkey origin tested in this study could be used as potential rootstocks in arid and semi-arid region as safe as the other standard rootstocks tested

    Does Tourism Change Tourist Attitudes (Prejudice and Stereotype) towards Local People?

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    The main goal of this study is to determine whether attitudes (prejudices and stereotypes) of domestic tourists towards South-easterners change after their travel experiences. Additionally, whether the levels of contact (the number of overnights stay, travel type, the number of arrivals at destination) with the local people have any effects on changes of attitude was determined to be sub-goals of this study. In this study, quantitative data analysis method was used. The research was designed as a non-experimental mixed pattern. The pre-holiday and post-holiday attitudes of domestic tourists arriving in Gaziantep and Sanliurfa were investigated using the questionnaire (n: 386). Additionally, data was gathered during the process of study from people who have never visited the Southeast to create a comparison group (n: 252). Factors analysis, frequency, ANOVA and t-test analyses were applied to the gathered data. As a result of analyses, the prejudices of participants who have never come to the Southeast have been higher. Also, positive changes were determined in the attitudes (prejudices, positive attitudes) of people who have undergone experiences of travel. However, it was also revealed that there are no statistically significant differences that are dependent on factors of contact variables (namely the type of travel, the number of overnights stays, and the number of arrivals at the destination). This research is important as it contributes to the gap in the tourism and social psychological area and explains the attitudes of tourists towards the local people. This research is also important in establishing whether tourism can be used as a tool for decreasing intercommunal problems

    First record of the pest and parasitic intermediate host snail Cochlicella barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) in the south-eastern Anatolia

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    The objective of the present study is to inform the last distribution of the invasive and harmful species Cochlicella barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) in Turkey, as well as to draw attention to the possible danger of this distribution on regional vegetation, agriculture, and parasitism. C. barbara was found for the first time in south-eastern of Anatolia in April 2019 in the campus area of the Dicle University in Diyarbakır, Turkey. C. barbara is admitted as a harmful organism and classified as an agricultural pest in most of the countries. Species in this genus have been intercepted in postal packages, soil, and cargo as well as can be easily transported with plants, building materials, household goods, etc. Above all, it is an intermediate host of nematode and fluke parasites of livestock. Knowing the distribution of this species will not only contribute to the registration of a new species in the list of gastropods of the region but also facilitate the control of the species across Turkey

    Microwave roasting of pyrite tailings and pyrite ash for sponge iron production

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    Iron ores containing ferrous minerals and sulphide minerals are specifically as several times active in microwave. Pyrolysis of the coal usually requires iron minerals for activation step to both absorption microwave from the matrix of the sulphides and conduct the heat to coal for pyrolysis. In this investigation, the copper pyrite and coal pyrite was microwave roasted to oxidize both the sulphides and even the pyrolysis of coal for reduction iron oxide. The effects were investigated by gravimetric and infrared analysis and the microwave absorption characteristics were quantified by determining the permittivities. The microwave heating behaviour studies showed that the sample temperature increased with increasing incident microwave power, processing time and sample mass. Due to the activity of the iron ore to the microwaves, a low incident power of 600W was found to be sufficient for roasting, as higher powers resulted in sintering and melting of the concentrate. The copper pyrite weight loss values after roasting were over 25% and these were similar to those obtained by conventional roasting. The main advantages of microwave roasting were that both the total pyrolysis rates and the heating rates were higher and the specific energy consumptions were lower than in coal pyrite. In this study; low-grade iron ore and sponge iron pyrite by high production of waste parched areas were carried out. X-ray diffraction analysis of the products mineralogy and grain size in polarizing microscopic description is determined by the nature of the leaching effect on the physical and chemical parameters. Chemical properties making preliminary tests to determine the pellet roasting conditions, reactivity were investigated. This assay has been determined to be advantageous in the metal results in the production of sponge iron with the pyrite ash waste. The feasibility use of low-grade iron ore with microwave roasted pyrite, and pyrite ash in production sponge iron were tested and the physical, chemical properties of the products regarding the results of microwave roasting tests were determined by examining the difference between the textural properties of the different pyrite and ash. The pyrites of Ergani copper concentrator and Siirt were in this study identified as potential iron source in terms of the basic qualifications of sponge iron

    Stability Analysis for Some Nonlinear Fifth-Order Equations

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    The main purpose of this work is to obtain many travelling wave solutions for general KaupKuperschmidt (KK), general Lax, general Sawada-Kotera (SK) and general Ito equations with the aid of symbolic computation by employing the extended direct algebraic method. The stability of these solutions and wave motion have been analyzed by illustrative plots

    Proline-based organocatalyst-mediated asymmetric aldol reaction of acetone with substituted aromatic aldehydes: an experimental and theoretical study

