1,260 research outputs found

    Social Capital and Public Policies for Commons: Bottom up Processes in Public Real Estate Property Valorization

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    AbstractValorisation of public real estate property has been lately matter of political and administrative discussions at national level. The policies currently promoted by public administration are oriented to simplify patrimonial and planning procedures. Recently, new valorisation forms of public property took place. In Italy, following relevant international examples, self-organized communities promoted profit and no profit activities in abandoned or undeveloped public real estate assets. The aim of the research consists in the analysis of the conditions for the successful value creation generated by bottom up, self-organized processes in the public real estate valorisation. Two hypothesis have been tested: the first one concerns the role of social capital as a premise of these initiatives; the second one regards the public policies supporting bottom up valorisations. The multivariate statistics have been used to analyze data and three clusters emerged from the empirical survey. The findings confirm the initial hypothesis of the research. Social capital is crucial for the development of bottom up public property valorisation. Nevertheless, where social capital is lacking, public policies appear to be relevant to support local bottom up entrepreneurship in cultural activities, welfare, and profit activities


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    This essay examines the situation and the lines of development of industrial districts from the point of view of local systems of innovation. First of all, this article points out to the modernity factors of the district model – which are ascribable to the supply chain economy, to entrepreneurial dynamics and to the importance of geography as a competitive resource – through the analysis of recent contributions of economic literature that examined the emerging organizational models in knowledge economy. Secondly, the outcomes of recent research on leading companies of Italian industrial districts will be presented, looking at three particularly topics of ongoing changes: the process of international opening of the value chain, the technological conditions of competitive advantage, the relationship between strategies and economic performance. Finally, some considerations on the issue of policies will be developed. Such considerations underline the need to re-think the traditional models of local governance of development and suggest to look at the new external district economies, based on service economies, on much more considerable investments in training, technological and cultural activities and, finally, on more aware institutional actions with reference to the association of companies in innovation projects.Industrial districts, Innovation Systems, Entrepreneurship, Global Value Chain

    Construcción de conocimientos geométricos a través del plegado

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigación que se está llevando a cabo sobre el estudio de las técnicas del origami en la clase de matemática. La investigación se enmarca dentro de los lineamientos de la construcción social del conocimiento matemático, la socioepistemología. Se entiende por origami a la técnica del plegado de papel y se considera que en el desarrollo de esta actividad se construyen determinados conceptos matemáticos en escenarios no académicos que pueden incluirse en la clase de geometría


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    The enhancement of public real estate property is a very important issue at national and international level. For this purpose, the Italian public administration promotes many policies that are oriented to simplify patrimonial and planning procedures. Recently, new enhancement forms of public real-estate asset took place. Self-organized communities started to promote profit and no profit activities in unused public property. The aim of the paper is to analyse the main conditions to create new economic and social value by bottom up enhancement processes in Italian public real-estate assets. In particular, two hypothesis have been evaluated: the first one conceives the social capital as a premise to start these activities; the second one concerns the use of specific public policies as a tool to support bottom up processes. Throughout the multivariate statistics, have been analyzed fifty cases studies and three clusters emerged, confirming the initial theory of the research. Social capital is essential for the beginning of bottom-up processes to enhance public property. Nevertheless, where social capital is lacking, public policies can be a relevant alternative to support local bottom up activitie

    Ann-based model for the prediction of the bond strength between frp and concrete

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    In the last decades, the uses of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in the structural strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures have become the state of the art, providing a valid alternative to the traditional use of steel plates. These relatively new materials present, in fact, great advantages, including high corrosion resistance in aggressive environments, low specific weight, high strength-to-mass-density ratio, magnetic and electric neutrality, low axial coefficient of thermal expansion and sustainable costs of installation. In flexural and shear strengthening of RC members, the effectiveness of the epoxy bonded FRP strongly depends on the adhesion forces exchanged with the concrete substrate. When the flexural moment is present, the FRP strengthening is activated through the stress transfer on the tension side, which is guaranteed by the contact beam region to which the adhesive is bonded to the beam itself. Hence, the determination of the maximum forces that cause debonding of the FRP-plate becomes crucial for a proper design. Over the years, many different analytical models have been provided in the scientific literature. Most of them are based on the calibration of the narrow experimental database. Now, hundreds of experimental results are available. The main goal of the current study is to present and discuss an alternative theoretical formulation for predicting the debonding force in an FRP-plate, epoxy-bonded to the concrete substrate by using an artificial neural networks (ANNs) approach. For this purpose, an extensive study of the state of the art, reporting the results of single lap shear tests, is also reported and discussed. The robustness of the proposed analytical model was validated by performing a parametric analysis and a comparison with other existing models and international design codes, as shown herein

