3,300 research outputs found

    Low cycle fatigue behavior of conventionally cast MAR-M 200 AT 1000 deg C

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    The low cycle fatigue behavior of the nickel-based superalloy MAR-M 200 in conventionally cast form was studied at 1000 C. Continuous cycling tests, without hold times, were conducted with inelastic strain ranges of from 0.04 to 0.33 percent. Tests were also conducted which included a hold time at peak strain in either tension or compression. For the conditions studied, it was determined that imposition of hold times did not significantly affect the fatigue life. Also, for continuous cycling tests, increasing or decreasing the cycle frequency did not affect life. Metallographic analysis revealed that the most significant damage mechanism involved environmentally assisted intergranular crack initiation and propagation, regardless of the cycle type. Changes in the gamma morphology (rafting and rod formation) were observed, but did not significantly affect the failure

    Micromechanics of cyclic deformation in SSME turbopump blade materials

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    Current and candidate Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) turbopump blade materials are anisotropic, both in their elastic and plastic response. The major objective is to characterize the plastic deformation behavior of a typical single crystal nickel-base superalloy, PWA 1480, and to use this information to help guide the development of anisotropic constitutive models

    Fundamental study in low-density gas dynamics Progress report, 1 Nov. 1968 - 30 Jun. 1969

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    Theoretical and experimental study of rarefied gas viscoseals in continuum to free molecular density range and speeds up to 30,000 rp

    Low cycle fatigue of MAR-M 200 single crystals at 760 and 870 deg C

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    Fully reversed low cycle fatigue tests were conducted on single crystals of the nickel-base superalloys Mar-M 200 at 760 C and 870 C. At 760 C, planar slip (octahedral) lead to orientation-dependent strain hardening and cyclic lives. Multiple slip crystals strain hardened the most, resulting in relatively high stress ranges and low lives. Single slip crystals strain hardened the least, resulting in relatively low stress ranges and higher lives. A preferential crack initiation site which was related to slip plane geometry was observed in single slip orientated crystals. At 870 C, the trends were quite different, and the slip character was much more homogeneous. As the tensile axis orientation deviated from 001 , the stress ranges increased and the cyclic lives decreased. Two possible mechanisms were proposed to explain the behavior: one is based on Takeuchi and Kuramoto's cube cross-slip model, and the other is based on orientation-dependent creep rates

    A dual telescope for spectroheliography in the extreme ultra-violet

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    Dual reflecting telescope design for ultraviolet spectroheliograph

    Torquemada and Unemployment Compensation Appeals

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    Abstract for a piece in the 1995 Unemployment Compensation: Continuity and Change symposium presented by the Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation and the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform

    On certain sets of matrices: Euclidean squared distance matrices, ray-nonsingular matrices and matrices generated by reflections

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    In this dissertation, we study three different sets of matrices. First, we consider Euclidean distance squared matrices. Given n points in Euclidean space, we construct an n x n Euclidean squared distance matrix by assigning to each entry the square of the pairwise interpoint Euclidean distance. The study of distance matrices is useful in computational chemistry and structural molecular biology. The purpose of the first part of the thesis is to better understand this set of matrices and its different characterizations so that a number of open problems might be answered and known results improved. We look at geometrical properties of this set, investigate forms of linear maps that preserve this set, consider the uniqueness of completions to this set and look at subsets that form regular figures. In the second part of this thesis, we consider ray-pattern matrices. A ray-pattern matrix is a complex matrix with each nonzero entry having modulus one. A ray-pattern is said to be ray-nonsingular if all positive entry-wise scalings are nonsingular. A full ray-pattern matrix has no zero entries. It is known that for n \u3e 5, there are no full ray-nonsingular matrices but examples exist for n \u3c 5. We show that there are no 5 x 5 full ray-nonsingular matrices. The last part of this thesis studies certain of the finite reflection groups. A reflection is a linear endomorphism T on the Euclidean space V such that T(v) = v - 2(v, u)u for all v ∈ V. A reflection group is a group of invertible operators in the algebra of linear endomorphism on V that are generated by a set of reflections. One question that has recently been studied is the form of linear operators that preserve finite reflection groups. We first discuss known results about preservers of some finite reflection groups. We end by showing the forms of the remaining open cases


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    Yielding and deformation behavior of the single crystal nickel-base superalloy PWA 1480

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    Interrupted tensile tests were conducted to fixed plastic strain levels in 100 ordered single crystals of the nickel based superalloy PWA 1480. Testing was done in the range of 20 to 1093 C, at strain rate of 0.5 and 50%/min. The yield strength was constant from 20 to 760 C, above which the strength dropped rapidly and became a stong function of strain rate. The high temperature data were represented very well by an Arrhenius type equation, which resulted in three distinct temperature regimes. The deformation substructures were grouped in the same three regimes, indicating that there was a fundamental relationship between the deformation mechanisms and activation energies. Models of the yielding process were considered, and it was found that no currently available model was fully applicable to this alloy. It was also demonstrated that the initial deformation mechanism (during yielding) was frequently different from that which would be inferred by examining specimens which were tested to failure

    High temperature low-cycle fatigue mechanisms in single crystals of nickel-based superalloy Mar-M 200

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    Twenty three high temperature low-cycle fatigue tests were conducted on single crystals of the nickel-based superalloy Mar-M 200. Tests were conducted at 760 and 870 C. SEM fractography and transmission electron microscopy were used to determine mechanisms responsible for the observed orientation dependent fatigue behavior. It has been concluded that the plastic characteristics of the alloy lead to orientation-dependent strain hardening and fatigue lives at 760 C. At 870 C, the elastic characteristics of the alloy dominated the behavior, even though the plastic strain ranges were about the same as they were at 760 C. This led to orientation-dependent fatigue lives, but the trends were not the same as they were at 760 C
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