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    This work involves a facile synthesis of three (S)-proline-based organocatalysts with C2 symmetry and their effects in enantioselective aldol reaction of acetone with substituted aromatic aldehydes. Moderate enantioselectivities (up to 61% ee) were obtained depending on the nature of the substituents on the aryl ring. Computational calculations at HF/6-31 + G(d) level were employed to underline the enantioselectivity imposed by all the organocatalysts. Higher calculations at B3LYP/6-311 ++ G(d,p) scrf=(solvent=dichloromethane)//B3LYP/6-31 + G(d) levels of theory were also performed for the aldol reaction of acetone with benzaldehyde and 4-nitrobenzaldehyde catalyzed by 1. The computational outcomes were consistent with those produced by experimental results and they were valuable to elucidate the mechanism for the observed stereoselectivity

    Performance Analysis of Tree Seed Algorithm for Small Dimension Optimization Functions

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    Tree-Seed Algorithm (TSA) simulates the growth of trees and seeds on a land. TSA is a method proposed to solve continuous optimization problems. Trees and seeds indicate possible solutions in the search space for optimization problems. Trees are planted in the ground at the beginning of the search and each tree produces several seeds during iterations. While the trees were selected randomly during seed formation, the tournament selection method was used and also hybridized by adding the C parameter, which is the acceleration coefficient calculated according to the size of the problem. In this study, continuous optimization problem has been solved by the hybrid method. First, the performance analyses of the five best known numerical benchmark functions have been done, in both TSA and hybrid method TSA with 2, 3, 4 and 5 dimensions, and 10-50 population numbers. After that, well-known algorithms in the literature like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), TSA, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Harmony Search (HS), as well as hybrid method TSA (HTSA) have been applied to twenty-four numerical benchmark functions and the performance analyses of algorithms have been done. Hopeful and comparable conclusions based on solution quality and robustness can be obtained with the hybrid method

    Değerleme ölçülerinin Türkiye muhasebe/finansal raporlama standartları, bobi frs ve vuk açısından karşılaştırılması: Finansal durum tablosu aktif yapısı üzerine bir çalışma

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    In this study, the valuation principles and measures in the Tax Procedure Law (VUK), Turkey Full Set Accounting / Financial Reporting Standards (TMS/TFRS) and Financial Reporting Standards for Large and Medium Enterprises (BOBİ FRS) are examined. The aim of this study is; it is the comparison of the valuation principles and measures in terms of TMS/TFRS, BOBI FRS and VUK on the elements of the asset structure of the statement of financial position and to demonstrate a common valuation basis and measure. The focus of the study is the approaches adopted by VUK, TMS/TFRS and BOBI FRS in terms of financial reporting. While the VUK focuses on the realization of financial reporting in terms of accurate calculation of the tax to be provided by the enterprises to the state, TMS/TFRS and BOBI FRS aim to provide financial information that is appropriate and truthful, understandable, comparable, verifiable and timely to those who need financial information. Valuation measures also differ due to the difference in the goals adopted

    Study of Usage Areas of Clay Samples of Asphaltite Quarries in Sirnak, Turkey

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    The asphaltite of Sirnak, Turkey are in the form of 12 veins and their total reserves are anticipated to be approximately 200 million tons in a field of 25.000 hectares. The asphaltites at the Sirnak region are in the form of fault and crack fillings and take place together with clay minerals at their side rock. The main raw materials used in the production of cement are limestone, clay and marn known as sedimentary rocks. Limestone for CaO and clay minerals for SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3, which are the main compounds of clinker production, are the main raw materials. Other materials containing these four oxides like marn are also used as cement raw material. Conformity levels of the raw materials to be used in cement production vary according to their chemical compounds. The rocks to be used as clay mineral are evaluated by taking the rate of silicate and alumina into consideration. The soils suitable for brick-tile productions are named as sandy clay. Their difference from the ceramic clays is that they are richer in terms of iron, silica and carbonate. These soils are also known under the names such as clay, arid, alluvium, silt, loam and argil. Inside these soils, minerals such as quartz, montmorillonite, kaolinite, calcite, limonite, hidromika, sericite, illite, and chlorite are available. Some parts of the soils consist of clays in amorphous structure. Limestone parts, gypsums, organic substances and bulky rock residuals spoil the quality. The soils suitable for brick production may not be suitable for tile production. In this case, their sandy soils should be mixed up with the clays with fine granule structure which is high in plasticity. During asphaltite mining in Sirnak region, clays forming side rock are gathered at dump sites. In this study; SQX analyses of the clay samples taken from Avgamasya, Seridahli and Segürük asphaltite veins run in Sirnak region are carried out and their usage areas are searched

    Cosmic accelerated expansion of the Universe with phantom fluid

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    The phantom behavior of the Universe is discussed in an extended version of Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Following the method proposed by the author (Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 27, 1850078. 2018. doi:10.1142/S0218271818500785), we obtain a viable cosmological model for the phantom phase of the Universe. We find a condition for m in the model similar to G(m), which shows phantom expansion of the Universe. On the other hand, using a phantom source term similar to T-2n in the model we observe that the term similar to G(n), with n > 3/4, gives a phantomic space-time expansion. This form (G(n) + T-2n) obtained for the phantom phase of the Universe exhibits a similar form to Einstein's gravity theory (R + L-m). However, we addressed the cosmic coincidence problem for the model