    Regenerating Places outside the Metropolis : a Reading of Three Global Art-Related Processes and Development Trajectories

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    The aim of the paper is to reflect on the intersection of two relevant phenomena that unfolded in recent decades in all the most industrialized countries and economies—from the United States to Europe and Japan—as the shrinkage of vast urban and rural areas and the increasing role of culture as a driver for economic growth and social development. The attention is focused on the role of art as one of the main engines of territorial regeneration. Three case studies—Verzegnis in Italy, the Seto Islands in Japan, Marfa in the United States—have been selected to open a reflection on the relation between culture, art and regeneration on a global scale. To measure these effects, the research intertwined field explorations, access to primary and secondary texts, an original mapping of the sites and a series of targeted interviews through an extensive questionnaire. The research addresses the role played by art and culture both in the reuse of abandoned buildings and spaces and in the activation, involvement and self-empowerment of the inhabitants. The aim is not the definition of an immediately generalizable model but to reach the first synthesis, identifying general characters and opening future research paths that engage with the theoretical and practical implementation of politics related to heritage, culture and innovative regeneration processes

    El uso de figuras de análisis en escenarios no escolares. Su influencia en el aula de matemática

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    La investigación tiene su origen en las dificultades que presentan los alumnos del profesorado de Matemática para el uso de figuras de análisis. Esta problemática llevó a reflexionar sobre el rol que juegan estas figuras en la resolución de problemas en la sociedad. Para ello, se seleccionaron tres oficios que requieren la construcción de objetos (modista, tejedora y obrero de la construcción). En entrevistas, se obtuvo evidencia del uso de dibujos o croquis que acompañan a su labor. En estas prácticas detectadas, también presentes en el aula, pudieron observarse algunas normas propias de un determinado grupo social, relacionadas a su labor

    La geometría entretejida

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    El presente artículo recopila el conocimiento geométrico plasmado a través de diseños textiles de diferentes pueblos nativos de América. Puede verse cómo en el arte del tejido en telar, se transmiten distintos conocimientos, muchos de ellos asociados a sus creencias, a ideas religiosas, estatus social o político. El marco, en el cual se ha realizado la presente investigación, es la etnomatemática, estudiando así los conocimientos matemáticos transmitidos en forma oral y plasmados en las prendas tejidas. Es así como se estudiarán los tejidos guatemaltecos, realizados por descendientes del pueblo Maya, transmitiendo en ellos parte de su cultura, también se incluirá un análisis de la obra textil incaica, para luego finalizar con los diseños realizados por el pueblo Mapuche que habitan el sur del territorio argentino

    Resolución de ecuaciones con un soporte geométrico: la obra de Omar Jayyam

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    El trabajo que se presenta es parte de una investigación en proceso, en la cual se concibe la Historia de la Matemática como un recurso didáctico. En este caso se aborda el asunto de la resolución de ecuaciones cúbicas, específicamente lo encontrando en la obra de Omar Jayyam, poeta y matemático árabe del siglo xi, quien realizó un trabajo minucioso de esta clase de ecuaciones. El gran aporte de la Matemática árabe que no siempre es valorizada. En este reconocimiento no solo se busca recuperar logros que han caído en el olvido sino que al estudiar el método geométrico de resolución permite integrar distintas ramas de la Matemática

    ¿Existe más de una clasificación de cuadriláteros? ¿por qué?

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigación sobre la presencia de los cuadriláteros en el discurso matemático escolar y se centra en la clasificación de los mismos. La investigación se enmarca dentro de los lineamientos de la construcción social del conocimiento matemático, la socioepistemología. Se han analizado libros de texto escolares y se han analizado casos particulares. Según los resultados obtenidos puede decirse que la clasificación de cuadriláteros no es única y depende de los consensos realizados al momento de institucionalizar un contenido matemático