19,950 research outputs found


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    ENDANG MULYATI, The Correlation Between The Family Invironment With Learning Motivation The Students SMK Didaktika West Jakarta. Thesis. Jakarta : Study Program of Commerce Education, Departement of Economic and Administration, Faculty of Economic, State University Of Jakarta, Juiy 2012. Purpose of this research is to find about the possibility a positive The Correlation Between The Family Invironment With Learning Motivation The Students SMK Didaktika West Jakarta. The period of this research was three month, since May 2012 until July 2012. This research used survey methods by correlation approach. The population of this research are all of the students at SMK Didaktika West Jakarta were 75 students. The reached population were 51 students of X and XI classes. The sampling of this research were 44 students with sampling error 5%. The sampling technique was the Simple Random Sampling. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Ŷ = 45,69 + 0,487X. The analysis conditional test proved the validation on variabel Y to variabel X is Normal Distributed. It is proved by the calculation that n = 44 used Liliefors test at significant level (α) = 0.05 that indicates Lcount (0,100) Ftable (4,06). It state the formula of regression is significant. The coefficient of correlation counted by Product Moment Formula by pearson indicates rxy = 0,656 while the result of correlation coefficient significant test indicates tcount = 5,64 and ttable = 1,68 because the result shows tcount > ttable the research indicates there is a significant correlation between The Family Invironment with learning motivation the students SMK Didaktika West Jakarta. The counted of Determination coefficient test indicates 43,07% the variance of variabel Y is Determination by variabel X. The conclusion of research shown that a positive The Family Invironment With Learning Motivation The Students SMK Didaktika West Jakarta


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    Autisme merupakan kelainan perkembangan pada sistem saraf yang kompleks dan ditandadengan berbagai macam kesulitan seperti kesulitan dalam bersosialisasi, berkomunikasidan berbahasa. Sekolah Cahaya Didaktika merupakan sekolah inklusi, tempat belajar baganak-anak berkebutuhan khusus. Di sekolah tersebut terdapat materi belajar mengenakemahiran bahasa. Salah satu kemahiran bahasa ialah mempelajari antonim. Hanya adabeberapa anak di sekolah Cahaya Didaktika yang sudah dapat mempelajari antonim dan tentu saja kemahiran ini ditunjukkan bagi anak-anak yang sudah dapat membaca danmenulis. Penulis meneliti memori anak autis mengenai antonim serta bagaimana relasimakna yang dibangun pada kosakata yang tidak sesuai dengan antonimnya. Usia respondenberkisar 11-16 dengan jumlah 3 orang. Metode yang digunakan ialah berupa tes soalantonim yang berjumlah 40. Dalam penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa memorikata pada anak autis masih kurang dan kosakata yang tidak tepat ternyata masih memilikrelasi makna dengan antonimnya

    PCK a didaktika fyziky

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    Příspěvek se zabývá vztahem didaktických znalostí obsahu a didaktiky fyziky.Příspěvek se zabývá vztahem didaktických znalostí obsahu a didaktiky fyziky.Paper deals with the relation between pedagogical content knowledge and didactics of physics

    Lifeskill-Based Curriculum Development at Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Kindergarten

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    Life skills education must be taught from an early age, not only as a provision for children to live their daily lives but also to face future life challenges. This study aims to determine the process of implementing a life skills-based curriculum and to find out how the development of aspects in children with the application of a life skills-based curriculum at Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Kindergarten. The research was conducted from January 1 to February 1, 2023, at Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Kindergarten, Beji Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The life skill-based curriculum implemented at Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Kindergarten aims to prepare students who have an attitude of independence and hone plural intelligence and responsibility by the stage of child development so that children can master basic skills at the age stage of the child. The success of this life skills-based curriculum results from cooperation between students, teachers, and school community members and mutual support in implementing learning programs


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    This study aims to look at and analize the development of a local wisdom-based PAUD curriculum in the P5 perspective applied in the Kindergarten Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Beji. Because not all educational institutions, especially Early Childhood Education, have been able to implement the PAUD Curriculum system based on local wisdom in accordance with the existing programs in P5. That way the author is very interested in being able to dig deeper into the application of the PAUD Curriculum that is implemented in the Kindergarten Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Beji. The PAUD Curriculum that is implemented civers several aspects for the sake of improving the quality and quality of schools, especially the quality of child development. The results show that the implementation of the PAUD Curriculum based on local wisdom in the Kindergarten Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Beji has many positive impacts for both school institutions, teachers and students, and the environment around the Kindergarten. Teachers or intructors become more professional in determining the concepts and structures of learning implemented in schools. In addition, students are also more skilled, independent, and synergized in instilling a social and religious spirit with noble character. The success of the quality and quality of schools can be seen from the developments that occur in children. The method in this study uses qualitative research methods. The type of research used is the phenomenological approach. Where the reseracher examines a phenomenon that is experienced in the real world, namely the application of P5 in the Didaktika Uswatun Khasanah Beji Purwokerto Kindergarten. Research is conducted to be understood and studied the truth. Submission of research into the discussion descriptively

