191 research outputs found

    A restorative approach for class II resin composite restorations: A two-year follow-up

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    This clinical report describes a restorative technique used to replace two Class II resin composite restorations on the upper premolars. A sectional matrix band was used in conjunction with an elastic ring (Composi- Tight) to obtain tight proximal contact. A nanofilled resin composite (Filtek Supreme Ultra) was incrementally applied using oblique layers to reduce the C-factor, each layer being no more than 2 mm thick, and then light cured for 20 seconds with a light-emitting diode lamp (EliparFreeLight 2 LED Curing Light) with a power density of 660 mW/cm2. A centripetal technique was used to restore the lost tooth structure from the periphery toward the center of the cavity in order to achieve a better contour and anatomy with less excess, thereby minimizing the use of rotary instruments during the finishing procedures. Finally, the resin composite restorations were finished and polished, and a surface sealer (Perma Seal) was applied to fill small gaps and defects that may have been present on the surfaces and margins of the restorations after the finishing and polishing procedures

    Social Sustainability of Water and Waste Management Companies in Portugal

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    The Sustainable Development Goals aim at balancing economic, social and environmental development. In this framework, social sustainability is key to tackle current challenges that hinder the maximization of social satisfaction. Yet, for many years, scholars have negleted the social dimension. A possible explanation may be the difficulty to measure social concepts such as well-being and prosperity. Thus, we argue that, to evaluate sectoral performance, the concept of social sustainability should be translated into metrics, by focusing on the indicators that impact on those social concepts. Consequently, time-series data from Quadros do Pessoal, PORDATA and SABI databases for the sector of Water Collection, Treatment and Distribution, Sanitation, Waste Management and Depollution, are consulted to analyze the evolution of those indicators and evaluate corporate performance concerning social sustainability in 2008–2019. In line with previous literature, we use average wages and employment as proxies for social sustainability. However, we introduce a new indicator, the average term for receipts to carry out an analysis from the stakeholders’ perspective. The results suggest that, especially as of 2017, sectoral firms appear to have reagained their momentum concerning social sustainability performance. This study provides the opportunity to uncover average sectoral trends on social sustainability and paves the way for future research exploring firms’ heterogeneity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este artigo aborda as consequências de um novo modelo de arquitetura organizacional na Administração pública, advindo da criação dos Institutos Federais de Educação Tecnológica. A pesquisa realizada teve como objetivo analisar processo de implantação da nova arquitetura organizacional no Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais. Nossa intenção aqui é analisaras mudanças no modelo de organização sob o ponto de vista dos servidores do IFMG no processo de implantação da nova arquitetura organizacional.Os resultados que a resistência de servidores à mudança organizacional, centralização de decisões, despreparo de gestores, ausência de informação, dificuldades de adaptação às mudanças. E que o modelo atual de gestão adotado e o conhecimento sobre Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) do IFMG são pouco eficazes. Esta pesquisa, que constitui um estudo de caso, sofre limitações de generalização e por este motivo sugere-se que seja repetida em outros estabelecimentos

    A utilidade da informação contabilística na gestão das instituições de ensino superior em Portugal : o caso do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

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    O regime jurídico das instituições de ensino superior (IES) em Portugal, consagrado desde 2007, confere-lhes autonomia patrimonial, administrativa e financeira face ao Estado, sem prejuízo da ação fiscalizadora da tutela e do Governo; em favor da transparência, cabe-lhes o dever de informação ao Estado como garantia de estabilidade orçamental, bem como o dever de informação interna e à comunidade, de forma acessível e rigorosa, sobre a sua situação financeira. Portanto, os órgãos de gestão administrativa e financeira das IES portuguesas suportam muitas das suas decisões, em regra, na informação preparada e submetida às entidades de supervisão. Questiona-se, pois, qual a perceção da utilidade da informação contabilística no apoio à tomada de decisão, designadamente quando assume maior relevância em conjunturas de recessão financeira e de austeridade socioeconómica como aquela que assola os países do sul da Europa. No caso do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, na perspetiva da sua direção de serviços financeiros, a utilidade da contabilidade no processo de decisão revela-se essencial pois proporciona informação integrada em vários níveis: execução orçamental, sustentabilidade patrimonial e financeira, controlo de tesouraria e afetação dos gastos e rendimentos por centros de responsabilidade. Este artigo, de índole profissional, partilha a experiência de quem trabalha na Direção de Serviços Financeiros, na dependência do Conselho de Gestão, de uma instituição de ensino superior com cerca de 12.000 alunos e 1.300 colaboradores: o Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. Em conclusão, suscita tópicos para discussão, aponta implicações da situação atual e perspetivas de pesquisa futura

    Long-term changes in cork oak and holm oak patches connectivity. The Algarve, Portugal, a Mediterranean landscape case study

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    Structural connectivity can be inferred by several landscape metrics that appear to be relevant for characterizing how landscapes constrain or favor the presence and movement of animal species at the level of the regional landscape. Trends of change can be estimated trough spatial time-series analysis. The use of historical maps increases the time span of analysis of the landscape dynamic, relative to the use of remote sensing-related information. Supported by GIS, in this study, a framework for the analyses of the long-term trends of change in the connectivity of the Algarve regional landscape was used to seize the possibility of expanding the span of the spatial time series by integrating an unpublished agricultural and forest map from the turn of the 19th to the 20th century with another historical map and two recent maps. The total area covered by cork and holm oak-related community patches and their connectivity increased over the 20th century and stabilized in the 21st century. A reflection on Portuguese contemporary land-cover policies is urged, to face the sustainable planning and management challenges concerning biodiversity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de biossorventes para remoção de crómio de efluentes industriais

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    The removal of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) from water solutions by biosorption on an Arthrobacter viscosus biofilm supported on a granular activated carbon was studied and is presented. The following parameters were considered: concentration of hexavalent Cr, concentration of trivalent Cr, competition with other metal, Cd, and cellular viability. The biofilm was kept active in different growth media and afterwards suffered a thermic treatment for reduction of metabolism and reutilization as biossorbent. High values of Cr (VI) uptake were reached, with a maximum at 80 ppm in the original solution. Cr (III) removal was less efficient but operational conditions were not yet optimised. The presence of another ion interfered with the overall Cr removal and the uptake was slightly reduced. There seems to ben some advantage in the maintenance of the metabolic activity in terms of the metallic solution remediation