    Analisis Pengetahuan Matematika, Didaktika, dan Teknologi Calon Guru Sekolah Dasar Menggunakan Rasch Model

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    AbstrakPengetahuan matematika, didaktika, dan teknologi yang harus dimilik oleh calon guru dan guru, sebelumnya diukur dengan metode classical test theory (CTT), namun memiliki keterbatasan. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengetahuan tersebut dengan metode yang diprekdiksi lebih akurat yaitu item response theory (IRT) dari rasch model. Metode penelitian meliputi survey pengetahuan matematika dan didaktika serta survey pengetahuan teknologi menggunakan angket. Subjek penelitian yaitu 38 mahasiswa tahun kedua calon guru sekolah dasar dari sebuah institusi pendidikan guru sekolah dasar di Pekanbaru. Hasil studi menunjukkan calon guru sekolah dasar memiliki pengetahuan matematika dan teknologi cukup baik, namun pengetahuan didaktika sangat rendah. Analisis pengetahuan calon guru menggunkan rasch model mampu memberikan gambaran tingkat kesulitan soal/item yang diberikan, tingkat pengetahuan responden, dan interaksi antar responden dan antar soal. Institusi pendidikan perlu mengembangkan pembelajaran bagi calon guru sekolah dasar yang mampu mendukung penguatan dan pengembangan pengetahuan matematika, didaktika, dan teknologi. Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Mathematical, Didactic, and Technological Knowledge Using Rasch Model Analysis AbstractKnowledge of mathematics, didactics, and technology that must be owned by pre-service and in-service teachers, previously measured by the classical test theory (CTT), but has limitations. Study aims to determine that knowledge with a more accurate prediction method using the item response theory (IRT) from the Rasch model. Study used a survey of mathematical and didactic knowledge, and a survey of technological knowledge with a scale. The subjects were 38 second-year students from an elementary school teacher education institution in Pekanbaru. This study indicates that pre-service teachers have relatively sufficient mathematics and technological knowledge, but they were lack of didactic knowledge. Analysis of pre-service teachers’ knowledge using the Rasch model can provide an overview of the difficulty level of the items given, the level of pre-service teachers’ knowledge, and the interaction between respondents and between questions. Institutions need to develop learning instruction for pre-service teachers that can support the strengthening and development of their mathematical, didactic, and technological knowledge

    Didaktika přírodovědy a rámcové vzdělávací programy

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    Příspěvek se zabývá ustavením didaktiky přírodovědy jako vědecké disciplíny.Příspěvek se zabývá ustavením didaktiky přírodovědy jako vědecké disciplíny.Paper deals with problem of creating of science education as a science

    A case study of misconceptions students in the learning of mathematics; The concept limit function in high school

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    This study aims to find out how high the level and trends of student misconceptions experienced by high school students in Indonesia. The subject of research that is a class XI student of Natural Science (IPA) SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan with the subject matter limit function. Forms of research used in this study is a qualitative research, with a strategy that is descriptive qualitative research. The data analysis focused on the results of the students' answers on the test essay subject matter limit function with the number of students by 16 (sixteen). Data collection techniques used are shaped test methods essay, interview method to students who have misconceptions, and methods of documentation of the test answers. Examination of the validity of the data using a triangulation technique that compares the data written test results with data from interviews. The results of this study can be described as follows; (1) The level of misconceptions experienced by students belonging to the category of low, amounting to 12.18%. However, students who do not understand the concept quite high at 40.38%, and the others are students who understand the concept that is equal to 47.44%. (2) The misconception most experienced students lie in subconcepts explain the meaning of limit function at one point through the calculation of values around that point, that is equal to 20.51%. The tendency misconceptions experienced by students is located on errors and operating concepts that misconceptions students that there should be no limit in the completion of the writing of the emblem and misconceptions about the limit students to conclude if the limit value of 0 is no limit to the value of the function

    Didaktika vagy Praktika? – ez itt a kérdés!

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    Организация дифференцированного обучения на уроке с использованием вариативных дидактических материалов

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    Статья посвящена разноуровнему обучению, технология организации которого включает три обязательных компонента: 1. Дифференцированная подача учебного материала; 2. Работа в маленьких разноуровневых группах; 3. Доступность учебно-методических материалов для студентов. Дифференцированное обучение по предметам, связанным с искусством, помогает формировать правильную самооценку студентов, позволяет каждому студенту разработать свой собственный образовательный маршрут для развития мыслительных и творческих способностей